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More expensive than ever.

More expensive than ever.

6 дек. 2023, 19:2706.12.23

More expensive than ever.

I'm just a dumb home builder but it makes sense to me to make shop items cheaper so maybe people of more income brackets can actually compete in the game.   To call this game free to play is ridiculous.  Yea you can play for free but you may never ever in your life time even be able to hang with hydra, doom tower or many other tougher portions of the game.     So it's way to expensive for what 60 -80% of people.    Who's actually paying 50 dollars for a set of gear that isn't even guaranteed to drop speed boots or critical gloves let's say.   Then you got the energy issue I don't think I even need to get into that to hard-core but they force you to pay if you want to play the game.     The rewards for anything is a complete joke.   Spend 500 energy to win 50 lol. Come on. Clan vs clan is another issue.  Personal rewards are only every other week or just randomly now?    The tab isn't even present for our clan every other week.   Just so happens to be the weeks we win as well lol.   I love playing the game but definitely gonna have to part ways with it if raid cannot do something to atleast at a minimum make it so we can play without purchasing energy constantly.  People would spend that money elsewhere in the game anyways.  [Post edited to comply with Plarium and Forum ToS. -Mod Team]

6 дек. 2023, 19:2906.12.23

Clan rewards are complete bs as well by the way.   A few rings for a war lol come on.   We all deserve alot more than that!!!!

6 дек. 2023, 19:4006.12.23

Zzzzz. Finished literally every piece of content in this game, and never spent a dime. Git gud? :)

7 дек. 2023, 00:0007.12.23

Clan rewards are complete bs as well by the way.   A few rings for a war lol come on.   We all deserve alot more than that!!!!

As a home builder, I believe you should lower your prices by 25% so more families can afford housing.  

7 дек. 2023, 01:2507.12.23

Shop .. Im glad the offers are awful ... they slow down whales and make actual good offers obvious !

CvC .. its just like hydra clash , hydra , CB , weekly arena chest ... more rewards just for playing ...  could be better but could be worst ... as in no rewards at all ..

As for energy .. i play daily .. good 2-3 hours minimum .. and i optimize the energy i get .. and yea i often spend gems to get more out of my gaming session but i also end up with about 200-300 energy and no time to use it .. 

Coming from someone who spent a good 1k in 2yrs roughly ... spending only gives you options , adrenaline , dopamine and more gaming time ... it may or may not push your account cause rng , stil rng .. And to me .. that is a decent definition of F2P game ..while also letting whales be whales by having the entire collection of champs built ...

7 дек. 2023, 02:1707.12.23

Hi there! Friendly neighborhood moderator here.While I welcome even negative feedback, no encouraging review bombs or spending strikes here on the forums! You can check the Forum Rules for more info if you desire.

Thanks for your cooperation! 🙏