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Your thoughts about Raid Shadow Legends?

Your thoughts about Raid Shadow Legends?

23 сент. 2019, 11:0223.09.19

Your thoughts about Raid Shadow Legends?

Hello guys,

can you share your thoughts about Raid Shadow Legends?

Do you like it, do you hate it?

What would you change about it?

Do you like the course the game is going?

What are ups and what are downsides in game?

I would like to hear your opinion. 



23 сент. 2019, 12:1023.09.19

Positive review :

The games has a great potential. The graphics is good. A tons of characters. Plus you need specific hero and strategy to beat certain stage. I liked it.

Negative review :

I hated plarium management. No schedules for event and the rules keep changing. Event is almost likes gambling and some of them is really bad. Too difficult to completed. They limited multi battle 15x / 40x ( with raid pass ) while we need to do hundred of battle every days to completed training event. Unlimited repetition and very boring. 

Plarium make a lots of stuff on this games so expensive, so difficult to obtained. They're too greedy. I still remember how they skipped artifact event for several weeks after Foli event. They waited for very long times until we spent our silver then they started to add artifact event again. 

24 сент. 2019, 13:4824.09.19
24 сент. 2019, 14:15(отредактировано)


The game has a great potential. Graphic good .

  Cirilla is  very nice with us, she is listen to us. But still i don't see changes - cuz probably the game has a little team and it needs more members to complete tasks.


Greedy- offers, loot, silver ( they don't play the game to know that)

            - we need little fixes like : big inventory, big vault, shop to buy things after u earn points, arena rewards, boss rewards (in 3 months ' when i completed my team' , i didn't seen any sacred shard from NM) we need to much silver to do things and the silver it's earn very bad (we need NM campaign) a good system to search for items, a good system to search for heroes. NO COST FOR CHANGING GEAR !!! -Atleast in weekend !

            - void legendary heroes are a joke(not all but still... check martyr and after check void legs.) ! they need REWORK not add 2 % def and we are done...

            - we don't have daily rewards... if my grandmother ll do a mobile game in the future, she ll put first daily rewards !

            - events are bad.. cuz this is a mobile game and  it should be treated as such , not like a second job, to work hard to get low things (in my example for 2 months i focus on want i want to do, no events, no tournaments) (and event needs to be like : complete 5 fights with dragon on 5 + , make 2 heroes lv 4, ascend two lv 4+ heroes , 10 fights in campaign without losing any hero etc...)

They focus to much for big things(PC version -new heroes - FW) . but we don't have fixes  for these things and the community is frustrated.

24 сент. 2019, 23:0924.09.19

Like others have said, the game has great potential and awesome graphics.

Aside from that, plarium is a turd company, in every aspect you can think of. Every flaw humans have, these guys have embodied it to a peak. Greed rulz.  
25 сент. 2019, 01:0825.09.19

Cookie_RayLa said:

can you share your thoughts about Raid Shadow Legends?

Game is nice,

plarium as a whole - their decisions and management - are pure crap

21 нояб. 2019, 11:2521.11.19
21 нояб. 2019, 11:34(отредактировано)
All I have to say is why are we paying so much to remove artifacts. PLEASE NO COST FOR REMOVING ARTIFACTS! It is very frustrating when you have to spend 200,000 silver just to remove a few artifacts, then realize that they are not working for your character and then having to remove them again. There is no room for error when one is testing different artifacts so see what works for that specific character. Very discouraging when you spend so much time trying to get silver just to spend it all removing some gear. I do like the game other than that but starting to lose interest because of the amount of cost it is for everything. I don’t see myself investing money in this game unless they make things reasonable.
21 нояб. 2019, 11:5321.11.19

So most of us agree that the game has a potential, and has pretty good graphic.

Maybe I just repeat what others said above, but: I like the game, and I want all it's good for the game, not just for me. But Plarium seems to have different direction, and want all it's good for them (cash, money), not good for the game and players. So unfortunately this game is in the wrong hands, really bad management, Mods/ CM are ok, they are trying, but they cannot say anything more beside dyplomatic repetitive bs in line with company policy .

