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New player looking for arena def advice

New player looking for arena def advice

15 сент. 2019, 20:5815.09.19

New player looking for arena def advice

I need a little guidance with an arena def team as I can get into silver 1 but always get bumped back down into bronze again this is what I've got to work with as I bought some shards.


Mortu-macaab, Septumus, Shirimani


Husk, Royal Guard, kallia, Alure, High Khatun,Tallia, Relic Keeper, Grizzled Jarl, Hell gazer, Corpse Collector, Atur, Rock Breaker, Mystress of Hymns, Fenex, Jizoh, deathless and knight errant.

I also have a bunch of rares but to many to list but main ones are kael, apothecary and chevalier are the most notable that ive been told and the rest are what ive been told are food. I'm not looking for complete set up just some quick advice on the best team I can make with what I have I can gear them by looking on places like ayumilove  etc. 

I spent around £200-£250 on shards to get these and I'm only just passed my 1st few weeks mark so I'm still learning and help would be really apriciated thank you.
