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Who should I replace Gnishak for in my CB team?

Who should I replace Gnishak for in my CB team?

14 дек. 2023, 03:0014.12.23

Who should I replace Gnishak for in my CB team?

I'm trying to free up Gnishak in his role right now of being mainly used in Clan Boss. I recently had to regear him faster for Bommal and in general I'd like to have him built different and much faster. 

the main concern I have is that he does a LOT of damage and I don't want to lose the 2 key for UNM. 

He is at 178 speed in a Myth / Helicath tune. Using Doompriest at 186, and Fayne at 179. 

I was considering Dark Kael as a potentially good alternative but I haven't pulled him  fro

The champs I already have at 60 with masteries that could be fit in that slot at a slow speed to be wasted are fairly small, like Occult Brawler, Mycilic Priest Orn, 



14 дек. 2023, 03:1614.12.23

Ratbomber is certainly a creative option. Honestly didn't think he'd work at all, even putting aside the extra turn part, just because of how much he stacks the debuff bar with unremovable poisons.

Have you considered this team? https://deadwoodjedi.com/speed-tunes/razzle-dazzle-unkillable/ I think it should be workable using Emic + Helicath, and may even let you reach 1-key levels.

In any case - for your current team, my first guess would be Ronda, or possibly Geomancer.

14 дек. 2023, 03:2814.12.23

Ratbomber is certainly a creative option. Honestly didn't think he'd work at all, even putting aside the extra turn part, just because of how much he stacks the debuff bar with unremovable poisons.

Have you considered this team? https://deadwoodjedi.com/speed-tunes/razzle-dazzle-unkillable/ I think it should be workable using Emic + Helicath, and may even let you reach 1-key levels.

In any case - for your current team, my first guess would be Ronda, or possibly Geomancer.

Thanks for the suggestion. Emic is currently sitting at 271 speed for Iron Twins so he can't really slot in there (I don't think), but that is a really great suggestion. 

as for Geomancer (in the current team) he's also in IT at 254 I believe and I use him in Hydra as well. 

14 дек. 2023, 03:5314.12.23

is fatman an option?

14 дек. 2023, 04:0614.12.23

Ratbomber is certainly a creative option. Honestly didn't think he'd work at all, even putting aside the extra turn part, just because of how much he stacks the debuff bar with unremovable poisons.

Have you considered this team? https://deadwoodjedi.com/speed-tunes/razzle-dazzle-unkillable/ I think it should be workable using Emic + Helicath, and may even let you reach 1-key levels.

In any case - for your current team, my first guess would be Ronda, or possibly Geomancer.

Hey Kram, I messed around with this recommendation, and I think I'm close, but it *might* not be quite there yet. I put Helicath at 272 speed (1 higher than my current Emic), and put the DPS (it actually might end up being Gnut) at 238. Bunny 266, and Doompriest at 190. 

My only concern it that it takes until about turn 8 for this to sync up, and it's fully synced after turn 9. I'm now wondering if my champs up top will be stunned and out of their turn order but I'm unsure. 




14 дек. 2023, 04:3714.12.23

Honestly - I haven't personally used this tune, so I can't really vouch for it. But DWJ is generally quite reliable. Also do remember that any tune which requires you to delay by more than one turn means you can't use autocomplete.

It also specifically mentions that the stun is an issue until the sync - check out the advanced notes part.