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Errol is a complete pile of garbage now

Errol is a complete pile of garbage now

19 сент. 2019, 15:2819.09.19

Errol is a complete pile of garbage now

Thanks!  Great job reviewing and balancing heroes.  Now Errol can take his seat on the bench with the rest of the garbage legendaries.  So glad I pumped resources into him.  

His pvp effectiveness is now ZERO. 
19 сент. 2019, 16:1619.09.19

Your Welcome

19 сент. 2019, 16:5119.09.19

Negation was the only reason I used him. Now...?

He went from meh to bleh. I can’t really see him actually getting used more often after this “fix”. 
19 сент. 2019, 16:5219.09.19

Cannot agree more!

His S2 was useful in the arena to take out a champ with 1 shot, normally get at least 1 crit off in the three hits.

Now the whole 1 hit he does is less effective than his normal default skill. 

He was great against the Minotaur with the S2 occasionally doing 150K damage if you were lucky, now crap.

Dropped 4 tombs into him too as he was my only legendary for a while.

Gutted and very disappointed
20 сент. 2019, 00:1920.09.19
He still is my only legendary, and I was a little excited at first because I thought they would at least fix the A2 in auto, but they didn't even do that. The notes about the "rebalance" don't even mention that it reduces the attack to one from three. It only says it adds a 30% increase crit rate. My only hope for this character at this point is that it's an error and it's unintentionally nerfed. But I doubt it. Very disappointed.
20 сент. 2019, 00:2020.09.19
How about an official answer on Errol and why the patch notes don’t match his skills .
20 сент. 2019, 04:0120.09.19
20 сент. 2019, 04:01(отредактировано)
Errol's a2 change was NOT intended to be turned into only 1 hit.
20 сент. 2019, 06:5420.09.19
Dragon Claws said:

Errol's a2 change was NOT intended to be turned into only 1 hit.
Could you tell them they should stop having interns mess with champions? Because that's the way some of these changes feel to the community. If it wasn't interns, it would be even worse, showing that those designers have absolutely no clue or are not even paying attention to what they do.