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Where is the Raid Roadmap of Things to Come???

Where is the Raid Roadmap of Things to Come???

26 окт. 2019, 02:4126.10.19

Where is the Raid Roadmap of Things to Come???

I have heard of a "roadmap" multiple times from multiple players, but where is it?  I am curious as to what plans are upcoming, but only see one roadmap thread on these forums and it is outdated.
26 окт. 2019, 03:3626.10.19

MisterAzazing said:


This is from the news section.

Thanks, but that is extremely outdated.  It is vague and doesn't have any sort of "roadmap" whatsoever.  It's simply a list of stuff they have been mentioning for months.  Just like how Faction Wars was "coming soon" since the start of this year.

Would be nice to see something more definitive.  When I heard "roadmap," I was expecting something that wasn't so vague.  Thanks again for pointing it out though, but is that it?  Is that the roadmap everyone talks about?

26 окт. 2019, 07:2126.10.19
That is literally what a roadmap is tho. Even big companies like Intel or AMD only use dates as in which year it is going to be released since many things can come along the way.
26 окт. 2019, 13:5026.10.19
Agut said:

That is literally what a roadmap is tho. Even big companies like Intel or AMD only use dates as in which year it is going to be released since many things can come along the way.
The ones I have seen usually at least include months for release dates.  I certainly wouldn't consider Plarium on par with AMD or Intel, LOL.  But thanks for clarifying.
27 окт. 2019, 09:0027.10.19
27 окт. 2019, 09:01(отредактировано)

AscendantGod said:

MisterAzazing said:


This is from the news section.

Thanks, but that is extremely outdated.  It is vague and doesn't have any sort of "roadmap" whatsoever.  It's simply a list of stuff they have been mentioning for months.  Just like how Faction Wars was "coming soon" since the start of this year.

Would be nice to see something more definitive.  When I heard "roadmap," I was expecting something that wasn't so vague.  Thanks again for pointing it out though, but is that it?  Is that the roadmap everyone talks about?

Hello AscendantGod,

you can't say "Extremely outdated" if this topic didn't pubblish a date for this Update. Btw when will be ready we will post 

something in game, on Discord and Facebook. There are 2 months for the end of this year, so be patiente.

Have a nice day!