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Why Plarium hates us so much???

Why Plarium hates us so much???

4 дек. 2023, 12:3504.12.23

Why Plarium hates us so much???

Dear Plarium, it is the end of the year. Time to recap, time to be better to the others, time for forgiveness and in general positive stuff. So you launched the Yuletide event, which is ok. Tormin is a very nice champ i agree, but.... Then we have events like the one that started today. Classic arena (so far sound great), but, here is the big BUT.... You get points only if you use heroes from one specific faction...... And here comes the s...y storm. How many players do you really expect to be able to participate with a full effective team from one faction in Classic arena???? Do you really think about the majority of the players who are playing your game? Because the way this particular Tournament is set, either you should have been insanely lucky (not much likely) or either you are a whale/kraken (the ppl who you seems to care the most) to have any chance to complete this task. What about the new players? They don`t deserve to have something nice for the forthcoming Christmas? Guys recently your policy of the game is making so many ppl quiting, or are on the edge of quitting (like me). So at one moment, no matter how good the game is, with you policy you will see more and more ppl migrating to other games. So maybe think about that, at least at the end of the year, a? Well i guess happy holidays to you and all your whale/kraken members (don`t hate this ppl, don`t get me wrong, but it seems you care only about them)!

4 дек. 2023, 12:3904.12.23

I have 2 wins so far. This is my weakest faction in the game.

My plan is to fly lower in the rankings and look for single champions there. but there will be a lot of fights, I'm afraid I'll have to use gems.

4 дек. 2023, 12:4104.12.23
4 дек. 2023, 12:42(отредактировано)

Even in lower arena levels it is still hard to compete, when u have to use only 1 faction. And what if you don`t have any decent heroes from that faction? And it is the month of Christmas after all! Just doesn`t feel right, from no point of view!

4 дек. 2023, 13:3004.12.23

I agree that having a faction specific arena tournament as part of the events is a bad idea, but at it's worst it's 30 points out of a possible 2500, and you only need 2000 to get tormin. 

4 дек. 2023, 14:0804.12.23

Maybe a popular opinion but I'd much rather have a faction specific arena tournament than a dungeon one.  Classic Arena has a ton of people running 1 man defenses so you can just pick on those to get this done.  Also as Moored mentioned you dont need to do this event to get Tormin.

4 дек. 2023, 14:1004.12.23

I agree that having a faction specific arena tournament as part of the events is a bad idea, but at it's worst it's 30 points out of a possible 2500, and you only need 2000 to get tormin. 

And add up all those tiny fragments...like 300 from Summon rush, 30 from Arena, 50 from artefact enhancement...perhaps another summon rush...do this for every event/tournament and suddenly you wonder why you couldn't get Tormin...

4 дек. 2023, 14:1004.12.23

Easy enough, tbh. Just hover around 3300 rating and farm the 1-man teams.

4 дек. 2023, 14:1404.12.23

So my wife just asked me the same question . How  am I suppose to do this?

I explained to her I spent about 80 gems to keep refreshing the listed champions I had to fight and only fought the single  or double champions each time.  Assuming 4 of your shadowkin can kill a single enemy (In my Gold V its usually arbiter)

She is doing fine  now and surprised she  is  in second place  of her tourney grouping ;)

4 дек. 2023, 14:1504.12.23

Easy enough, tbh. Just hover around 3300 rating and farm the 1-man teams.

4 day tourney too so only need to find like 12 - 13 fights a day.

4 дек. 2023, 14:1504.12.23

So my wife just asked me the same question . How  am I suppose to do this?

I explained to her I spent about 80 gems to keep refreshing the listed champions I had to fight and only fought the single  or double champions each time.  Assuming 4 of your shadowkin can kill a single enemy (In my Gold V its usually arbiter)

She is doing fine  now and surprised she  is  in second place  of her tourney grouping ;)

Did you finish it already you filthy whale you?

4 дек. 2023, 14:1604.12.23

In the last year, they've given out Genbo, *twice* I have a maxxed out odachi I used to use as a clanboss block debuffs, and an Oboro who has really turned out to be a super star.

My SK arean team is weak, but it's getting the job done. 3 epics and a rare.

4 дек. 2023, 14:2904.12.23

I took out my normal troll team and put free wins defense up to help people out with this event. Ill go back to being a grinch next week.

