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Which of these guys would you use for clanboss/iron twins for an unkillable comp?

Which of these guys would you use for clanboss/iron twins for an unkillable comp?

23 окт. 2023, 01:4223.10.23

Which of these guys would you use for clanboss/iron twins for an unkillable comp?

Here is a list of the camps I have. Can you give suggestions of who to use for unkillable teams for clan boss or irontwins?

All these champs are 6 star, fully ascended with some of them having good gear and some meh gear.

Scyl - Demytha - Maneater - Akemtum - Brogni - Seer - Geomancer - Rector drath - Peydma - Skullcrown - Yoshi - Nethril - Wukong - High khatun - Stag knight - Magnarr - Tarshon - Artak - Goffred - Ronda - Alure - Dark athel - Seeker - 

I know obviously there is speed tuning to make the teams work well, but just overall I'm looking to see from people with experience using any of these champs and what comps work well together or not. 

23 окт. 2023, 03:2223.10.23

I would suggest posting pictures of your whole roster not just your six stars. There might be a rare or something that may allow for an unkillable comp.

even without unkillable, brogni, demytha, for example are good starts for a normal team

21 нояб. 2023, 03:0621.11.23
21 нояб. 2023, 03:11(отредактировано)

I take it you're new to the game?
then the easiest way for you will be to easy build https://deadwoodjedi.com/speed-tunes/high-myth-man/ and keep in mind that the % of speed must be calculated in a calculator taking into account gear - the data in the game will be false.
Take as damage dealers Geomancer and Nethril. True, they will not be able to fully show themselves at such speeds. but nonetheless.

If you want to reach 1 UNM key you need something else, faster.