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Difference in Packs

Difference in Packs

13 авг. 2019, 12:0913.08.19

Difference in Packs

Just so happens that when there is a champion training event, I get this thrown at me on ALL 3 of my accounts?  And of course this deal on my main account is four times more expensive than on my other account (don't have time to post before work right now, but the other accounts deal is $5 compared to this $20).

They don't even hide their greed anymore.  So, a minimum of $20 for me to get a tome, a shard, and a champion that I would use as food?  And that energy wouldn't even get me a quarter of the way there, so I'd need to spend MUCH more to buy energy than that.  No thanks. 

I am taking other gamers advice on here and checking out Elune.  I'm sick and tired of Plarium doing events they know very well people can only complete by buying their way through it.  Sure, buying things should give *some* advantage, but when EVERY single event revolve around getting players to spend money like this, I'm done.  This has been going on way too long.  I have NEVER in my life played a game where the ONLY way you can complete their events is paying money like this, and I have played at least a couple dozen games like this over the years.  Not once have I seen greed like this.

13 авг. 2019, 12:1813.08.19

Well, your offer still looks way better than mine, even though it's >3.5x the price:

13 авг. 2019, 12:4713.08.19

Hello! I understand where you are coming from, however, the thing is that these offers are segmented, and the segments are determined on a lot of factors that vary every time we launch a pack. We will definitely be trying out all kinds of offers based on players' game needs, this is a constantly developing sphere. We collect and analyze the related data prior to launching offers.

As for the event, it is certainly not an easy one, the sort you do need to be well-prepared for in advance. However, it was not meant to be all simple in the first place. Of course, it is always up to you to decide whether or not a specific event seems appealing to you. On our part, we keep collecting your feedback based on which we will try to develop our future course of action as much as we can.

13 авг. 2019, 16:3913.08.19

badsad said:

price are different content are different too, check detail first.

Instead of implying that we are incapable of reading, please use your brain first.

13 авг. 2019, 17:2613.08.19
MadCo0kie said:

badsad said:

price are different content are different too, check detail first.

Instead of implying that we are incapable of reading, please use your brain first.

there's no real reason to be rude..
13 авг. 2019, 18:3313.08.19
MadCo0kie said:

badsad said:

price are different content are different too, check detail first.

Instead of implying that we are incapable of reading, please use your brain first.

I think you will find that you overlooked what is included in the $5 vs your $20. I am also being offered the $5 and it is only 2 energys, 3 XP days, 150 gems, and 150k silver.
13 авг. 2019, 20:2413.08.19
I have often noticed that a former pack with the same content is offered to a higher price directly after the former package was running out. How ist that selling tactic called? Have you any rational explanation? Guys, that's really hardcore what's going on with this sophisticated sales system.
13 авг. 2019, 22:1213.08.19

Cirilla said:

Hello! I understand where you are coming from, however, the thing is that these offers are segmented, and the segments are determined on a lot of factors that vary every time we launch a pack. We will definitely be trying out all kinds of offers based on players' game needs, this is a constantly developing sphere. We collect and analyze the related data prior to launching offers.

As for the event, it is certainly not an easy one, the sort you do need to be well-prepared for in advance. However, it was not meant to be all simple in the first place. Of course, it is always up to you to decide whether or not a specific event seems appealing to you. On our part, we keep collecting your feedback based on which we will try to develop our future course of action as much as we can.

Every event is "not an easy one" that costs a player anywhere from at least $20 to $100 in in-game items to complete

Every... Single... One.

You know, I can play WoW, an immersive MMORPG, for $15 a month, right?  You realize that in order to be active in this game's events, we would have to spend HUNDREDS per month.  That is absolutely insane, especially for such a basic interface that is grossly lacking content.

If we don't participate in the events, there is no reason to play the game.  The game is an empty shell.  Campaign grind to farm experience and coins, arena grind to farm medals, dungeon grind to farm artifacts and coin, and that's it!  There is barely anything to this game, and all of it is a god-awfully boring grind, yet you guys expect us to pay hundreds each month just to participate in ongoing events?

Again, if we choose to not participate in events, most are going to choose to no longer play, as there is no point unless you are a very simple-minded person easily entertained by grinding the same content over and over and over.

You are aware that all of your successful competitors (that I am aware of) run regular events people can participate in that DO NOT require people to spend a ton of money like this, right?  You realize that every day, this game is losing more and more players to those games due to Plarium's greed?  You realize you guys are destroying this game with greed that NO other app of this kind has ever shown (again, that I am aware of)?

