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damage based on def-attack or attack-hp

damage based on def-attack or attack-hp

5 нояб. 2019, 07:4505.11.19

damage based on def-attack or attack-hp

Can someone clarify how this works? is this combined or average or what? for example it is unclear if its a good idea to use an offense set with def% ass main stat to do the same damage as offence with attack% as main stat for a [def][attack] char. I find this kinda important because it could render 25% of the gear I get useful which i would otherwise sell for rock bottom prices. 
5 нояб. 2019, 08:0705.11.19
Afaik, if it says damage is base on def and attack, it could be a (% of def + % of attack) %. We dont know how much % of def and attack since we really dont know the actual multipliers. If your champion, let's say 1.5k base attack with 500 base def. I will pretty much go with attack% on my gear and forget the def %. I hope this answers your question. 
5 нояб. 2019, 08:1505.11.19

As far as i know (confirmation would be needed) in two - stats based skills the first mentioned skill has an impact that is greater (or equal) to the second mentioned skill. Say, in an [ATK][DEF] skill, attack should count at least as much as def, and possibly more, while in a [DEF][ATK] skill it should be the opposite.

6 нояб. 2019, 20:4206.11.19
Everyone says you need to ditch contradicting gear e.g. offence item with %def or def item with %attack because it is pointless to have but in case of def-attack damage it can be actually good gear thats why i want to know i hope plarium will confirm