Need help to create Spider 15 team.
I need help getting past spiders 14. I managed to stablize my team for 14 which is Royal Guard (lead), sinesha(AOE wipe), bellower (CC and Debuff), gorgorab (buff), and apo (healer and speed boost). Though the run isn't that fast (around 4:30-4:45 each), it is stable in auto. I just want to get to spiders 20 and I'm stuck getting past 14 because, in my opinion, it is force affinity, and I don't have a magic affinity tank that can really tank well. What I've tried for spider 15 recently is Champfort (Lead), Spetimus (Main Damage), Bellower (CC and Debuff), Skraank (HP Burner), Apo (Healer). What happens is, champfort dies after 2 turns of the boss due to poisons and the spiderlings attack skraank next. Any ideas that you can give me would be appreciated. Thank you.