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Where to use Krixia ?

Where to use Krixia ?

15 дек. 2023, 22:0215.12.23

Where to use Krixia ?

Pulled her this morning .. Thinking of using her for hydra .. but how does AI handle forms on auto battle ? 

Idk where i would use her , so watched a CC guide on her , still unsure .. dont have books , no idea how transformation works on mythical yet , hasnt done anything while grinding her masteries ..

Its my first mythical champ , hence the question on how AI handle alternate form and back ..

15 дек. 2023, 22:5615.12.23

Man congrats.  She's arguably the best champ in the game. Not 100% sure how the AI would prioritize by default so IMO just set her AI.  Use the abilities on one form, then morph, use the other abilities and repeat. 

16 дек. 2023, 18:2416.12.23

In all honesty, I'm not entirely convinced you should be building her for Hydra. Her kit isn't really *great* there. In her primary form, the A1 and A3 are just *meh*. The A2 is solid, sure, but I'd argue not really any better than, say, Uugo - though the non-attack part is a nice touch.

The alternate form is a bit better for Hydra, but even there, not hugely impressive.

On the other hand - she's amazing for arena, and also looks very strong for Sintranos. In particular, she's really good for the boss, where you basically alternate to opposite forms with him. When the boss is in the debuff-eating phase, you switch her to her buff form, and when it is in the buff-eating phase, you switch to her debuff form.

So I'd probably recommend focusing her for one, or both, of those two, instead of Hydra.

17 дек. 2023, 07:4917.12.23

In all honesty, I'm not entirely convinced you should be building her for Hydra. Her kit isn't really *great* there. In her primary form, the A1 and A3 are just *meh*. The A2 is solid, sure, but I'd argue not really any better than, say, Uugo - though the non-attack part is a nice touch.

The alternate form is a bit better for Hydra, but even there, not hugely impressive.

On the other hand - she's amazing for arena, and also looks very strong for Sintranos. In particular, she's really good for the boss, where you basically alternate to opposite forms with him. When the boss is in the debuff-eating phase, you switch her to her buff form, and when it is in the buff-eating phase, you switch to her debuff form.

So I'd probably recommend focusing her for one, or both, of those two, instead of Hydra.

idk my arena focus is pointless since i aint pushing into plat or taking live arena seriously , was told many times arena should never be focused on unless pushing for plat since you can stay and farm in g5 easily(which ive done)

As for sintranos .. i have lack of champions to deal with before thinking about the final boss .. which in any case would require similar stats to hydra ... where she cleanse , block buff and reduce cds .. so far my biggest issue is any team without wukong lets buffs go through on auto 

Also do you have her and tested her out ? Shes seemed okayish for hydra with the small sample size i have ... which is similar stats you'd want for sintranos and dth floor anyway ...

Got free respec for masteries and blessing , and enough silver to regear her if needed but so far .. she's quite OP in whatever content ...

17 дек. 2023, 14:4917.12.23

Everywhere. Use her everywhere.

Congrats though. Just the best champ in the game at this point, I think.

17 дек. 2023, 15:4817.12.23

In all honesty, I'm not entirely convinced you should be building her for Hydra. Her kit isn't really *great* there. In her primary form, the A1 and A3 are just *meh*. The A2 is solid, sure, but I'd argue not really any better than, say, Uugo - though the non-attack part is a nice touch.

The alternate form is a bit better for Hydra, but even there, not hugely impressive.

On the other hand - she's amazing for arena, and also looks very strong for Sintranos. In particular, she's really good for the boss, where you basically alternate to opposite forms with him. When the boss is in the debuff-eating phase, you switch her to her buff form, and when it is in the buff-eating phase, you switch to her debuff form.

So I'd probably recommend focusing her for one, or both, of those two, instead of Hydra.

Definitely not her best place for sure but she's got some decent utility for a lower level team if you're just looking to fill out slots.