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Ugir the Wyrmeater Buff

Ugir the Wyrmeater Buff

22 нояб. 2023, 12:1322.11.23

Ugir the Wyrmeater Buff

Fooooolks, some cool news about Ugir the Wyrmeater! The team is making some technical changes to the battle processor flow, meaning that Ugir the Wyrmeater's Passive skill will be affected by these changes. Thus, his Passive skill will be triggered not only when the enemy is revived using an active skill but also by Passive skill or Revive on Death buff! 💀 🔥

Soooo, such Champs as Sun Wukong, Marichka the Unbreakable, etc., will be able to trigger Ugir's Passive skill. 

This change will go live in one of the upcoming updates.

22 нояб. 2023, 14:0422.11.23

Will the passive be applied to hydra heads  when they are revived? 

22 нояб. 2023, 14:0922.11.23
22 нояб. 2023, 14:56(отредактировано)

Actually, I am at a point where I can just shake my head at either the malificious intent or the stupidity.

While the buff is good....they could...no should have done this either way befopre the fusion starts or several weeks later.

With this timing and the fusion structure it looks like they now want to force you to start lately into the fusion and buy the rest of the fragments with money. 

At the same time we have multiple older leggos which are in dire need of a buff.

Either way...if they planned this ahead, it is malicious intent for me...if they did not plan ahead...it is sheer incompetence. 

This is my personal opinion...I know it is a very negative one...but seriously...would you rate the overall decisions in the last year as positive for the game or negative? 

22 нояб. 2023, 15:5922.11.23
Nick Ostas

Will the passive be applied to hydra heads  when they are revived? 

Doubt it, as hydra heads don't revive (or at least they don't trigger anything revive-related).

Guessing the Ugir buff is probably not malice, but the Jetni fusion followed by the Alsgor guaranteed shard event, and the Timit fusion followed by the Kaja guaranteed card event certainly was intentional. It's pretty clear they are not above manipulating you into doing things you otherwise might not using what-ifs like that, preventing informed decisions through obfuscation.

22 нояб. 2023, 16:1222.11.23
22 нояб. 2023, 16:14(отредактировано)

Does buffing a hero during fusion seem serious to you?????

 It's clownish! After all, Plarium now only knows how to make fun of its players and this is yet another proof! Congratulations you are killing the game with your hands!


22 нояб. 2023, 16:5122.11.23
Nick Ostas

Will the passive be applied to hydra heads  when they are revived? 

No.  The heads don't "revive", a new one is spawned in the same way spiderlings are spawned and not revived.

22 нояб. 2023, 16:5622.11.23

Timing on this is complete and total nonsense.

22 нояб. 2023, 17:2622.11.23

I'm happy.... suck it losers!

22 нояб. 2023, 21:5322.11.23

Don't know why people are complaining, the buff makes a lot of sense and is very welcome. :)

P.S. It is spelled "buffoons". :)

22 нояб. 2023, 23:0222.11.23

I'm happy.... suck it losers!

Haha, i've been on track to complete the fusion as well. All in all, the "difficulty" level to finish it is much less than i anticipated. So you have less fragments available, so what? Most people would end up skipping Dungeon Divers 3 anyways. 

So, too bad for youze and yay for me!

22 нояб. 2023, 23:5222.11.23

Still wouldn't have gone for him even with this buff. Though it is fair frustration a lot of people are feeling.

HOWEVER, I would argue that ANY champion can be reworked at ANY time, whether its during or after a Fusion. Whether its immediate or 3 months from now, it doesn't change the fact you had the same opportunity to get him as everyone else and chose not to.

23 нояб. 2023, 07:0123.11.23

Haha, i've been on track to complete the fusion as well. All in all, the "difficulty" level to finish it is much less than i anticipated. So you have less fragments available, so what? Most people would end up skipping Dungeon Divers 3 anyways. 

So, too bad for youze and yay for me!

Do you really not see why this mentality is dumb?

