6 нояб. 2019, 02:5706.11.19
Arena team set up with roshcard and maneater side question about Madame serris
I recently pulled roshcard the tower. I'm looking to set up an arena team using roshcard and maneater. I'll be able to pop block dmg from roshcard first, that will last 2 turns, then follow up with maneater unkillable for 2 turns. Eventually once I book roshcard I'd be ready to pop block dmg again if needed. For now though that's 4 turns of invincibility that should be more than enough to take down almost all team builds. Is any one else out there using this set up? How's it working for you?
Side note, today I pulled Madame serris., Epic void champ from dark elves. I really want to fit her into an arena team, I feel fear and true fear is insanely op, she has 3 skills with fear including her a1, and she has 50% decrease atk and 60% decrease def. She's kind of amazing. Does anyone have her yet? How are you setting her up and where are you using her the most? I'd also like to know if all bosses are immune to fear, I'm guessing they are so she's probably only viable in arena really.