WileyMan27 март 2024, 18:5527.03.2431.01.201066Free Gear Removal this Sintranos Rotation? Are we getting one? Is it going to be over the Holiday weekend?
dthorne04Moderator27 март 2024, 19:0927.03.2430.12.206341no confirmed date but seems likely to be starting tomorrow or Friday.
MooredRat27 март 2024, 19:3527.03.2416.12.211338dthorne04no confirmed date but seems likely to be starting tomorrow or Friday. My guess is right after the artifact enhancement event ends
dthorne04Moderator27 март 2024, 20:0627.03.2430.12.206341MooredRatПоказать все цитатыMy guess is right after the artifact enhancement event endssounds about right. :P
ShortOnSkillzModerator27 март 2024, 22:5227.03.2424.06.192544MooredRatПоказать все цитатыMy guess is right after the artifact enhancement event endsSurely they would never.
WileyMan30 март 2024, 20:3930.03.2430 март 2024, 20:42(отредактировано)31.01.201066Any news on this? It is typically on a weekend, but if they wait until next weekend the rotation is basically over. The Free Gear Weekend should be two weeks into the rotation.
dthorne04Moderator30 март 2024, 21:2230.03.2430.12.206341WileyManAny news on this? It is typically on a weekend, but if they wait until next weekend the rotation is basically over. The Free Gear Weekend should be two weeks into the rotation. SoonTM (I'd expect it to start before the weekend ends)
dthorne04Moderator30 март 2024, 22:0630.03.2430.12.206341also to be clear: i if the timing of whenever this event happens isn't enough indication, don't expect these to be smackdab in the middle of a rotation but rather sometime in the back half of one.