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Doom is a waste of time Mega sluggish !

Doom is a waste of time Mega sluggish !

14 дек. 2024, 23:3014.12.24

Doom is a waste of time Mega sluggish !

I think you have to be a level 40 just to unlock Doom I have a pretty soild 4 team of Loki, Galek, Skelator, Warpriest with Kael, Fencer, Magus, Valerie, Crusader, and sniper making up the 5th for what ever situation arises.  I can not compete against lvl 123 soldiers that start the 1st round.  Why give me access so early on.  game play is in slow motion its terrible how sliggish game paly is.  is it bad for others?  

15 дек. 2024, 03:1115.12.24
15 дек. 2024, 03:11(отредактировано)

First off, anytime you go to a new area the default speed might be set to 1. Might wanna check that to the bottom left.

Second, what's the harm in giving you access early exactly? It doesn't cost any resources other than DT Keys to do the battles and there's rewards for each stage that are more valuable the newer your account is.

Third, you might wanna screenshot your roster so folk can give you advice of a team to use for DT floors.

Lastly, the level is gonna be higher and you can see 200s as well. It's to balance out their power since they don't have gear vs. your champions that do. I still remember how tough DT Normal seemed the first time I got there. In fact everything has that feeling of difficulty. But once you get a good team going and decent gear, it's super easy and you wonder why/how you ever struggled.

On the note of gear, Dragon is 3x Speed drops right now and that's probably one of the BEST sets for you. I mean it's a great set period but especially for new accounts

15 дек. 2024, 13:2815.12.24

Could you explain the need of speed in the game.  I see certain champions move very slow but I am sure I am missing something ! so please from your perspective.

15 дек. 2024, 18:2415.12.24

He's referring to the stat which affects the order champs attack in. If you're talking about the literal animation speed, make sure you select the "X2" speed button to speed things up, and, aside from that, make sure you're using a decently modern phone - my animation speeds basically doubled when I upgraded a few years ago.

15 дек. 2024, 19:0515.12.24

Also reset the client every so often.  Memory leak can cause slow downs as well.

15 дек. 2024, 22:5015.12.24

Though I should say - your concept of a "solid" team is very, very wrong, and will not really get you very far ... anywhere, really.

19 дек. 2024, 14:2319.12.24

Though I should say - your concept of a "solid" team is very, very wrong, and will not really get you very far ... anywhere, really.

well exscuse the heck out of me I am playing with what i am givin I like the game but I wont spend money to get more champions Its all random anyway and designed to fleece you of real money for like guarenteed champions I'll get as far as i want to get. 

19 дек. 2024, 15:0119.12.24

I mean if you want to play the victimhood card go ahead. But there are plenty of avenues to advance without spending money. My point was simply to state that you're investing in very sub-par champs, and that you'd have much more success if you spent a bit of time understanding which are worth investing in. Posting your roster here is a good start.

19 дек. 2024, 22:3319.12.24

Yes, post your roster and let the regulars here help you with teams and champ selection. :)

20 дек. 2024, 09:3320.12.24

my brother improve your roster gear

22 дек. 2024, 21:1722.12.24
22 дек. 2024, 21:24(отредактировано)


I have more in champions vault i'll try to post... update I cannot get a full screen shoot of champions vault 

22 дек. 2024, 21:3622.12.24
Michael Wirkus


I have more in champions vault i'll try to post... update I cannot get a full screen shoot of champions vault 

So your biggest issue is you're wasting a lot of resources on your account.

There's no need to have 3 starters ranked up to 5*, ascensions on so many champs - including ones who should really be used as chickens. One of those starters should have been made 60 to be an effective campaign farmer while the others should have been turned into chickens. Stop investing in those uncommons as Armiger really is the only one who has any use in the game. 

At this point I'd probably rank up Kael to 60. Warmaiden can go to 50 and be your defense down champ until you get a better one and High Khatun + Doompriest are your current best epics to invest in. He Man will be very good as well. 

23 дек. 2024, 00:5423.12.24

So your biggest issue is you're wasting a lot of resources on your account.

