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Need a suggestion on which supporter i should 6 star.

Need a suggestion on which supporter i should 6 star.

3 окт. 2019, 09:0803.10.19

Need a suggestion on which supporter i should 6 star.

Hi, im relatively new player and having hard time to decide which hero to max-out. 

Currently my team is:

PVP: Athel 6st, R-Tower 5st, Zargalla 6st, Frostbringer 5st

Clan Boss: Kael 6st, Athel 6st, R-Tower 5st, Coldheart 6st, Frostbringer 5st (most likely will swap out Athel for Occult Brawler later)

Im not sure if i should keep frostbringer or swap her out for any of these: Apothecary, Seeker, High Kathun or Doom Priest.

I'm leaning more towards Doom Priest as her passive is quite helpful to me in dungeons and clan boss, but at same time she doesnt have any type of speed buff.

Thank you. 

Ps: sorry if i posted in wrong section, not familar with the forum yet.

3 окт. 2019, 10:2803.10.19

IMO, it would be best to go with apothecary... though my line of ordering would be:

Apoth > High Khatun > Doom priest > seeker

Seeker isn't really needed to be 6*'d to be useful in arena, only if you plan to use him in dungeons, which i haven't really ever seen

Doom priest is alright, though i still prefer the others over her

High Khatun is more for arena than apoth, gives a speed lead as well but sadly no heals for things like clanboss

Apoth is [imo] 1 of the best supports that are easy to get, can be used everywhere and in end-game with his speed buff, heals and giantslayer procs.

3 окт. 2019, 10:5803.10.19

I sort of dislike how Apothecary looks, but i guess i will have to bear with him until i get somebody who replaces him. Thanks!