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problems with the game

problems with the game

16 сент. 2019, 18:0216.09.19

problems with the game

as a relative new (f2p) player after 46 days i am facing the problem that i seem to have reached a dead end already.

I am pretty competitive and after 46 days i managed to get my starter to 60 and 12 more champions to lvl50.

The problem now is that after opening al the shards i stil dont have any legendaries or epics that can get me to the next lvl (say stage 13 dungeons) and nothing i can do to get there other then waiting on the 90 day signin event to get to the void and sacred shards.

There is nothing in this game that would allow a f2p player to earn a legendary or even void or sacred shards.

same goes for faction wars, even with my realitive strong dark elves team i cannot get past stage 7.

More and more it seems to be a cash and grab game only designed for the big coiners who dont rely on the 1 legendary or s tier epic anyways.

to keep the game interesting we should have a way of earning our champions/shards to progress
16 сент. 2019, 18:4816.09.19

therealmike said:

There is nothing in this game that would allow a f2p player to earn a legendary or even void or sacred shards.

same goes for faction wars, even with my realitive strong dark elves team i cannot get past stage 7.

to keep the game interesting we should have a way of earning our champions/shards to progress

Actually even  p2w cannot earn a legendary  . i know players who heavy pay and played for long time and still without any Legendry .

But as for f2p  earning shards .. you win 1  Ancient shard every 5 days from weekly quests . beside 1 free from shop every 7 days  so 10/ month

and 1 void and 1 sacred from monthly  , this is the fixed rate .  you can win from events too and you can save gems to buy ancients packs for 900 or 270 gems

not saying it is enough or little . just to point how p2w can earn shards ..Last summon event i opened 7 void and 20 ancient shard .. now i have 54 ancient and 6 sacred saved for next event and i am totally f2p 
16 сент. 2019, 19:5516.09.19

You absolutely do not need Legendaries until stage 20 or around that and even then I'm pretty sure there's people that can do them with Rares and Epics. Rarity isn't always the equivalent of quality. Now, if you are talking about Faction Wars, then yes, you'll probably need the strongest and most OP characters in the game just to get to Stage 14 (I think that's the second boss) and a lot of those are Legendaries.

Also, it's all rng. Some people play this game for way longer than I did and have no Legendaries. I was lucky but tbh I'd take a lvl60 Athel over my Errol any day (I still have not gotten a single Athel).
16 сент. 2019, 20:0816.09.19

i am not saying i need a legendary, altough it would help.

My point is there is nothing to play for, nothing to grind for in terms of grinding for shards or champions.

i have my kael at 60 and all other decent/good champions to 50, but i need champions with better skills.

Take my drake, he is an epic but completely useless, same for crypt witch and erinyes.

i still rely on my kael aphotecary executioner and even galek, due to lack of better options

Just pointing out we need a way to grind for some decent rewards to have a goal, iso just doing 12-3 brutal thousands of times and hoping to get lucky with a shard from signin
16 сент. 2019, 20:2716.09.19

therealmike said:

i am not saying i need a legendary, altough it would help.

My point is there is nothing to play for, nothing to grind for in terms of grinding for shards or champions.

i have my kael at 60 and all other decent/good champions to 50, but i need champions with better skills.

Take my drake, he is an epic but completely useless, same for crypt witch and erinyes.

i still rely on my kael aphotecary executioner and even galek, due to lack of better options

Just pointing out we need a way to grind for some decent rewards to have a goal, iso just doing 12-3 brutal thousands of times and hoping to get lucky with a shard from signin

Sorry about that, kinda rushed a bit. But yes, I completely agree that long term there really isn't a main goal or an objective, other that obtaining Arbiter (which for a f2p probably takes months and I think they are counting on that).

I play the game as a means of relaxation after working so I'm not that involved, but I can imagine that it is frustrating to grind on and on with no end in sight. Events and Tournaments are pretty nice tho, even though a f2p rarely manages to complete them.

If you want my advice, working out, reading and playing this go pretty well if you can manage your time and it won't feel as exasperating.
17 сент. 2019, 09:1517.09.19

i like the grind, however there needs to be a point of grinding.

There needs to be a payoff, whether it be a good fusion (i have relic keeper) shards champions.

Every game i played is based on dailies, however there was always something to work towards, which seems to be lacking 

I think they should have something like a trade option, where you could say trade 50 rares ( or 4 stars) for 1 epic of choice or 10 epics ( or 5 stars) for 1 legendary

that would give a goal to rank up your uncoomons rares etc, and would help you to make progress