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Special offers

22 авг. 2019, 11:0822.08.19

Special offers

I know that its just another topic about this but I really dont understand, its like you dont want money. I saw on reddit that there are 3 diffrent 5 star chicken deal. 100, 70 and 30 eur. I was waiting for a 30 pack but offcourse never got that one. 

I dont understand.I have never spend more than 20 eur, why are you offering me 100€ packs when somebody gets much smaller ones. I want 6 star and my vacation is over. cant grind 5 h a day anymore. would gladly pay.

22 авг. 2019, 12:4622.08.19

Buy or die...hmm better deinstall. I am honest, if you cannot grind and do not want to spend hundreds of whatever currency, this is not the right game for you. That's not meant ironically. Play s.th. else. Be aware of the fact that the invested money never ever is worth the virtual things you get. But I think this is nothing new to you.

I do play it f2p since about two months and there's almost no progress. I am lvl 60 since 3 months or so (~12 Mill. dmg at cb 5 per key, 15 to 22 at cb4) and got some good champs, but I am pretty bored after reaching this state. No real new content, no progress. To get better I need new champs which got to get geared with good artifacts. That's not possible as a f2p or lowpay2p player. ;-)