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Prices in shop: different currencies - huge difference on the price

Prices in shop: different currencies - huge difference on the price

27 дек. 2023, 14:2027.12.23

Prices in shop: different currencies - huge difference on the price

Hi, I have been playing raid for quite a bit and today I have seen somethign strange. When I logged on my phone all prices in shop were given in USD. I have checked what was inside each pack and to my amusement all packs were the same as I have been offered usually but the price was extremely lower.

I wanted to check if somehow my account was affected, so I logged on my computer to purchase couple items but all prices were given again in PLN and despite pack remained the same, the price was much higher. So I did the math and please see that something is not right for exchange rate (at least between USD and PLN):

Prism Crystals x40 - price in USD 9,99; in PLN: 59,99 - ex rate: 6,005

Holiday pack standard (1 Sacred Shard + 100k silver) - USD: 14,99; in PLN 84,999 - ex rate 5,6698

Holiday pack premium (2 SS; 2 Legendary tomers; 2 energy refill; 200k silver) - USD: 34,99; PLN: 199,99 ex rate: 5,7156

Warriors circle: USD: 19,99; PLN 119,99 - ex rate: 6,002

Knowing that avg USD/PLN ex rate is ~3,91, I would like to ask why prices in PLN are so rigged? Why can't I either choose currency I want to use for in-game purchase? In this case I would gladly pay from PayPal using USD. If the content of the shop was different between countries as I have seen on some videos from content creators, propably I wouldn't care but for exactly same pack in PLN I don't want to be charged almost twice as other people. 

I understand soem markets are more "valuable" for companies and shop offer may vary in terms of content or there is slight differnce on price but such rig in exchange rate is really hit below the belt.... Could you please let me know if similar issue is in other local currencies? Will it be fixed by any chance? Knowing such injustice really makes player want to stop playing....

27 дек. 2023, 14:2927.12.23

Don't use a VPN or anything to change your country of orgin. That can get you banned. 

This isn't anything new. Companies figure out what price point by region is going to make them the most money. If they felt they could charge a single penny and make the most money, they would. 

27 дек. 2023, 14:3227.12.23
27 дек. 2023, 14:38(отредактировано)

No i don't use VPN. I have used once when I was on holiday but I connected to my country server. There was propably some glitch in connection today. I wouldn't mind if avg ex rate was higher than market one (e.g. if avg USD/PLN is 3.91; then in PLarium shop it would be always +0.5)- this is normal market behaviour. But paying twice as much just because I have different local currency? A bit unfair in my opinion.

And of course if content of the packs would differ but As I am checking sometimes deals using calcualtor from hell hades, eaach one is marekd as trash one and now I know why.

27 дек. 2023, 15:0827.12.23

Exchange rates aren't something Plarium controls - it's set by the different shops the game is distributed in, eg by Google or Apple.

27 дек. 2023, 15:3227.12.23

Exchange rates aren't something Plarium controls - it's set by the different shops the game is distributed in, eg by Google or Apple.

If that's the case then why if my transaction currency on both phone and computer is the same, on the phone transaction goes through google play and on computer directly to plarium, but when on the phone my currency for some reason was changed to USD, the difference was considerable and still on computer I had same values in plarium shop? As I mentioned - if the case was difference of +0.5 to the avg market rate - no problem. but if in USD you can buy 2 items while in local currency only 1, then it seems unfair.

27 дек. 2023, 15:3427.12.23

I'm not sure I understand your question. You seemed to have answered it yourself - on your phone you're using Google Play, and therefore currencies and exchange rates are dictated by that store. On your PC you're using Plarium Play, which means they arbitrate that stuff, probably through some third-party exchange service. In either case, Plarium is not the one doing the currency exchange, so they don't control what rates you're offered.

28 дек. 2023, 04:2728.12.23

It could be that perhaps you opened the game using a browser online and it linked to some kind of IP back in the US compared to where you normally play. I know I saw that happen to me before as well and I got a different currency instead of USD and then it changed back.

I'm not sure your real issue though. If the prices are too expensive, then just simply don't spend money.

28 дек. 2023, 05:4628.12.23
28 дек. 2023, 05:46(отредактировано)

FWIW: Different platforms (iOS, Google Play, Plarium Play) have different pricing on top of ones location affecting prices.

28 дек. 2023, 06:1628.12.23

If that's the case then why if my transaction currency on both phone and computer is the same, on the phone transaction goes through google play and on computer directly to plarium, but when on the phone my currency for some reason was changed to USD, the difference was considerable and still on computer I had same values in plarium shop? As I mentioned - if the case was difference of +0.5 to the avg market rate - no problem. but if in USD you can buy 2 items while in local currency only 1, then it seems unfair.

You dont have the option of paying in Euros?