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Risk vs Reward

Risk vs Reward

16 сент. 2019, 07:4016.09.19

Risk vs Reward


Dear Plarium, have you ever heard of risk (effort) vs reward principle?

The risk-return tradeoff states that the potential return rises with an increase in risk. Using this principle, individuals associate low levels of uncertainty with low potential returns, and high levels of uncertainty or risk with high potential returns.

Now, i'm running Spirit Keep hoping to get 1 Superior potion for my quest. Can you guess what was the reward for doing stage 12 30 times?

Around 80 Lesser potions, 4 green shards and 3 Brews.

I know everyone at Plarium is busy thinking of how to milk more money from players, but could you take a break form that and make some improvements of the dungeon drop rates? Maybe even boss clan rewards if is not too much to ask.

Thank you!

16 сент. 2019, 14:2916.09.19

Soso23 said:


Dear Plarium, have you ever heard of risk (effort) vs reward principle?

The risk-return tradeoff states that the potential return rises with an increase in risk. Using this principle, individuals associate low levels of uncertainty with low potential returns, and high levels of uncertainty or risk with high potential returns.

Now, i'm running Spirit Keep hoping to get 1 Superior potion for my quest. Can you guess what was the reward for doing stage 12 30 times?

Around 80 Lesser potions, 4 green shards and 3 Brews.

I know everyone at Plarium is busy thinking of how to milk more money from players, but could you take a break form that and make some improvements of the dungeon drop rates? Maybe even boss clan rewards if is not too much to ask.

Thank you!

i'm running Spirit Keep (lvl 11) hoping to get 5 Superior potion for my challenge. 

400 energys go away. 

17 сент. 2019, 12:5617.09.19
Yeah, it seems that the drop rate has been nerfed.  I get a single lesser potion way more than I used to.  And the fact that brews and green shards drop at all over stage 10 is insane.  Obvious cash grab.