For now I can't say if I like way the game is going, becouse it's going nowhere, it's going down becouse of many things which where already said in dozens of topics, not only here on this forum. We'll see how it'll be after upcoming update, but I'm not expecting huge change. Probably "whalevents" will stay as they are now, and they'll continue their greedy mission.

So to make a long story short:

+: Nice game with potential

-: Wrong policy, bad management, horrible events, not enough updates with content (new champs are not a content), to slow balancing champions, to much greedy game, to big distinction between payers and f2p players.

21 нояб. 2019, 20:1621.11.19

It is really hard to do a review before the next patch comes out as a lot of issues are supposed to get fixed.  So I am not going to parrot what is being said on Twitch and Youtube.  Here is my limited but honest review:

Really good fantasy graphics.  Some of the best in the industry.  Top notch!

Really fun squad level turn based combat.

Great progression except books.  Campaign (normal, brutal, hard) for levels, Minotaur for scrolls, Clan Boss and Dungeons for good loot.

Faction war needs a story.  It is boring, hard and kind of pointless.

The game interface is very bad.  For example, I cant see character names when I click through my vault.

When I first tried Raid, I gave it a 1 out of 5 because the interface was so bad.  After a few months I think it is 2 out of 5 but I am hoping it gets better with the new patches.

21 нояб. 2019, 22:4121.11.19
21 нояб. 2019, 22:44(отредактировано)

I like raid, it's a really good game with a lot of potential. I feel like the events lately have been good, lots of tournaments and alike. Some easy rewards and some harder makes for a varied play depending on how hardcore player you are. But nonetheless, they don't all have to be finished I just like the option when something is going on! So more ongoing stuff like that please! I also love that its extensive, there's always something to achieve or something to obtain. More combos to find, new heroes to try etc! There is a lot to fix for sure, but in time I'm sure improvements will come! 

22 нояб. 2019, 00:0522.11.19

+ Nice graphics.

- Pay2Win, Predatory strategy, play on frustration to make players pay, bad interface, RNG to it's worse, doesn't care about feedback, no communication

22 нояб. 2019, 00:0622.11.19

kimnasstrom said:

I like raid, it's a really good game with a lot of potential. I feel like the events lately have been good, lots of tournaments and alike. Some easy rewards and some harder makes for a varied play depending on how hardcore player you are. But nonetheless, they don't all have to be finished I just like the option when something is going on! So more ongoing stuff like that please! I also love that its extensive, there's always something to achieve or something to obtain. More combos to find, new heroes to try etc! There is a lot to fix for sure, but in time I'm sure improvements will come! 

Not on how hardcore player are. Just on how many $$$ you're ready to spend.

Rewards are based on money, not on heavy participation.
24 нояб. 2019, 02:0024.11.19
Someone else already mentioned it, but one big CON for me is the idea of paying to take off artifacts. I mean that's wild. And also losing those artifacts when we fuse or sacrifice the champs. It is frustrating! 
25 нояб. 2019, 13:4925.11.19

The game it's self is fine and well done.

Con- Plarium in general
25 нояб. 2019, 19:5925.11.19
Spent around 100€ so far to this game and i have feeling that the gambling or suprise mechanics are biiiiiit too  high in this game. Same rares all the time, few purples and 0 legendarys. I'm getting tired of this... The 90days are almost up for me and seems like i'm leaving it there.... And oh yeah, nice graphics...
6 янв. 2020, 12:3406.01.20
I just spent over 2,000,000 in silver to upgrade an artifact 4 levels.......how is this okay
6 янв. 2020, 15:4906.01.20

I've only played for 10 days yet and haven't even gotten my first 6* yet, so this will be my first impressions of the game (and Plarium). 

