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7 star rank someday?

7 star rank someday?

28 авг. 2019, 20:2528.08.19

7 star rank someday?

So, I've been playing around a month and I just ranked my 3rd champ up to 6/60 (I did buy a deal that included 10 5* chickens but did the 3rd one manually with common and uncommon food) and I just realized that 6/60 is maxed out.  Is there any chance that they're going to let us rank up to 7* anytime soon?  I get that I should probably focus on upgrading more and better champs that I get, artifacts, skills, masteries, etc, but hitting any sort of ceiling is always irritating to me... I would love a game that has no ceiling, just is exponentially harder to go to the next rank/level/whatever.
28 авг. 2019, 21:0228.08.19

usually the upcoming content is teased in game, like we had with many of the new things being added/still yet to be added

however i've seen no 7* champion or boss. what i have see is ''uncapped leveling'' 

but that can be easily taken advantage of unless the increase in stats by each level is extremely minute and the xp required to level up is massive

but i just imagine how much food you need to get a rank 10 champion for example xD

10 (100)

10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,

now for each rank 10

9 (90) (x10)

9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 (x10)

now for each rank 9

8 (80) (x90)

8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,  (x90)

now for each rank ...

you get the idea, it's insane xD
28 авг. 2019, 21:3628.08.19
I also wondered about 7 stars since the tavern has 6 slots to upgrade a champ...so 6 60ies would make a 7 star.
28 авг. 2019, 23:5128.08.19

7 star with 6 champions as a food ? gonna need very long times. I'm against it. 

What we need here is somethings likes evolution / evolve. When the champion reached lv 60 we can increases the base status or strengthen the skill with evolution item.
29 авг. 2019, 06:1229.08.19

I believe Addmeister has the right idea, all the foundations are there for it to progress to 7 star champs.

If it were to become a reality, it would also need to be supported by either more prevalent chicken rewards, including 6 star chickens, and faster more efficient farming levels. It has been mentioned elsewhere that a new tier of campaign difficulty is on the drawing board but no signs as to when that will be released. That will likely speed up the farming process or hopefully at least make it more energy efficient for those able to clear it. They'll also need to make the bonus worth it; the difference between a 5 star champ and a 6 star champ is pretty significant but the difference between the more recent addition of 6 star artifacts was a lot less impressive. So if the bonus is only for percentile gains, the vast majority would likely ignore it entirely.

29 авг. 2019, 14:1729.08.19
Hello guys! For now, we are not planning to raise the Champion's max rank to 7. That would require massive changes in the game balance. But we will add the fourth difficulty level to the Campain and more available runs for the multi-battle mode, which will make it easier for you to grind and develop your champions creating various teams for better performance on all locations (and you will need a lot of upgraded Champions when the Faction Wars are out, which is incredibly soon).
29 авг. 2019, 19:1729.08.19

Cirilla said:

Hello guys! For now, we are not planning to raise the Champion's max rank to 7. That would require massive changes in the game balance. But we will add the fourth difficulty level to the Campain and more available runs for the multi-battle mode, which will make it easier for you to grind and develop your champions creating various teams for better performance on all locations (and you will need a lot of upgraded Champions when the Faction Wars are out, which is incredibly soon).

"incredibly soon"  sounds like only few days away, are QoL things like more multi auto and higher difficulty will come with faction war?  I hope so.  Anyway this game can have soooo many Qol changes improved.  I dont know why we only see like little by little on every patch 

30 авг. 2019, 03:0530.08.19

I hope Rank 7 champions never come!

Do you know how much it cost to get a hero to Rank 6?

30 авг. 2019, 05:1030.08.19
All the effort needed to make a 7 star champion.....