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Advice needed: Seeker vs Spirit Host and Golden Reaper

Advice needed: Seeker vs Spirit Host and Golden Reaper

6 сент. 2019, 18:2106.09.19

Advice needed: Seeker vs Spirit Host and Golden Reaper

So I used to run spirit host zelotah elhain siegebreaker in arena. Then I got Psylar Seeker Golden Reaper and Lua. From what I understand Golden Reaper is for meter boost, Spirit Host is for atk increase, so why not just combine them into Seeker who does both skills in 1 move. I want to run Seeker then Elhain Psyler Lua Aoe nukes, just fast, clean and easy. I am new though so I am not sure if thats the right move, should I go Spirithost + Golden Reaper instead ? I need some advice please, thank you. 

11 сент. 2019, 05:4111.09.19

If your using an Offense fast pace strategy, you will need Turn Meter hero + Speed Aura.

I think your best bet will be to use SpiritHost + Golden Reaper.

The reason why is because SpiritHost can provide you a Speed Aura.

Seeker is a great hero one of the best in the game.

The only thing is you will need another hero to have Speed Aura.

I also want to mention Golden Reaper is top tier as well.

So there isn’t anything wrong with either of them.

I would just use Golden Reaper because it Base Speed is higher + SpiritHost will provide Increase Attack.

Maybe, you will get another heroes down the road with better speed Aura.

Than you can consider using Seeker vs. Golden Reaper.

Nevertheless, I say congratulations are in order!

You make people jealous lol

I wish I had your magical hand pulls lol

28 нояб. 2020, 18:1428.11.20
28 нояб. 2020, 18:15(отредактировано)

I pulled tayrel,golden reaper and seeker in the same day, yesterday..two from sacred shards one from void.  Initially i was bummed i didnt get a legendary and this was my first 2 sacred shards pull..but i guess seeker  combined with hi katun in arena and two nukers kicks ass.. very rarely does the enemy team get to go first heh.  

Put ur best speed gear on them

Golden reaper and tayrel seem like strong players for arena as well..im.leveling them.up slowly and grooming them ..