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15 март 2024, 12:2815.03.24


Can you please explain to me.. how in the blue hell are we supposed to get 400 shards to summon a rare champion 4 times .. THEN ascend him to 5 stars THEN Fusion them together in a few weeks. This stuff right here pushes me away from Raid. Impossible tasks unless you want to shell out 100 dollars on a MOBILE PHONE GAME.  Not to mention having to pay silver to "change your clothes" (armor) and the whole "Chance of upgrading" If i pay 20000 silver to upgrade my armor, it better be guaranteed!! These are the main reasons PLARIUM you leave a bad taste in my mouth over a game i really want to love... obviously nothing will change but at least i voiced my aggravations. 

15 март 2024, 12:4515.03.24

Depends on where youre at in the game. Early accounts are going to struggle with fusions. Older accounts that manage resources around monthly fusions have no problem doing them without spending

15 март 2024, 13:2115.03.24

You know the events going on are so that you don't have to pull the fusion champs from shards, right?

19 март 2024, 11:2019.03.24

Ummm really? I still have to play the arena to get 60 shards for Khafru the Deathkeeper.. but i need 100 for him. Then i need to do that 3 more times.. THEN I HAVE TO ASCEND each Khafru to a rating of 50 with 5 ascended stars to get Armanz in 3 days time. Did i miss anything? 

19 март 2024, 13:2119.03.24

hate to tell you but if you still havnt fused a single khafru you missed 90% of the events and will not complete the fusion. 

I think most people finished the fusion a coupe days ago.

19 март 2024, 20:0819.03.24
Jace Redblade

Ummm really? I still have to play the arena to get 60 shards for Khafru the Deathkeeper.. but i need 100 for him. Then i need to do that 3 more times.. THEN I HAVE TO ASCEND each Khafru to a rating of 50 with 5 ascended stars to get Armanz in 3 days time. Did i miss anything? 

Sounds like you are a new(ish) player and haven't quite figured out how fusions work.  Most players wait at least a few months before attempting a fusion because they are next to impossible for early-game accounts unless you already know what you are doing.

Save your resources for the next fusion, or the one after that....     

20 март 2024, 18:0020.03.24
Jace Redblade

Ummm really? I still have to play the arena to get 60 shards for Khafru the Deathkeeper.. but i need 100 for him. Then i need to do that 3 more times.. THEN I HAVE TO ASCEND each Khafru to a rating of 50 with 5 ascended stars to get Armanz in 3 days time. Did i miss anything? 

First off, not everyone is supposed to get the champion. Second, if you are not someone who spends on the game, like myself, you have to plan and save your resources. Once you hit a point in the game and you pick your fusions that you participate in wisely, doing a fusion isn't that difficult. Parts of it are a time investment but the materials needed to get that are easy.

I will say that if you are not able to do NM Clan Boss or UNM you are going to struggle to get the necessary materials. If you are not that should be your #1 focus.