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Current state of the game

Current state of the game

15 авг. 2019, 07:2215.08.19

Current state of the game

Hello, im not usualy typing on the forums, but when i do its because i do care about the case. I realy love Shadow raid, however it starts smell somewhat fishy. Guys take a look at some other mobile games and their business model. Raid events are paywall notrewarding bad joke. Whole town ui needs rework especialy the tavern. Game needs some things how we can battle bad RNG. Lets look for example at Hearthstone, you can sacrifice card get some dust for it and for x amount of dust you can buy exactly card you need. Also displaying numbers when looking at skills helps their multipliers, %chance on artifacts wich should hawe some chance growth factor wirh everry bad attempt like in Elune. Autobattle needs to be available all the time unlimitedly like in the other games. This  all will bring more people to your game and potencionaly more money. Also sparring pit, you need to remowe that stupid click after everry level, thats almost insulting to us players. How do you expect me to spend on your game if you dont care about our time. Also daily login rewards are joke, only usable thing is energy refill and arena tokens. Your game can be realy great but im afraid it wont because of greed. But i hope that im wong. Cheers.
15 авг. 2019, 09:0215.08.19

jeez. dont be tempted to spend money here for christs sake. It is a game and it is supposed to be fun. Not many people are actually enjoying it and getting ripped off makes you feel a lot worse.

I agree with all your other points. Hope no one felt good about summoning hordin at any time in the last year.

15 авг. 2019, 09:1215.08.19
Plarium reached new low or even lower grade of shame!!!Why dont we sell champ???? Amazing how poorly managed this game is...
15 авг. 2019, 10:3415.08.19

About events.

This is actually the only game where i can complete events without spending real money. Of course not always i finish them(as old lv60 player, while new players thinks they should always get top rewards), but most of the time. Also not always we should be able to get top rewards. Why there is even event if we all always should get top rewards - maybe Plarium should just send rewards instantly to everyone inbox?
16 авг. 2019, 00:4016.08.19

you have some nice suggestions in there

but if u can make them into a bullet list they can be read easier ...