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Spenders VS FTP

Spenders VS FTP

1 окт. 2024, 20:4701.10.24

Spenders VS FTP

So we  know I am a spender. I have  a decent amount of good champions and mythicals...But how do I play??

I play for FUN!  I AUTO everything. Throw together a team and hit auto......Probably why my Trunda  does not do the  Billion damage in Hydra

So I say to you all do not paint us spenders with a brush that says cause we  spend we cheating or cheezing this game with insane builds

I suck at this game / rage quit 2 times / and still play this game = Because its so FUN!!!! 

So I do not support any nerfs in this game. Even though FTP players (Trips) are  wrecking me in this game. 

I do not have Wixwell  but not mad my clan  loses every Hydra clash...

I honestly think at end of the day instead of nerfing champions  just do a  better job of MATCHING clans against other  clans that do similar damage  in competitions.  That not only goes for Hydra but Siege  PVP

2 окт. 2024, 05:5602.10.24

Excellent post, Priest.

I initially said in jest that match-ups should factor in spending ahead of things like previous score and player/team power, but honestly I think it might be worth considering.

I'm a *almost* F2P player; coming up on 3 years I've put in maybe as much as $150 [Canadian]

Did a forge pass once and bought the monthly gem pack a handful of times.

I've got absolutely nothing against spenders, I just live on a fairly tight budget and can't afford to splurge on gaming without planning well ahead.

I do, however, take issue with things that cater specifically and effectively exclusively to whales; Some we've discussed in the last few days, like when the blessing "balancing" nerfed everything at 5* and under, but then BUFFED 6*, or nerfing hydra teams that can be done with guanteed champs, but not the far more broken trunda/double yumeko kraken favorite.

I'm so old I remember when microtransactions were 50 cents not 50 dollars. 😂

2 окт. 2024, 19:2102.10.24

The only problem with the current matchmaking is the ability to "tank", which is easily fixed

Spend should not be included, and of course never will in any matchmaking. 

Nor should lack of engagement qualify for easier matches

Trunda should be fixed first regardless...

4 окт. 2024, 06:4904.10.24

Swing and a miss there, BOT

4 окт. 2024, 13:4304.10.24

Swing and a miss there, BOT

Big wave of them coming thru this morning I see.