23 нояб. 2023, 22:4423.11.23

Do you really not see why this mentality is dumb?

Maybe you should spell it out, it seems i'm too dumb to understand why i am dumb.

24 нояб. 2023, 04:2524.11.23

Maybe you should spell it out, it seems i'm too dumb to understand why i am dumb.

Dumb and Dumber are we :)

Easiest fusion in a while too, no? 1 easy shard event and 2 DD with good overlap. 

24 нояб. 2023, 12:5524.11.23
27 нояб. 2023, 10:26(отредактировано)

Idk why people seem underwhelmed tbh.

Seems like he’s a very good progression champ for many areas Pve and Pvp.

For late game players he might make a couple teams or be useful in arena/LA as a direct Pythion counter and annoying for Duchess/Elva/Ukko/Siphi teams if he’s activating his A2 every other turn when they revive and can’t cleanse yet. Especially double revive teams with annoying buffs https://100001.onl/  .

Saw someone else point out he could be fun in a Bomb team too. Increase Attack, Accuracy, buff strip and weaken into bombs.

Steal and Block Buffs on A1 is useful pvp/pve

Increase Acc in hydra/IT or against high resist teams

Weaken could do well in teams that only have decrease def, like an Uugo in hydra. Easy set up to help your nuker smack for the recently revived champs.

flexible Increase attack/def to be able to slot into different teams.

24 нояб. 2023, 16:0024.11.23

Idk why people seem underwhelmed tbh.

Seems like he’s a very good progression champ for many areas Pve and Pvp.

For late game players he might make a couple teams or be useful in arena/LA as a direct Pythion counter and annoying for Duchess/Elva/Ukko/Siphi teams if he’s activating his A2 every other turn when they revive and can’t cleanse yet. Especially double revive teams with annoying buffs https://100001.onl/  .

Saw someone else point out he could be fun in a Bomb team too. Increase Attack, Accuracy, buff strip and weaken into bombs.

Steal and Block Buffs on A1 is useful pvp/pve

Increase Acc in hydra/IT or against high resist teams

Weaken could do well in teams that only have decrease def, like an Uugo in hydra. Easy set up to help your nuker smack for the recently revived champs.

flexible Increase attack/def to be able to slot into different teams.

I'm glad someone likes him out there! And I can see how he'd be useful for a young account.

Personally, for my account, he's got no place anywhere on any teams, and even in a revive heavy arena meta, how I would need to use him he's just gonna sheep himself all the time.

24 нояб. 2023, 16:1424.11.23

I'm glad someone likes him out there! And I can see how he'd be useful for a young account.

Personally, for my account, he's got no place anywhere on any teams, and even in a revive heavy arena meta, how I would need to use him he's just gonna sheep himself all the time.

Poly nerf when plz.

24 нояб. 2023, 16:1624.11.23

Poly nerf when plz.

Please see my other, relevant post 😆

24 нояб. 2023, 16:1724.11.23

Please see my other, relevant post 😆

Sounds like work to hunt that down.

25 нояб. 2023, 16:2925.11.23
25 нояб. 2023, 16:31(отредактировано)

Dumb and Dumber are we :)

Easiest fusion in a while too, no? 1 easy shard event and 2 DD with good overlap. 

Agreed, I think people got hung up on the "there's only 100 fragments, not doing it" bandwagon. but forgot to look closely at the schedule. The only "hard" part was to double farm the first DD, as in, complete the Spider, then do another batch worth of Spider, get more silver and prepare for AE1-2-3. The rest was just formality

25 нояб. 2023, 16:5225.11.23

Agreed, I think people got hung up on the "there's only 100 fragments, not doing it" bandwagon. but forgot to look closely at the schedule. The only "hard" part was to double farm the first DD, as in, complete the Spider, then do another batch worth of Spider, get more silver and prepare for AE1-2-3. The rest was just formality

I think people also get hung up the reality of not being able to play daily, and need ways to make up frags missed due to real life. The only way on this fusion is buying them at the end. For some, me included, this is problematic.