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Live Arena Mision Suckz

Live Arena Mision Suckz

29 дек. 2024, 17:054 дня

Live Arena Mision Suckz

Live Arena mision sucks. Not only is a mision we are forced to do in a specific time, but also is not enought to play it, YOU MUST WIN in order to complete de mision. 

+ You only have 5 attemps, if u cant win, screw you.

Is next level of bullsh*t in a game.. team tag didnt work so you force players to do 5 daily battles, not cool, but well, is just playing 5 times. But in LIVE ARENA you have pushed the limits even more

29 дек. 2024, 17:114 дня

You get 10 attempts.  If you can't win 1 of 10, u really should find another game...

29 дек. 2024, 17:164 дня

You get 10 attempts.  If you can't win 1 of 10, u really should find another game...

How dare he not have the same champs as those that have been playing 10x longer or spent 10x more.

Like who does not have a full roster or mythical champions by their 3rd month of playing.

Yes as Trips said. Spend more or leave...

29 дек. 2024, 23:214 дня

I mean generally after 3 straight losses you get a bot team that's pretty easy usually 

30 дек. 2024, 00:464 дня

In my experience the match making is decent, which by Plariom standards is a massive improvement

If most people did LA the match making wud improve (in silver/bronze tiers) as everyone wud be in their correct tiers

the whole reason we now have 'win 1 fight' is because ppl wernt doing it and as Plarium loves the carrot and stick approach, here we are

Personally i think if less ppl do LA they may try abit more carrot, so feel free to whinge about it and dont do it!!

30 дек. 2024, 03:394 дня

I think people should have more options in advance quests, obviously people dont like 100% every aspect of the game so the forced quest is a really big question mark

Example, i played elder scrolls online for like ~6 years, and from that time i was in pvp zone maybe 20 hours tops, now if the pvp aspect wouldve been forced, i dont think that me, or many players wouldve played that long...and me not being there didnt make it less enjoyable for people who were in pvp zones daily

Make it 15 advanced quests and you only need to complete 10 or something so people actually have choice

30 дек. 2024, 09:033 дня

In my experience the match making is decent, which by Plariom standards is a massive improvement

If most people did LA the match making wud improve (in silver/bronze tiers) as everyone wud be in their correct tiers

the whole reason we now have 'win 1 fight' is because ppl wernt doing it and as Plarium loves the carrot and stick approach, here we are

Personally i think if less ppl do LA they may try abit more carrot, so feel free to whinge about it and dont do it!!

In this case they went stick and bigger stick;

People weren't doing live arena, so they made it mandatory.

But since they are doing it now that they're forced, the devs said they won't be adding Chimera to the great hall area bonuses