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What are some of the worst mistakes you've made?

What are some of the worst mistakes you've made?

10 нояб. 2019, 04:2610.11.19

What are some of the worst mistakes you've made?

I'll start off.  We all do things as newbs that we look back on with regret.... and some things we do out of sheer ignorance, regardless of experience.....

My biggest regret falls under the latter.  I had a decent Clan Boss team for where I was.  I had Kael (maxed skills) pumping a lot poison, Marksman doing just ok poison (and Turn Meter boosts), Eviscerator doing ok poison (with a venom set too.... I know, I know), Sinesha for heals/attack and High Khatun for speed.  I was doing ok damage for where I was at.

I open a shard and got Karam.  A quick check of his skills, the only thing that sounded special was his ability that insta-pops all Poisons.... but at the time I wasn't struggling with poison damage.... I was able to survive long enough to run out all the poison timers.  I didn't think it was a big deal.... so I used him food!!! Aaaaahh! I had only seen him a handful of times in the Arena, and my Arena team(s) were already pretty set, so I figured I would never use him.

I later opened up a Bulwark (rare Void Dwarf that does HP burn and can extend debuffs) which really helped up my CB damage.... it was about this time that the whole "you can hold 10 debuffs at a time" thing became painfully aware to me.

Now I just recently opened up an Occult Brawler last week.... now I severely regret getting rid of him.  I would gladly give up both my Monthly shards (Sacred & Void) to get him back!

10 нояб. 2019, 07:2110.11.19
10 нояб. 2019, 07:25(отредактировано)

Apparently Karam is a piece of trash. I too wanted him badly, but they capped the damage on cb. Instead of doing 2M damage with Karam, it just makes around 100k, depending on the difficulty lvl... And then it removes all the poisons...

I used to want him or Zavia because I got Vizier, Dracomorph, Aothear so I can stack poisons like crazy... So I read a little and searched on them. Turns out this a3 is useless.

A dev even wrote something like the a3 is not bugged, just capped on cb... And "if you want you can do 2m damage on spider"... 

I found it funny in a way. Yes it is bugged because cb is the only encounter where it would be possible to use this. 

Who the f*** would try to put 8 stack of 10 poison on spider? For Fk it's not even possible because of his shield. The other boss die too fast... So what's the point?

It is bugged because this decision of capping this a3 on the cb did not make sense to begin with and is in itself a glitch. It's worst than a bug, it's nonsense. 

10 нояб. 2019, 08:4610.11.19
Oh dang thanks for the info!
10 нояб. 2019, 09:2110.11.19

Here's one that prolly no one can beat:

During the first month of play I pulled Cupidus, Sethallia (?) and Errol. Decided to level up Cupid since he seemed like a good farmer and was good in CB. Turn out he is a stellar farmer and absolutely amazing in CB. So I got him 50.

A month goes by and I pull Altan and Warchief. The reviews are terrible. I decide to test them out. I gear them and am left unimpressed. Keep in mind at the time I barely had any good Epic or 5* Gear. You can already see where this is going.

A week goes by and I manage to rank up to 5* some champions that I can use to get my Cupid to 6*. I have 3 atm, one of which is Apoth (of whom I knew nothing about at the time).

One fateful night with the boys I get completely, and I mean completely, smashed and think to myself: "Oy, why dafuq ain't I fusing my dang red?". I can still remember those thoughts to this day, 4 months later.

So I proceed to mercilessly feed my 2 Legos into my Cupid and watch ecstatically as the animation unfolds.

Now to be fair, I do not miss Warchief that much, tho I have fought teams in Arena later on that ran him and he seemed decent.

Altan, however, is and will forever be missed until I managed to somehow pull a second one.

Try and top that one.

Also proof:

10 нояб. 2019, 09:2710.11.19

I totally agree with Nico Traveler, I have Karam, and he don't deserve to be "epic" champion, this capped A3 is the biggest plarium mistake in making Karam (and we are talking about mistakes).

Mine biggest newbie mistakes are:

1. I fooded Apothecary and Coldheart. (I didn't know how good they are).

2. I've used 2 legendary books to upgrade Jizoh's skills. (I didn't know it's so hard to claim it)

3. I've had fully booked Jizoh, but I exchange him in arena for Battlesage (I thought she is awesome becouse of A! AoE attack and revive skill), so while Jizoh became useless to me i fooded him.

4. Thinking that Batllesage is cool I've fully booked her (if I only could take back those books...)

5. I've fooded many epic champs (hopefully not strong ones, but still...)

6. Some my champions have really bad developed masteries, since I didn't know how to progress this champs.

And probably I've made some few more, and didn't even noticed that :D
10 нояб. 2019, 09:3310.11.19

ownzyou123 said:

What are some of the worst mistakes you've made?

My worst is  that I started playing this game

10 нояб. 2019, 09:4710.11.19
numenor said:

ownzyou123 said:

What are some of the worst mistakes you've made?

My worst is  that I started playing this game

C'mon it ain't THAT bad