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? on CvC Match ups

? on CvC Match ups

11 окт. 2023, 01:3511.10.23

? on CvC Match ups

Just wanna know how we got matched with this team.  They listed on leader board in 31 st place.  With clan power of 130,561,263.  Their rank power is 1,621,812.     We listed in 4,449 th place.  With clan power of 42 mill. And our rank points is 671,886.  ?? The only thing we close to them, is our level 12 against their level 15.
(This is really demoralizing. )                                                                                                 

11 окт. 2023, 05:3011.10.23

Isn't it based on how many stars you have? IE: Clan activity in last 7 days. 

I think it is being changed starting from next time that it is based on sum of Personal Points between the two clans. 

Like looking at my CvC. 

My clan has 69.98M Power, 988k Rank, 317 Stars. Clan lvl 13

Enemy clan has 144.9M Power, 1.76M Rank, 277 Stars. Clan lvl 14

Their stars went down I think from what I saw yesterday. I've seen us against a clan that had 100x our power and we got destroyed completely, but the stars count was like exactly the same.

11 окт. 2023, 05:4011.10.23

My understanding, and someone please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, is that up until now the match-up is based entirely on what your clans score was in the last cvc. This has been problematic because many clusters will shuffle members to have one clan intentionally tank a cvc so that they get matched against a clan they can easily stomp in the next one.

This might be just academic at this point though, because starting with the next cvc, the match ups, which will still be based on points scored in the previous cvc, will be calculated by how many points each individual member in the clan got in the previous cvc.

11 окт. 2023, 06:4511.10.23

Matchups are indeed predicated upon past clan points, though as Rat said that will be changing. 

Clan level, activity, clan power and player power do not dictate matchups though they can be predictors.