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Sick of this game

Sick of this game

26 дек. 2024, 18:3726.12.24

Sick of this game

I poured a ton of resources and time into making sure I picked up those stupid Yuletide tokens, only to come up short by 10 damn tokens. I don't even know how it's possible that I missed any, but the fact is, even with the free tokens, I still came up short. After years of playing this stupid game, I'm done. If you don't spend money like the whales, you really can't advance in this game. Sorry for the rant, but maybe I should thank Plarium; they've finally gotten me to quit. New Year's resolution: Goodbye, Raid: Shadow Legends!

27 дек. 2024, 18:3227.12.24

MEH  ,  truthfully  I say this without  reservation

I did  not even try  (seriously)   never even did the  fusion or played this  game  hard  last 30 days  and  guess what

I completed that!

28 дек. 2024, 05:1828.12.24

I mean, they gave us 20 free tokens a day for 2 weeks and then I think 200 at the end? You had to skip a lot of tokens rewards in Events/Tournaments to not finish.... which is fine if you weren't seriously going for Nic but if you WERE then I'm not sure how you ended up short

29 дек. 2024, 20:0129.12.24
29 дек. 2024, 20:11(отредактировано)

The daily 20 plus the free 100 at the end were pretty nice for me. I ended up way over, like 400, which I guess is pretty inefficient.

I went pretty hard at the beginning cause I wanted to make sure I got the champ. Glad to see some others got him without needing to go so hard like I did, haha

30 дек. 2024, 08:5830.12.24

The daily 20 plus the free 100 at the end were pretty nice for me. I ended up way over, like 400, which I guess is pretty inefficient.

I went pretty hard at the beginning cause I wanted to make sure I got the champ. Glad to see some others got him without needing to go so hard like I did, haha

Yeah, I really over-shot. Regret doing a bit of pushing to get the ones from the titan event souls thingy

And I still did it all f2p