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Why don't we have ACC buffs?

Why don't we have ACC buffs?

22 окт. 2019, 01:4422.10.19

Why don't we have ACC buffs?

I've always wondered why don't we have buffs for Increase Accuracy?  We have this absolutely garbage Decrease Accuracy debuff, but not the inverse.

Also, why don't we have an increase/decrease Resist buff/debuff?  Currently the only way to improve Resist and Accuracy is through aura abilities, which isn't ideal because many auras are locked to a specific fight type, or through Masteries and equipment.  Nobody wants to waste a chest piece on +ACC main stat
22 окт. 2019, 02:0122.10.19
Nah this is a good questions. 
22 окт. 2019, 03:2722.10.19

Hello OP

To answer the question ''why is there no accuracy buff?'' we first have to take a look at areas of the game we cant have buffs besides gear stats. 


Great Hall



The same goes for resist. Now before we explain why there is no acc/res buff, let's take a look at the dynamic between critical rate % and critical damage %

Critical Rate




base stat

critical damage %

great hall


base stat

Out of this observation we can subtract the following question ''why is there no critical damage buff?''

could it be because:

there is a critical damage buff in the great hall?

there is a total of 30% (potential) extra cdmg% from masteries?

there's already a potential 55% cdmg +50% base (on average)

or 35% (without flawless execution) +50% base (on average)

The reason I brought up the c.rate% c.dmg% example is to show that from where they come from, it is already at a balanced point, any different and it would tip the balance of the game, and same can be applied for the accuracy


greathall 80 

aura (u could get 50 on average, some higher/lower)

banner 70-ish 5* (96 at 6*)

benefit of having no accuracy buff? 

you get to focus on other important buffs, 

you get to have those ''global stats'' affect everyone

you can get acc at a higher value from gear stats/ banner main/ amulet sub/

TL;DR Balance of the game compared to where you can already get accuracy beside a buff



22 окт. 2019, 06:1722.10.19
22 окт. 2019, 06:20(отредактировано)

Not trying to sound combative, but am I understanding correct that this is mainly a PvP concern? (I totally get it).  Most Dungeon bosses have straight immunity to the really potent status effects, especially Clan Boss.

In your estimation is it more about Resistance (or lack thereof) being the limiting factor, or more about Accuracy? Using the first example you provided, Crit Damage% is the more potent (and subservient) stat. You can push your Crit Rate% so high, but without significant Attack and Crit Dmg behind it, that stat alone won't get you very far.

23 окт. 2019, 12:0223.10.19

ksthecr0w said:

there is no crit rate debuff so there is no need for crit rate buff.

funny thing is you can have crit rate aura, but there is no crit protection aura (lower chances of suffering crit hit from the opponent)

a bit of offtop due to crit chances mentioned:


we have hegemon disregarding game mechanics (goes first no matter speed), how about another champion disregarding mechanics: passive skill "you cannot crit hit me - normal / strong / weak hits only (crits are forced to be normal in terms of dmg dealt) ..."

back to topic:

My idea is res down debuff - would serve similar purpose as ACC buff (you can stick your debuffs easier).

limiting factors are:

- you need initial luck / high ACC to land res down debuff

- only affected target gets more debuffs (others in arena are not affected - unless suffer same debuff)

compared to ACC buff:

- no acc needed to place buff on your team mate

- team mate can pick whatever target is best in current situation - no limiting factor as above...

If anything - res down debuff sounds more appropriate.

Hello ksthecr0w,

but there are a lot of other buff wich you protect from a crit rate buff (shield, def buff) i think it's so better then debuff crite rate or Acc.

But we will send this suggestion to our Devs so they will maybe take on consideration.

Have a nice day guys!

23 окт. 2019, 18:3123.10.19

I find funny how the argument to explain why there isn't can also be used for the opposite view.

There is crit augmentation in masteries, hall, gear, aura... So why the Inc crit buff? Same for pretty much all the stats.

It does not explain the absence of Acc buff, much less when there is an acc debuff. 

To be Balanced like the other stats, dev need to either implement an acc buff of a resist debuff. Second one makes more sense if you want to mirror other stats; like there is no decrease crit debuff. 

What I believe is that there will be at some point, just the dev are already overbooked with the champion balance so it is hard for them to add a new mechanic wich will make balancing even harder... And honestly I would rather have them correct imperial baroness heal or sikara skills based on def than this buff/debuff thing. 

Or even correct the lack of tomes when you need them and the downpour when you wish you could throw them away.