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WTF Kind of Mickey Mouse Operation - Are You Running Here, Plarium?

WTF Kind of Mickey Mouse Operation - Are You Running Here, Plarium?

29 сент. 2019, 19:0329.09.19

WTF Kind of Mickey Mouse Operation - Are You Running Here, Plarium?

I saw the Artifact Event say it was Live.

I was checking the rewards.

It looked really sad, but I decided to give it a try!

I went to upgrade 1 gear to +16 to see how far it would go in the Artifact event.

I spent 1mil+ Silver to get 1 gear from +12 to +16.

I went back to the event tab to see how far I had progressed in the event.



The Event has Vanished!

It completely disappeared!

I go to the event tab.

It’s not there?

My 1 million silver has disappeared along with the event?

I should get credit for the +16 upgrade.

Does any know why the event has pulled a Vanishing Act?

What is going on right now!

29 сент. 2019, 19:0729.09.19
Blew through 5 mil upgrading artis, if event restarts and we are starting over is going to upset me since I already used all that silver ...
29 сент. 2019, 19:2729.09.19
I spent 15 million silver and blew threw the even.  Collected every single reward... took about an hour and a half
29 сент. 2019, 19:3229.09.19
I've noticed something. When item upgrade event is not running, I spend average 1,2 million silver to up gear from 1 to 16, but when event is on, then average silver per item to upgrade from 1 to 16 is about 2 milion...
29 сент. 2019, 20:0129.09.19

I saw the titled and just had to say it made me laugh.

In all seriousness the even is really just to get champs for the fusion. unless you have prepared or are willing to go big I'd save you stuff.
29 сент. 2019, 21:1929.09.19
kalo said:

It's hilarious - check the announcements - event has been cancelled due to high load on game servers 

Apparently, we need to throw more money at this game so they can buy better server and hire another developer.

wow, that is (should be) a joke.  I'm glad I completed the event before this SNAFU.  Hopefully Plarium will figure out how to make it right.
29 сент. 2019, 21:3729.09.19
you spent 1m, i spent all together 14m on it already, collected 1000 points rewards and the nupgraded 5 or 6 after that before it vanished lul... 
29 сент. 2019, 23:1929.09.19

If they wont restore records, imo the 3 best solutions are: 1) extend this event from 3 days to 1 week and fusion event +3 days. 2) just give event characters to everyone as compensation 3) re-start event but lower requirement 5x fold.

If they dont figure it out, i feel that many people who spend over dozen hours into these events will just give up on that game.

30 сент. 2019, 02:2030.09.19
This is real lame if you were to ask me!!!
1 окт. 2019, 20:0901.10.19

The answer to this thread has been sent out by Plarium!

The game had to many active events going at same time which made the servers over loaded.

The game had to remove the Artifact Event because the servers couldn’t handle it.

Thus, Explaining why the Artifact Event Vanished before my very eyes!

The game sent out compensation to make up for the lost Artifact rewards.

A lot of people are not satisfied with the compensation rewards which were given out!

Why are they upset?

Because the game didn’t give us any 🐓  as compensation!

So many people had there heart set on getting those rank up chickens!

The game gave us Clan Boss Keys? 

Clan Boss Keys were not even in the Artifact reward brackets!

So many heroes are starving now because they have no 🐓  to eat.

- Sadness

- Despair

- Tragedy

*Que* The Black Current Falls!

So to ends the age of the Artifact Event.

Nothing remains, but Silence!

2 окт. 2019, 17:4202.10.19

Hi all!

I am only a f2p player, even so, I would only suggest participating actively in tournaments if you have enough currency (silver for artifact upgrade events, energy for dungeon raids events, etcetera). If you make the maths, it is only worthy to participate in events if: 

- you have a lot of energy/silver and time to spend, OR

- you are a new player and even the initial rewards are of interest to you, OR

- you are willing to pay for energy/silver with real money

I find it frustrating that some events seem to be designed for high-level players, who have saved a lot of energy/silver, or who are willing to spend real dollars.

I am really enjoying this game as a f2p player, but it must be really frustrating for those people who have spent 50 dollars or more in this game...


3 окт. 2019, 06:0403.10.19

Player J said:

I saw the Artifact Event say it was Live.

I was checking the rewards.

It looked really sad, but I decided to give it a try!

I went to upgrade 1 gear to +16 to see how far it would go in the Artifact event.

I spent 1mil+ Silver to get 1 gear from +12 to +16.

I went back to the event tab to see how far I had progressed in the event.



The Event has Vanished!

It completely disappeared!

I go to the event tab.

It’s not there?

My 1 million silver has disappeared along with the event?

I should get credit for the +16 upgrade.

Does any know why the event has pulled a Vanishing Act?

What is going on right now!

Event is currently disabled due to server issues coming a long with it, it WILL be back, however, progress is not saved if you progressed through the last 1.

So anyone who had logged in during these issues were given the 2 rares in there as rewards with a little bonus.