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So are mods allowed to decompile the game? Or are they given info not available to the rest of us?

So are mods allowed to decompile the game? Or are they given info not available to the rest of us?

24 нояб. 2019, 18:3024.11.19

So are mods allowed to decompile the game? Or are they given info not available to the rest of us?

So this is neat. Dragon Paws claims to have info related to damage multipliers, something that seems to be hidden unless you either hack/decompile the game, or are given the information by the devs. If he or someone he knows hacked/decompiled the game to extract data like this, is that against the TOS? If given the info by the devs, are they giving unfair advantages to their mod volunteers?

If he doesn't have the information, would this be considered trolling? Are any of these acceptable?

24 нояб. 2019, 18:4024.11.19
24 нояб. 2019, 19:5824.11.19
24 нояб. 2019, 19:59(отредактировано)
hands up all employees of plarium that want to respond to this ...and, bear in mind, we pay you.......anybody?....bueller....bueller.....
25 нояб. 2019, 00:5025.11.19
25 нояб. 2019, 09:21(отредактировано)

Dragon Paws is an awesome Moderator!

And you are trying to get him in trouble?

Lets get the VOLUNTEER MODERATOR in trouble?

Lets SEND the VOLUNTEER home?

That is how brilliant you are!

Are you brilliant enough to think getting Dragon Paws in trouble is going to some how get the game to release the damage multipliers?

Nope, not even close!

They are not giving out any information and because of your brilliant stunt.

Dragon Paws as well as the other Moderators are not going to want to tell anyone any information at all!

The Volunteer Moderators are on "The Players Side".

Getting them in trouble is like shooting yourself in the foot.

Don't you understand that?

25 нояб. 2019, 01:3225.11.19
wow, seriously get some counselling, freedom of speech and all that, a person has a right to express a view and point out anything they deem unfit or unfair, what you have said is out of order, you could just downvote the comment or disagree with it, but personal attack, unjustified and unwarranted.
25 нояб. 2019, 02:2125.11.19

Hello there, let me help ya out with this. We don't get any access to ratios, multipliers or anything of that nature. There is no api for this game. I've already tried to get one as we wanted to build a website to allow access to these ratios, but this information is in house only. meaning us volunteer, forum, or discord moderators dont have this information. even cirilla would have to ask a game dev, we dont just have a google doc laying around.

also we get it you dont like the discord mods, i dont really know any of them personally, but they are all good guys and legitimately try their best to help out and get alot of flak for it.

25 нояб. 2019, 05:2225.11.19
25 нояб. 2019, 09:21(отредактировано)

Rasputin said:

wow, seriously get some counselling, freedom of speech and all that, a person has a right to express a view and point out anything they deem unfit or unfair, what you have said is out of order, you could just downvote the comment or disagree with it, but personal attack, unjustified and unwarranted.

You are correct!

Freedom of Speech - Right to Express a view & point out anything they deem unfit


A Raid Player going to Discord to ask the Moderator a Question.

A Moderator trying to answer the question the best they can.

Only for the Raid player to come back to the forums behind the Moderators back - to post everything that was said in an effort to get the Moderator in trouble!

Where I come from we have a word to describe a person who does something like that.

A "D.Bag"

Personal Attack? Don't even make me laugh - You Troll!

I would tell Grizzles what I really thought about him, but I'm a Christian-Catholic.

If I was to tell him how I really feel, I would have to do Hail Mary's in 2 different Churches and my knees wouldn't be able to handle it.

All the Moderators in the entire game!

He tries to get Dragon Paws in trouble?

Dragon Paws is the only Moderator that does cool looking Dragon Icons!

He looked at those cool looking Dragon Icons and still - STILL - TRIED TO GET DRAGON PAWS IN TROUBLE!


I hope he does a Summon Rush and tries to open a bunch of Sacred Shards.

I hope when he goes to Open those Sacred Shards - His Game Glitches and he pulls an Uncommon Hero!

It would be Karma Justice!

The problem is you people don't know!

You are oblivious to the truth.

Dragon Paws is one of the most Famous moderators that we have!

Why is Dragon Paws Famous? Because he is the moderator that post Dragon Icons!

Dragons are so cool - Everyone loves Dragons!

I have spoken to Dragon Paws before dozens of times.

He has helped me.

He has helped others.

He does this all the time.

And what you don't know is he is a funny - practical joker type of person.

He isn't being serious.

He is just joking around.

I am convinced those messages have been taken out of context.

They are taken out of context to put a negative light on Dragon Paws.

Grizzles should be ashamed.
25 нояб. 2019, 05:3025.11.19
its a game, its a question he is entitled to ask and was answered with decorum by a moderator, you want to call people everything under the sun and preach you dual religion thats your call to make, but seriously chill out, does nobody any good to rant like that.
25 нояб. 2019, 05:5725.11.19
25 нояб. 2019, 06:02(отредактировано)

Rasputin said:

its a game, its a question he is entitled to ask and was answered with decorum by a moderator, you want to call people everything under the sun and preach you dual religion thats your call to make, but seriously chill out, does nobody any good to rant like that.

The OP is willing to throw another individual person under the bus over a damage multiplier?

I'm sorry, but what type of games do you play were that is ok?

The damage multiplier is a fictional pixelated number created by a programmer.

The OP values that fictional number over a person who helps people day in and day out - The OP is willing to go to such lengths to get such person in trouble.

You seriously don't see anything wrong here?

25 нояб. 2019, 08:5025.11.19
25 нояб. 2019, 08:51(отредактировано)

People just don't bother about PlayerJ. He's all for RSL, defending it in such extreme way it shows he's too addicted to see when things are rotten. Like the pay2win aspect, the greediness of RSL, how not user friendly the game is.

I'm pretty sure he has spent to much to accept he just did a big mistake and got fooled around :)

Btw 1.12 changed ... nothing :) it's still going for more frustration, and nothing usefull for players \o/ how surprising !!
25 нояб. 2019, 09:1825.11.19

Hello all

The answer is that moderators talk from extensive experience(testing) that is all

I'm now closing this as an answer, please note all, name-calling or been offensive won't be tolerated.

many thanks
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