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Arena Team Help for Farming Gold Medals for the Great Hall

Arena Team Help for Farming Gold Medals for the Great Hall

24 нояб. 2023, 14:3024.11.23

Arena Team Help for Farming Gold Medals for the Great Hall

Hello all, today I would like to ask for help forming a better Arena team as while my current self-made one got me to Gold I, it's not strong enough to quickly farm the Medals. My defense team also loses too often so I haven't been able to complete the "win 10 classic arena defense battles in Gold I" challenge yet. My current attack team is Ronda (leader), Artak, Harima, and Rector Drath. The same team is also my defense team.

I've included my roster below. I appreciate any and all advice, thanks, and Happy late Thanksgiving all!




24 нояб. 2023, 14:3524.11.23

Until you get UDK you're stuck in gold I.

24 нояб. 2023, 14:5224.11.23

Until you get UDK you're stuck in gold I.


24 нояб. 2023, 15:0124.11.23

Until you get UDK you're stuck in gold I.

incorrect on extremely high levels, especially when OP has Harima who is you know, one of the best arena defense champs in this meta. 

24 нояб. 2023, 15:0324.11.23

@KingSorin can you post your builds for Harima + Ronda?

I'd be looking to 60 Wukong ASAP if you're looking to progress in Arena, as well. 

24 нояб. 2023, 15:3224.11.23

incorrect on extremely high levels, especially when OP has Harima who is you know, one of the best arena defense champs in this meta. 

Oh boy can we please restart the UDK is a broken wall that is insurmountable narrative again.

24 нояб. 2023, 17:3824.11.23

Oh boy can we please restart the UDK is a broken wall that is insurmountable narrative again.

I'm looking forward to the revival of that thread, I haven't been threatened with murder in a DM in a while

24 нояб. 2023, 17:4024.11.23

@KingSorin can you post your builds for Harima + Ronda?

I'd be looking to 60 Wukong ASAP if you're looking to progress in Arena, as well. 

Very much seconded though. Harima and Wukong are such a good backbone for an arena team.

24 нояб. 2023, 17:5124.11.23

Oh boy can we please restart the UDK is a broken wall that is insurmountable narrative again.

Okay....UdK is the bestesttest and encountering him in Arena is suicide...

24 нояб. 2023, 18:3624.11.23

Oh boy can we please restart the UDK is a broken wall that is insurmountable narrative again.

time is a flat circle, it seems

24 нояб. 2023, 22:1224.11.23

Okay....UdK is the bestesttest and encountering him in Arena is suicide...

Good try but not nearly toxic enough.

24 нояб. 2023, 22:1324.11.23

I'm looking forward to the revival of that thread, I haven't been threatened with murder in a DM in a while

There's still a few weeks left to the year.  Plenty of time left to rekindle the hatred.

24 нояб. 2023, 23:2424.11.23
25 нояб. 2023, 09:42(отредактировано)

@KingSorin can you post your builds for Harima + Ronda?

I'd be looking to 60 Wukong ASAP if you're looking to progress in Arena, as well. 

@dthorne04 @harleQuinn here they are. And I'll work on Wukong. Ronda used to be in Savage/Perception but the crit rate was abysmal so I switched and this new set has helped a ton.





26 нояб. 2023, 02:0926.11.23

@dthorne04 @harleQuinn I have posted my builds for Ronda and Harima. Not sure if y'all have seen them yet as there have been no responses. I am aware that as mods you two are very busy so I apologize if I'm bothering you. 

26 нояб. 2023, 03:3626.11.23

Okay. Personally - my opinion is, if those champs are indicative of the rest of your gear, you're a long way off from investing in arena. Focus on farming dungeons. You need to build up a solid set of 6-star gear. You have enough quality champs to be able to farm Dragon20 easily.

My personal suggestion - focus on getting a team that can solo farm Dragon 20. Tomb Lord can do this effectively, in Regen/Immortal gear. That should be your focus, as it will help you progress far more than anything arena will give you.

26 нояб. 2023, 04:1226.11.23

Okay. Personally - my opinion is, if those champs are indicative of the rest of your gear, you're a long way off from investing in arena. Focus on farming dungeons. You need to build up a solid set of 6-star gear. You have enough quality champs to be able to farm Dragon20 easily.

My personal suggestion - focus on getting a team that can solo farm Dragon 20. Tomb Lord can do this effectively, in Regen/Immortal gear. That should be your focus, as it will help you progress far more than anything arena will give you.

First off, thx for your help.

For the Dragon 20 solo with Tomb Lord, are there any main/sub-stats I should focus on for him? I'm aware he needs a bunch of ACC but I am not sure about anything else. Btw, when you say solo, do you mean just Tomb Lord with no teammates? Or with teammates but ensure they die first?

The reason I'm trying to farm Arena is so I can get Arbiter. I need the gold medals for great hall boosts.

This is him currently. 



26 нояб. 2023, 06:5726.11.23

@dthorne04 @harleQuinn I have posted my builds for Ronda and Harima. Not sure if y'all have seen them yet as there have been no responses. I am aware that as mods you two are very busy so I apologize if I'm bothering you. 

When farming arena, just go for the easy weak or single target defences. That's what everyone else does at first. Just keep refreshing till you get the ones you need to pass challenges. :)

26 нояб. 2023, 08:0126.11.23

@dthorne04 @harleQuinn I have posted my builds for Ronda and Harima. Not sure if y'all have seen them yet as there have been no responses. I am aware that as mods you two are very busy so I apologize if I'm bothering you. 

Great news! You've got two Champions that I'm currently using as my Go First team and it should be 70% or higher win rate with your champions.

1. Lyssandra and Wukong. Put Wukong in Lead, give Lyssandra the highest speed possible while keeping Acc at atleast 250 and Wukong at about 300 or more Acc. You're really gonna want to get Lyssandra's speed above 300 to be able to do the most battles per Refresh. If Lyssandra doesn't go first, you've got a low chance of winning.

2. You need 2 more champions from you pool that are AOE Nukers. If its just a single AOE they have but it hits hard, use them.

3. Lyssandra will go first, Wukong must go 2nd before your other two AOE Nukers. All 4 should be able to go before the enemy gets a single turn. This is pretty easy with Lyssandra's A3 doing the Turn Meter swing

4. So here's how it plays out: Lyssandra does A3, then Wukong goes. Wukong strips all their non-protected buffs and places Block Buffs. It would be best to have the Champion going 3rd to do AOE Decrease Defense or Weaken on their Nuke so if they survive, your 4th Nuker will have a better chance of finishing them. Wukong will strip Stoneskin (if not protected) and the way the mechanics work, if they have Leorius or Skullcrown, the Block Buffs will block their Unkillable Passive and they will die when they take a fatal hit. 

5. Ok so here's what you need to avoid and what will mess your team up: Hegemon (Avoid any team with him) and super high resist Pythion/Duchess. Protected Stoneskin is a RNG situation but if you see a Pythion or Duchess on their team, assume it has a full set on. Also if they have a speed lead and their Arbiter or Lyssandra ect goes first, you're probably going to die.

Your entire goal is to kill the whole team and not have a reviver left to bring them back. Mithrala isn't a problem with her super high resist, because she can't revive. UDK isn't a problem because Wukong can sheep him. 

Final Note: If you get lucky and pull Gnishrak from a Shard, you'll have a much higher win rate, even with the Stoneskin Pythion. In fact, you'll practically WANT him to have a Protected Stoneskin so Gnish's bombs absolutely wreck him on his first turn when he's the only one left standing.