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My ADHD made me forget it was the last day to fuse THOR

My ADHD made me forget it was the last day to fuse THOR

20 сент. 2024, 05:42Вчера

My ADHD made me forget it was the last day to fuse THOR

Basically between real life distractions, internet issues and some connection issues with the game itself I completely forgot to fuse Thor because I was waiting for the training event to get some points from training the last champion needed for his fusion. It was utter hubris on my part to delay to the last day, and on the last day I had so much going on I didn't realize IT WAS THE LAST DAY! I thought that was Friday aka today :(

I know this is a long shot but it would be great for us forgetful/ADHD people to get an extra shot at fusing champs we collected everything in time for, just like fragment summons can last forever, these should at least get a second shot even for a day. Or maybe A GIANT WARNING THAT IT'S the LAST DAY for us easily distracted people, feels like there's usually a small warning but I don't remember seeing any this time. 

I don't know, I just put all this work as F2P and was grinding for his 5 star soul (and still am) and it's gut wrenching that it was for nothing because I have trash memory/focus. Now I have 4 copies of fully ascended level 50 Dyana just sitting there staring at me as a reminder of my dumb brain. Sigh.😔

20 сент. 2024, 06:17Вчера
20 сент. 2024, 06:17(отредактировано)

With the disclaimer that I can't guarantee anything:

Email support and see if they can do anything. It's worth a shot, at the very least. 

20 сент. 2024, 06:49Вчера

With the disclaimer that I can't guarantee anything:

Email support and see if they can do anything. It's worth a shot, at the very least. 

I filled a support ticket but I doubt anything will come of it, it's less on them and more on my brain. This year has been...a lot. A LOT.

20 сент. 2024, 18:06Вчера

With the disclaimer that I can't guarantee anything:

Email support and see if they can do anything. It's worth a shot, at the very least. 

Update: They took the 4 champs and 1 million silver and actually gave me Thor, they were very kind and considerate of everything. 

20 сент. 2024, 18:07Вчера

I had a blonde/brunette/gray (trying to be hair-color neutral, LOL) moment a few months back on something fairly significant in-game, and, for the first time, I actually got a good result from Plarium Support.  

Note that I did not accept their first answer or their second answer.  Each time I got the answer I did not want, I asked to be escalated to the next level of support, and explained the situation agian.  I finally got someone willing to pay attention to what happened instead of just giving the scripted answer of "no, we can not do that because...."

I strongly advise that you treat them with respect even/especially when not getting the answer you want the first/second/third time, but that you keep escalating until there is no one left to escalate to.  

20 сент. 2024, 18:08Вчера

Update: They took the 4 champs and 1 million silver and actually gave me Thor, they were very kind and considerate of everything. 

High Five.  You got it on the first contact even.

I guess you can ignore my other message.  

20 сент. 2024, 18:26Вчера

Update: They took the 4 champs and 1 million silver and actually gave me Thor, they were very kind and considerate of everything. 

Great news.

And pardon the unsolicited advice but as someone with ADHD try setting alarms when you can, write down as much as you can to prompt yourself when it comes to deadlines and such. I am horrific at keeping up with time sensitive things when I'm busy so I rely heavily on the phone alarms. :)

20 сент. 2024, 18:39Вчера
20 сент. 2024, 18:40(отредактировано)

I was thinking maybe they turned over a new leaf, but maybe not a whole new leaf.  Maybe they were just prepared for an onslaught of disgruntled gamers due to technical game issues. This announcement was made early this morning:

  • Fusion and support team@everyone
    Due to technical issues, some of the players were unable to enter the game for some time. This issue could have caused some of them to miss the Thor fusion deadline.

    Therefore, we want to remind you that if:
    You had all champions and materials ready before the deadline
  • Or missing only the part that was denied due to this issueYou can contact our support team, regarding the fusion. They will double-check if everything is in order, and if it is, they will fulfill your request.
20 сент. 2024, 21:43Вчера

I had a blonde/brunette/gray (trying to be hair-color neutral, LOL) moment a few months back on something fairly significant in-game, and, for the first time, I actually got a good result from Plarium Support.  

Note that I did not accept their first answer or their second answer.  Each time I got the answer I did not want, I asked to be escalated to the next level of support, and explained the situation agian.  I finally got someone willing to pay attention to what happened instead of just giving the scripted answer of "no, we can not do that because...."

I strongly advise that you treat them with respect even/especially when not getting the answer you want the first/second/third time, but that you keep escalating until there is no one left to escalate to.  

Good advice for talking with Support.

Catch more flies with honey for sure.

21 сент. 2024, 09:306 часов

Good advice for talking with Support.

Catch more flies with honey for sure.

That's never been your practice though.  You booli.