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Get rid of double tax on gear.

Get rid of double tax on gear.

5 нояб. 2019, 22:3405.11.19

Get rid of double tax on gear.

[Never mind: they already said they will never ever do this, for balance reasons. I think they're wrong, and swapping kits should be easier and cheaper, but oh well.]

The silver cost to exchange gear pieces hinders the game. Spending $300K just to experiment with a new kit, on top of all the sunken cost to level up the gear (by the way the success rate feels worse than ever) is just egregious.

There's no reason why you should have to pay to remove gear. I can understand having a justification in the lore for paying to craft a piece for a champion, but paying to take off your helmet or boots is just stupid. 

If I didn't have to spend a days worth of energy just to swap pieces I'd be more inclined to experiment and less likely to rely on gear guides posted by other players. In other words it would be more FUN.

Please fix this undue burden and stop taxing us out the wazoo to equip and remove.

Also, all the silver in the paid packs is a terrible value and should increase 10x, same with amount of earned silver in quests and missions.

5 нояб. 2019, 22:5605.11.19

darkbeach72 said:

The silver cost to exchange gear pieces hinders the game. Spending $300K just to experiment with a new kit, on top of all the sunken cost to level up the gear (by the way the success rate feels worse than ever) is just egregious.

There's no reason why you should have to pay to remove gear. I can understand having a justification in the lore for paying to craft a piece for a champion, but paying to take off your helmet or boots is just stupid. 

If I didn't have to spend a days worth of energy just to swap pieces I'd be more inclined to experiment and less likely to rely on gear guides posted by other players. In other words it would be more FUN.

Please fix this undue burden and stop taxing us out the wazoo to equip and remove.

Also, all the silver in the paid packs is a terrible value and should increase 10x, same with amount of earned silver in quests and missions.

Nahh.. Even if this will also benefit me, i still think the game is fine as it is. Upgrading artifacts cost is not that bad, if you consider that you dont lose your artifacts if you fail upgrading your item. I rememder the old days of mmorpg where max upgrading an item is almost godly lucky. Where it is either you downgrade the item or breaks the item when upgrading fails.

As for the artifact removal issue, i think, plarium should have at least have a free event, something like free artifact removal for a day once a month. I hope plarium thinks that it is not bad to be generous for one day :D. Else, just include a free artifact removal ticket for one day in one of their packs. 
6 нояб. 2019, 09:3406.11.19
Artifact removal cost in necessary, no matter what anyone says.
6 нояб. 2019, 16:1806.11.19

Agut said:

Artifact removal cost in necessary, no matter what anyone says.

Do you work for Plarium? Fency to elaborate why this stupid hindrance is necessary? 

I was a new player once and back then i thought its a dumb idea. Now im at end game and i still think it is ridiculous to pay to remove your gear, from you heroes. 

Not to mention that they charge me extra to swap/use legendary gear that i had purchased with money between heroes for whom i paid as well.  
6 нояб. 2019, 16:4406.11.19

As for the artifact removal issue, i think, plarium should have at least have a free event, something like free artifact removal for a day once a month. I hope plarium thinks that it is not bad to be generous for one day :D. Else, just include a free artifact removal ticket for one day in one of their packs. 

YES. ARtifact removal cost is necessary. But it shouldn't always be difficult to remove artifacts. I like the free artifact swapping day once per month idea.

6 нояб. 2019, 16:5306.11.19
6 нояб. 2019, 16:54(отредактировано)

Prevents players from switching equipment between the heroes they currently need due to a specific dungeon, boss, arena team etc.

If there wasn't any tax for this, players wouldn't grind anything to search good equipment, just loot it few times and be able to use at all champions freely. Than what would be a sense to earn silver, to grind dungeons etc?

If you have taxes you are a little bit forced to find gear for each champion you want to evolve, than you have upgrade each of this equipment etc so you have grind to earn silver for that. It is simple game economy.

6 нояб. 2019, 23:2806.11.19
7 нояб. 2019, 15:50(отредактировано)

Rughes said:

Prevents players from switching equipment between the heroes they currently need due to a specific dungeon, boss, arena team etc.

If there wasn't any tax for this, players wouldn't grind anything to search good equipment, just loot it few times and be able to use at all champions freely. Than what would be a sense to earn silver, to grind dungeons etc?

If you have taxes you are a little bit forced to find gear for each champion you want to evolve, than you have upgrade each of this equipment etc so you have grind to earn silver for that. It is simple game economy.


How long have you even been playing the game for? Whats that good equipment that once you have it you stop grinding in the game based on grinding? So, you would just switch 24 pieces each time for every faction and then 24 for pvp, then another 24 for other areas of the game every single day? What madness would that be?

I have the best gear on my Cb team and pvp, i can afford to switch it around, but the time it takes makes it not worth it. Even if the user interface was better I still would not do it. 

The reason it will make absolutely no difference is that every player would still grind to get better gear.  It takes months of work to equip all heroes for all factions to get to the top. 

I know guys who spent 200k+ just on the dragon dungeon and on the top of that they buy legendary artifacts. They continue to grind even after reaching all goals in the game because you know its a grinding game. 

9 нояб. 2019, 01:1909.11.19

Let me just add that people spend literally thousands of energy just to get +1 speed on an item searching for a better gear for pvp purposes. 

Plarium just needs to make the game more competitive between players by narrowing down what percentage of players can end up in silver, gold tier, future platinum. Making environment more competitive and rewards obviously worthwhile would insure that people grind harder to remain in any given tier. 

The cost of artifact removal should be abandoned entirely as it has no effect other than a massive silver sink that impedes on playability and fun factor. 

Based on my own experience as someone who farms a lot, I never actually have enough silver to upg just a small portion of my holdings, ie,  30% or less to 12th lvl. just to see if I want to keep them or sell. Not to mention lvl 16.

So, clearly there is a problem in  the game where players are not rewarded enough silver to ensure that they can keep up upgrading what they farm to make knowledgeable choices to either keep or sell. Secondly, if the above is right, then an additional cost of artifact removal imposed by Plarium is just unnecessarily hindrance to playability. It's no fun at all to have 450 artifacts in my stash and being able to upgrade only tiny percent of them while at the same time I can farm another 450 in the time span of a few hours.  

9 нояб. 2019, 18:0009.11.19

Please dont make us pay to swop items. Or drop the price please. I have to work hard all day to get the money to do it.

10 нояб. 2019, 09:2910.11.19

I just don't know what is a problem with some ppl,(retards,slowbrained-stupid...) how any1 can say removal gear 

need to stay or that is ok what we pay to upgrade gear when it's ridiculously expensive...

to upgrade one piece of equipment u need from 1 to 2+m if u going on max.just to 12 LVL around 600k and if

u don't get what u want (what is 80% time} u will sell that item for around 30k so yea u losing a lot...

when u farm 12/3 u need 300 energy for 400-500k silver.....

if you look from my angle for almost 8 months i have just 13 -6star and 12 full geard not everyone has gear on 16.

So yea everything is very expensive just to waste money just money money money money,and they dont listen 

what we say because they have whales who spending a lot of money...

and now if someone disagrees with me he have some problems in head,I didn't just say this so it would be better for me 

i wish it would be easier for everyone, but no they don't listen, so what next? quit game and enjoy life and not get nervous about the game