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Random feelings about the game

Random feelings about the game

3 дек. 2023, 12:0003.12.23

Random feelings about the game

I'm so trained to wait for things in Raid, that there is always a motivation for not doing a thing.

I see the mythical heroes as in the wrong place. They should be a better version of legendaries, IMO.

I don't feel I need new content. The content already in the game overhelms me. I can't reach the end of almost any of the dungeons in the game. Not worried about that. But I feel it exciting about what is coming anyway with the Sintranos city.

I know there are videos about managing the inventory of items, but I still can't manage to clean my items. It is a lot complicated. I accept the way it is right now. Those hundreds of aditional items have helped me feeling better for some days in this regard. If in a year or so, they put more storage for items, I'll be happier. May be make like the additional storage made for heroes. I would spend diamonds for additional storage for items.

I don't know how the developers manage to keep the equilibrium in the game. It must be so, so hard. Congratulations for the great job in this regard. It is so difficult to keep it working. The complexity of mythical is so much greater.

4 дек. 2023, 01:4104.12.23

Thanks for the feedback, I'll pass it up to the team!