There's no need to have 3 starters ranked up to 5*, ascensions on so many champs - including ones who should really be used as chickens. One of those starters should have been made 60 to be an effective campaign farmer while the others should have been turned into chickens. Stop investing in those uncommons as Armiger really is the only one who has any use in the game. 

At this point I'd probably rank up Kael to 60. Warmaiden can go to 50 and be your defense down champ until you get a better one and High Khatun + Doompriest are your current best epics to invest in. He Man will be very good as well. 

How are they meant to book up all those epics? Get rid of the other starter champs and uncommon and use what for faction wars? Sure they will become useless 1 day but that is many months in the future.

Unless they are willing to spend mega bux this is not good advice for a newish account.

50 days in and I have only had 5 lego books but enough books for about 3 rares.

By all means Kael to 60. Warmaiden can go to 50.

That is what I use with warpriest 50, Sun wukong 60 and apothecary 50. I could not get past 2nd fight last month but I am on the 2nd boss this month.

Doom Tower can be total garbage sometimes.

23 дек. 2024, 01:1023.12.24
23 дек. 2024, 01:11(отредактировано)

How are they meant to book up all those epics? Get rid of the other starter champs and uncommon and use what for faction wars? Sure they will become useless 1 day but that is many months in the future.

Unless they are willing to spend mega bux this is not good advice for a newish account.

50 days in and I have only had 5 lego books but enough books for about 3 rares.

By all means Kael to 60. Warmaiden can go to 50.

That is what I use with warpriest 50, Sun wukong 60 and apothecary 50. I could not get past 2nd fight last month but I am on the 2nd boss this month.

Doom Tower can be total garbage sometimes.

Have you ever used Doompriest before? Absolutely doesn't need books and is going to be a helpful Clan Boss champ, among other places. Khatun doesn't necessarily need books, either.

Uncommons absolutely will not be useful in Faction Wars for any extended period of time and just shouldn't be a focus early game, at all. While the mats for Perception are helpful, it doesn't matter really matter until we can forge 5-6*. We're far better off focusing on getting a reasonable Dragon + Clan Boss team going. 

There are far too many champs that are at 40/50 in this account that could have been used to build up the useful champs on the account that will help with progression. Trading resources that could be used building up our meaningful champs to then build up champs that offer at best small advantages now is almost never worth it. Going that route is a good way to simultaneously do nothing to help your account now while being kneecapped when you actually get legitimate champs to invest in. 

23 дек. 2024, 01:1923.12.24

To add: Doom Tower is going to be very tough unless you have a team of champs built. Just because content is open to you doesn't mean it needs to be the focus of your gameplay/time in the game. There will be times that make sense to push Doom Tower, Faction Wars, etc. but it certainly isn't before you have your first team of 60s built. 

23 дек. 2024, 04:1823.12.24

To add: Doom Tower is going to be very tough unless you have a team of champs built. Just because content is open to you doesn't mean it needs to be the focus of your gameplay/time in the game. There will be times that make sense to push Doom Tower, Faction Wars, etc. but it certainly isn't before you have your first team of 60s built. 

I have looked but I can't see where someone was saying that they wanted Doom Tower to be the focus of their gameplay. 

Why have you tried to take the post out of context?

Doom Tower is part of the advanced quest for some people. So yes I do need to be able to use silver keys to get my daily rewards. The same goes for faction wars. 

When your gear is mostly 4/5 star a few extra +2/3 on stats from faction wars certainly helps. 

Focusing on 60s is fine. Telling them to get rid of champions because they don't meet your elite standard is not. 

I have to use 12 uncommons just to field a full squad in all faction wars. Dark elves is 2 Kaels and 3 snipers.

They will be replaced 1 day but for now they are needed. How long do you think someone should just grind before they are allowed to play the other parts of the game? a month? 6 months? a year?

Doompriest is ok unbooked, Khatun not so much. Apothecary at 50 does a better job for me than my 60 Khatun. I am not saying Khatun is bad, she just needs 11 books to be good.

23 дек. 2024, 05:0823.12.24

I have looked but I can't see where someone was saying that they wanted Doom Tower to be the focus of their gameplay. 

Why have you tried to take the post out of context?

Doom Tower is part of the advanced quest for some people. So yes I do need to be able to use silver keys to get my daily rewards. The same goes for faction wars. 

