You want to run someone as a neg-affinity tank for the spiderlings. Miscreated Monster can do wonderfully and can put up massive shields for your team. The trick is then to have no other magic affinity toons on the team, so MM is always the target.
For L19, build him with at least 250 Res if you can. The higher the better, so the poisons do not land. I do not see an AoE HP Burn toon, so you can't take the easy way, so you need to bring Red, Green & Purple damage & survivability.
Experiment with combinations of Rathalos, Staltus, Coldheart, Geomancer for damage.
Open with Rathalos A1 into the Boss to land the Dec Def, then pound with Staltus AoEs and Coldheart A3.
If you need support, try Mausoleum Mage first since he is the right affinity. Scyl is better, but she is neg-affinity and will potentially distract the lings from hitting MM. However, with Scyl & MM on the team a good portion of the lings will be stunned even though they are negative affinity.
You only have to beat SP 19 once. After that, you can put together your team for SP 20 and never look back.