Reading the posts above, I get that many players are frustrated with the RNG nature of the game and the artifact unequip costs that I too found puzzling first (more on this below). However, I come to this game with zero sense of entitlement and very low expectations, having paid nothing for it - nor will I ever. I'm basically an eternal parasite off of Plarium's free (for me) work - I'm not stuck with them, they are stuck with me. I start the game fully aware every time that I'm gazing into Plarium's money making abyss that employs the best techniques to stir feelings in me that will hopefully make me want to part with my money. So from this perspective, I don't really care if it's "unfair" for f2p players, I only care if I'm having a good time or not, and if I'm not then I'll go play something else. So far I am - I like the game, especially its potential for automization, beating AI and finding good synergies. The good graphics help too.

Hence, I won't critique any aspect of the game that is obviously designed to make Plarium money - I expect the game to be as packed with such features as is possible without losing too much of a player base that might be willing to part with some money. If not, Plarium is a worse min/maxer than I am, in which case more power to me, right? 

One matter of game design I just find confusing though, with no clear benefit for Plarium or its players: Why is the artifact system such a mess? You have set bonuses that overlap with main stats. Not to mention the added complexity of rarities and substats. Here's what I'd do: Away with all set bonuses that enhance stats. All sets come in 3 pieces, not 2 or 4, and all of them add a special feature such as lifedrain or retaliation when you complete the 3-set (hence 2 such abilities are available per champion). There are no flat main stats, only scaling percentages even on first row equipment - all free to combine. All substats are instead flat, and come as perks with +4/8/12/16 like they do now. Remove rarities entirely - stars is the only defining property of rarity and drop rate, along with the actual set effect with more powerful effects already being more limited. Limit upgrade potential based on stars so noobs won't overupgrade shitty equipment that they will want to swap out in a few more days of playing - I promise it will be good even for monetization purposes, since new players will then be better to hook on the game than using this overly complex system you have now. 

As for the cost to disequip, as it is now, I think it's almost always a mistake to pay it. Better to destroy the equipment if it is outdated. If it's outdated on one character, it will soon be outdated on another too and you're better off investing that silver in upgrading new, better equipment. If you have like a 5* +16 piece that is so good as to merit that upgrade, why would you want to remove it? The only time I think it might be worth it is if you have some awesome equipment and want to permanently repurpose a champion for something completely different, such as clan boss. But before doing that, consider if you can't just make a new champion for this purpose instead and use the equipment on him instead. Perhaps it would be better if unequipping was simply impossible - scrapping was the only option. As it is now, Plarium invites noobs that have an emotional attachment to an equipment piece to part with their in game silver, so as to make the in-game currency more scarce and encourage replacing it with real money. It's a trap though. 

13 апр. 2020, 10:0813.04.20
Support is does not exist.  That's my thoughts.  to have to question the advertised summon rates vs what is the actual behind the scenes.
13 апр. 2020, 12:1713.04.20

why did nobody mention the zoom-in effects of raid? they are pretty cool!

in battle you can change the view of the battlefield by moving it.

and what i like the most is, in character menu you can zoom-in really close to your champs.

and what should i say, some female champs got nice strings. 
13 апр. 2020, 23:5913.04.20
Elviraz said:

Positive review :

The games has a great potential. The graphics is good. A tons of characters. Plus you need specific hero and strategy to beat certain stage. I liked it.

Negative review :

I hated plarium management. No schedules for event and the rules keep changing. Event is almost likes gambling and some of them is really bad. Too difficult to completed. They limited multi battle 15x / 40x ( with raid pass ) while we need to do hundred of battle every days to completed training event. Unlimited repetition and very boring. 

Plarium make a lots of stuff on this games so expensive, so difficult to obtained. They're too greedy. I still remember how they skipped artifact event for several weeks after Foli event. They waited for very long times until we spent our silver then they started to add artifact event again. 

Artfact events were bugged, they had to fix them first.
14 апр. 2020, 00:0514.04.20
turbomaster74 said:

Support is does not exist.  That's my thoughts.  to have to question the advertised summon rates vs what is the actual behind the scenes.
I've already replied to your thread. If you ask help to moderators, like me, we'll be glad to help you.
14 апр. 2020, 00:0614.04.20

Hi, Guys!

Thanks for your feedbacks. :)