When your gear is mostly 4/5 star a few extra +2/3 on stats from faction wars certainly helps. 

Focusing on 60s is fine. Telling them to get rid of champions because they don't meet your elite standard is not. 

I have to use 12 uncommons just to field a full squad in all faction wars. Dark elves is 2 Kaels and 3 snipers.

They will be replaced 1 day but for now they are needed. How long do you think someone should just grind before they are allowed to play the other parts of the game? a month? 6 months? a year?

Doompriest is ok unbooked, Khatun not so much. Apothecary at 50 does a better job for me than my 60 Khatun. I am not saying Khatun is bad, she just needs 11 books to be good.

Step 1) OP mentions they think Doom Tower is a waste of time, complains about being unable to compete

Step 2) OP shows roster which doesn't have a single 6*, which is going to make it very difficult for them to progress in Doom Tower, let alone much in the game

Step 3) OP now needs to take their best champions to 60, and 50 in the case of something like WM. 

If you try to add in other nonsense, you start building champs that won't help you progress - and thus won't help you get more resources on your account (which can help you get better champs)

Investing into duplicates of rares that aren't very specific - and relevant later on in an account - is just going to drag progress to a halt. Investing in bad uncommons and rares is not going to help accounts grow, unfortunately.

My "elite standard" is champs that can actually help us now and often later. Taking dupes of rares, multiple uncommons and bad rares to 40/50 and wasting pots on them is really just gonna hold back account growth and prevent us from getting to being able to do level 20 dungeons, progress in Doom Tower and get to Brutal+ in Clan Boss faster. This is a resource management game.

The irony of putting words in my mouth about saying people should grind x amount of time before playing other parts of the game is that following the strategy of bringing up countless champions who should be chickens will prevent someone from actually progressing faster.

23 дек. 2024, 14:4923.12.24

1) No, Op complains they can't complete the first level and access should not come so early. 

They do have a point especially as using silver keys is part of the advanced quests. Some rotations it can be impossible for newer accounts to even get to the boss and use a key. 

This is a loss of 28 refil potions and 56 points towards a lego book.

2)Yes, they are in need of some guidance.

3) again yes, you are right here too. At no point did I ever disagree with that.

"My "elite standard" is champs that can actually help us now and often later. Taking dupes of rares, multiple uncommons and bad rares to 40/50 and wasting pots on them is really just gonna hold back account growth and prevent us from getting to being able to do level 20 dungeons, progress in Doom Tower and get to Brutal+ in Clan Boss faster. This is a resource management game. "

You will get more than enough other champions to use as chicken for a good team of 60s in the meantime. There is many many months between now and end game.

So what is the reason those rares and uncommons can't be played now and used as chickens later on when they have a better replacement available? 

Sure it is a bit of waste to pot an uncommons but it take something like 20 lessor pots to 4 star. 

I have been given loads from various sources. 

Uncommons are cheap, maxing out skills requires dupes of the same common and can be done in a day or 2.  Unlike legendaries which will take months to collect enough books. 

Faction wars. Key are given to you for free. Getting up to level 10 gives a whole bunch of disposable 2-4 star glyths that are needed for some quests and adds a boost to your 4-5 star gear. Also a whole bunch of resources to craft gear which gives a huge amounts of points in cvc with the odd chance of getting a good 5star. 

This is all bad because? 

23 дек. 2024, 15:1423.12.24

Because resources for early game players come at an extreme premium, and glyphs, especially at lower ranks, are worse than useless- they'll simply drain even more resources being used on sub-par items.

Step back for a second and just realise that Thorne is going to be correct in all of his statements, and anything you're disagreeing with him about is an opportunity for you to recognize your own mistaken assumptions and correct them.

23 дек. 2024, 15:4723.12.24

"Because resources for early game players come at an extreme premium, and glyphs, especially at lower ranks, are worse than useless- they'll simply drain even more resources being used on sub-par items. "

What? You think a getting 10-20% damage increase from using worthless glyth is bad?

Please explain better.

23 дек. 2024, 18:5723.12.24

10-20% damage increase? What? I HIGHLY recommend you read up on how stat increases work. Even a full set of 6* glyphs is unlikely to give you a 10-20% damage increase.