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Lucky or not

Lucky or not

5 окт. 2019, 21:2905.10.19

Lucky or not

This is something I have been asking myself for a while now. I figured the only way to really answer this question is to compare myself to others so I would like to know your situation and your opinion too!

As of now, I am lvl 45... 1 month and 15 days of game. 

I have no legendary, the usual given epics, and a few unusual ones.




Catacomb councilor






Infernal baroness

I am wondering how I am situated compared to others. So far I had a few horrible draws like hexia and Jotun, but I had incredible luck with skukkcrusher, gorgorab and zargala...

Beside that, the last 20 shards gave me nothing, but I manage to secure councilor and lich by farming. 

So, am I lucky so far? What about you? 

6 окт. 2019, 08:0406.10.19

Nico Traveler said:

This is something I have been asking myself for a while now. I figured the only way to really answer this question is to compare myself to others so I would like to know your situation and your opinion too!

As of now, I am lvl 45... 1 month and 15 days of game. 

I have no legendary, the usual given epics, and a few unusual ones.




Catacomb councilor






Infernal baroness

I am wondering how I am situated compared to others. So far I had a few horrible draws like hexia and Jotun, but I had incredible luck with skukkcrusher, gorgorab and zargala...

Beside that, the last 20 shards gave me nothing, but I manage to secure councilor and lich by farming. 

So, am I lucky so far? What about you? 

Hi Nico Traveler,

it's a random game, so you can be more lucky then other players or less (i see a lot of people at lv 20 with 2 legendarys  ).

I taken my first legendary after 3 month and i never have some good champions since 1 month ago where i took skullcrusher, gorgorab, sinesha and a lot of other good champions and i am playing already about 9 months in this game.

You must be a lot of patience and work on the champions wich you have

Good luck and have a nice day
6 окт. 2019, 14:5406.10.19

For free players 45 days without legendary is normal. I got my first legendary from ancient shard. No luck from sacred shard. 

Just be patience and keep playing. You will get legendary sooner or later. 

7 окт. 2019, 01:0407.10.19
Nico Traveler said:

This is something I have been asking myself for a while now. I figured the only way to really answer this question is to compare myself to others so I would like to know your situation and your opinion too!

As of now, I am lvl 45... 1 month and 15 days of game. 

I have no legendary, the usual given epics, and a few unusual ones.




Catacomb councilor






Infernal baroness

I am wondering how I am situated compared to others. So far I had a few horrible draws like hexia and Jotun, but I had incredible luck with skukkcrusher, gorgorab and zargala...

Beside that, the last 20 shards gave me nothing, but I manage to secure councilor and lich by farming. 

So, am I lucky so far? What about you? 

Got my first Legend super early and nothing else until after I turned 60.  Pulled 3 in the last month of which only 1 is being used. Its been said just keep trucking along and you'll pull one in no time.
7 окт. 2019, 14:5107.10.19

I am a month and a half in on one account and 3 weeks into the 2nd. The first one of my accounts has 3 legendaries, my first one literally pulled from the 2nd Ancient shard I opened as soon as started getting them and it was not on a double drop rate because I was new to the game and didn't know about it. It was Robar, not really game breaking but a good 2nd champ. The 2nd legendary, also from an Ancient was Bad El Kazar, never left my teams since. 3rd one was just from last weekends double event. Lugen the steadfast. This from the 3 sacred shards I saved from my first month of playing.

My second account, however, is not so lucky. Best drops are Apothecary (mystery shards) and Skullcrusher (ancient). The 2 sacred shards I got from 3 starring hard and brutal was really, really, bad. As if the 12% not helping me was not enough, they were also nowhere near useful, not even part of a fusion. And if anyone has ever tried to 3 star all the way to brutal on a 21 day old free to play account just to get the 2 sacreds, they'd know it was especially bad (I have the whole thing on video). 

Still, It's strange that I enjoy the less "luckier" account because It's ridiculously challenging. 

7 окт. 2019, 15:0107.10.19
I've got 3 legs, all of them came from ancient shards. In my time of playing which is nearly 70 days, I've opened roughly 7 or 8 sacreds and got no legs from them. I have only ever opened sacreds on double chances.
7 окт. 2019, 16:1807.10.19
I'm playing about 4 months with a month break. I had some luck, once I get 1 legendary from my first sacred shard for monthly quest reward. Any other good epics like, Deathless and Crimson Helm, some neutral as Doompriest or Infernal Baroness, but mostly I have misfortune in my luck, and I get some crappy and useless ones like Galkut, Bloodfeather, Seer, Jotun, Canoness. I don't know why they are "epic" they should be rare, becouse they are worse than many of rare ones.
7 окт. 2019, 17:3207.10.19

Well I just landed my first leg, Errod... So I guess I am lucky after all.

Not quite sure about the quality of that champ tho. He hits really hard but is only single target oriented. Can't really replace Kael and Zargala.