4 дек. 2023, 14:3104.12.23

I took out my normal troll team and put free wins defense up to help people out with this event. Ill go back to being a grinch next week.

Excellent idea! I'll do the same!

4 дек. 2023, 14:3604.12.23

I took out my normal troll team and put free wins defense up to help people out with this event. Ill go back to being a grinch next week.

I left in my solo defense... wukong... 😆 I'm an ass.

4 дек. 2023, 14:3604.12.23

I took out my normal troll team and put free wins defense up to help people out with this event. Ill go back to being a grinch next week.

You're a grinch for having one in the 1st place.  😁

4 дек. 2023, 14:5204.12.23
4 дек. 2023, 14:53(отредактировано)

Guys I agree with all of you, my idea is not to be the Troll here. But lets put some arguments. 1st it is the season of Christmas (like being good and generous). 2nd you said it is not many points (I agree), but you don`t look the other side. What i mean is that in general events like artifact enhancements are easy (if you have tons of silver saved, and please DON`t tell me that is easy to save with all the silver requirments in this game - removing gear, enhancing gear, forging gear, leveling heroes, shards pull, fusing heroes.. who knows if I am not missing something), or doing some dungeon runs (tons of energy, which if you are trying to keep up with the game is not that easy to save also). And to give me an answer, just spend some diamonds and you are ok, it is not a solution to me and to many other players too. To refresh 10-20 times depends on the luck or to stay online 12-14 hours refreshing like crazy (well if refresh was free thats other story). Also summon rush, how often are you able to do it????? So 30 points there might save me from doing something other that I don`t have the energy or the silver for. There so many other things that could be said, but one thing that you might agree with me is that, before every decent event they start, they always make another tempting to empty your resources, so when the better one is on, you are out of what you need to complete it. Guys it is about adding some quality of life in this game (sorry if I am not saying it right, english it not my native language). So I love the game also, but lets not find exuses everytime they do something like this to us........... 

4 дек. 2023, 14:5804.12.23

Everyone who is here could atleast put up a useless def, maybe others will follow for the time of event if they see it...nothing to lose anyway in gold with the point loss cap


4 дек. 2023, 15:0504.12.23
4 дек. 2023, 15:28(отредактировано)

I am constantly with 1 man defence, but as we all know most of the players are not, and no one could blame them for that. Being in specific arena level has it benefits, so it is normal. Anyway if I have offended anyone I want to apolgize. It is just recently many things added up to build my frustration so much to react. I wish to you great December and happy forthcoming Holidays! Personally I will give Raid little more time, but if the things keep on going in the same direction, will just find another game to spend my time on, no matter how much I like the game Raid itself, my problem is with the policy of the company, which for me is everything but user friendly. Anyway good luck and sorry to bother you, but really wanted to state some of the things I think are destroying this otherwise amazing game! 

4 дек. 2023, 15:4404.12.23

I am constantly with 1 man defence, but as we all know most of the players are not, and no one could blame them for that. Being in specific arena level has it benefits, so it is normal. Anyway if I have offended anyone I want to apolgize. It is just recently many things added up to build my frustration so much to react. I wish to you great December and happy forthcoming Holidays! Personally I will give Raid little more time, but if the things keep on going in the same direction, will just find another game to spend my time on, no matter how much I like the game Raid itself, my problem is with the policy of the company, which for me is everything but user friendly. Anyway good luck and sorry to bother you, but really wanted to state some of the things I think are destroying this otherwise amazing game! 

You haven't done or said anything to offend anyway.  Generally what we try and do on the forums is provide feedback and / or solutions to people's posts, which is why you've seen the type of responses you have.

As to your comment about Plarium going after resources, yes that's what they do.  Raid is a team building and resource management game.  You need to prioritize what you're going to work for your account at that point.  It is impossible to do everything all the time.

That said I do hope you enjoy your time in the game and if you do decide to move on wish you the best of luck.

4 дек. 2023, 16:0304.12.23

Did you finish it already you filthy whale you?

indeed  yes / took about 2 hrs to do . so sitting an max pts (think thats 570) so now waiting for tomorrows event to start

4 дек. 2023, 16:0504.12.23

I left in my solo defense... wukong... 😆 I'm an ass.

so that was the solo wukong that slapped my team and then I avoided all solo wukongs :/ Thanks Trips :(  lol (true though)