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Is the champion pass just trash?

Is the champion pass just trash?

11 нояб. 2023, 09:4611.11.23

Is the champion pass just trash?

Looking at the champion they just don't seem good at all imo they ignore small amounts of defense based on buffs on the enemy which is something you want to ignore and the rewards along with it are pathetic compared to the free version of the path which honestly I would likely prefer. It feels like despite being twice the cost of a forge pass a single forge pass is probably better for basically any players account. Is there something really stupid that I'm overlooking that makes this champion worth 40 dollars? Or even more than a sacred?

11 нояб. 2023, 11:3411.11.23

If you are a spender, you are essentially getting a guaranteed lego for 40 dollars.

That is much better than buying sacreds where 90% of the time you will get trash.

I think the champ looks good and personally can see her being in hydra teams, but it depends on your current roster whether it will improve your account.

11 нояб. 2023, 19:2511.11.23

The big draw of the champ is her passive. It essentially lets you cheat forward ahead of their team. Combine it with the self-buff on ATK, and she does pretty good damage.

Her A3 is 4.1x ATK, which is quite strong, though not top-of-the-line strong. But, pretend you're against, say, Siphi. She uses her A2, which places 8+ buffs. That activates Xena's passive. Now, you kick in ahead of their team. Xena's in Stoneskin Lightning Cage, so she's mostly protected. She's also in Savage + Cruel, so you get 60% total armour ignore. Add in Helmsmasher and you're at 75% effective armor ignore.

Will that be enough to 1-shot their entire team? Maybe, maybe not. But it surely will be enough to leave a dent. Couple her with, say, Hephraak and Nogdar for some more shenanigans, and round it out with Ramantu. I fully expect that if I were to spend money, that'd be my team.

But I won't, so instead I'll just watch other people try it out :)

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