Countless threads on here have been complaints of players saying they are fed up with every single event being based on how much they are willing to spend on the game, and that everything regarding progression is based on how much they pay.  And no, none of you are paying attention, or else things would've changed by now.

And sure, we got another announcement with more promises of content to come "in the future."  Anyone who has been around for a while knows it's all false promises.  Faction Wars has been "coming soon" since February.  The only new content you guys released was to sell new champions (overweight midgets, aka Dwarves).  The balancing was a joke, and champions like Roshcard are still ridiculously OP, and even Athel, a rare, does a ludicrous amount of damage with her AoE attack, to the point where she is a staple in almost every single arena group, yet still goes unchecked.

I am one of the few people I am aware of that are still making videos for this game, and I'm really starting to wonder why I do.  After getting shafted with the Pain Keeper nerf (wasted $ on tomes for her for nothing; now collecting dust in my vault), I know better than to waste money on this game.  I am VERY quickly running out of reasons to play, and it is boring me to the point where I see no point in wasting my time.  It's either spend hundreds on the game, or have your progress move at a snail's pace.  It's just plain boring, to the point where I am now exploring other more interesting options that DO NOT require hundreds of dollars a month to be competitive.

14 авг. 2019, 04:0714.08.19

badsad said:

As for the 10 day XP deal for $20, its actually a good deal.  As an end game player, I constantly buying the 1 day xp for 140 gem, the package is totally worth it for ppl who willing to pay, then again, you will be totally fine without buying anything, JUST PLAY THE GAME!    

And the mentality like that keeps this game thriving.  I could buy an entire full-blown PC game through Amazon for $20.  I could get an entire month of WoW for less than $20.  There are countless ways I could think of to spend $20 more sensibly, but if you think a few in-game items in a basic app with very little content is worth it, then that's certainly your choice.

And yes, to most, the whole point of playing a game is to be competitive.  If you enjoy grinding the same content over and over and over and that is fulfilling to you, then I guess that's good that you're that easily amused.  However, most people who play these games like the notion of competing with others. 

And even if people weren't about competing, you clearly have no idea how frustrating it is as a f2p player that EVERY single event that goes on in the game can ONLY be finished by those paying.  It isn't just about getting there "faster."  It's about literally not being able to get there at all, as if you don't pay, you can't play the events, at least not to the extent where the rewards are worth it.

Comparable games are typically based off effort when it comes to events.  Events may be tough and time-consuming, but they are based off time and dedication in most comparable apps.  This is the ONLY one of its kind that I have ever played where every single event can ONLY be completed if you pay.  That kills the game for f2p players, as what is the point in them playing when they can't participate in the ongoing events to an extent where they can get any decent reward?

14 авг. 2019, 06:4814.08.19

AscendantGod said:

badsad said:

As for the 10 day XP deal for $20, its actually a good deal.  As an end game player, I constantly buying the 1 day xp for 140 gem, the package is totally worth it for ppl who willing to pay, then again, you will be totally fine without buying anything, JUST PLAY THE GAME!    

That kills the game for f2p players, as what is the point in them playing when they can't participate in the ongoing events to an extent where they can get any decent reward?

You've got a point, mate, but nobody responsible for this game cares about f2p players. Why should they? That's virtual Darwinism. The way/method of doing it is the most condemnable of it. This is no decent and fancy PC MMORPG, this is gacha/rng crap only designed to sell in-game stuff for real money. Get hooked, get squeezed, get disposed of it (if not you are squeezed even more)! No story, no deepness, no long-term fun, no immersion through progress. Spin the wheel of fortune and that's it. I am cured. 
14 авг. 2019, 07:4514.08.19
14 авг. 2019, 08:38(отредактировано)

Just for the record - have I ever said I had the same offer? I simply posted a similar one. I am not going for names, I am going for content and pricepoint. I am fully aware that contents are different, just stated that I would rather have had the one from @AscendantGod, as discount-wise it feels superior to mine. Why is it so difficult to understand simple things?

That said, I probably still wouldn't have bought it, as the event doesn't feel rewarding enough on the intermediate steps to warrant me paying for it and in the end maybe still not getting to the end as I have a life which is not 100% Raid focused.

And yes, maybe my post was a little rude, but then again, it is/was kind of obvious that the offer is "different", if I had the same content as @AscendantGod, I probably would have bought it immediately instead of posting it on the forum.

14 авг. 2019, 22:2714.08.19
14 авг. 2019, 22:30(отредактировано)

This is the deal I had which I bought.

The deal AscendGod is showing looks like a Rip Off.

If I buy my Deal 2 times, I will have —->  8 Refills + 600 gems + 12 XP Boost + 600k Silver for 20$.

The deal AscendedGod has is ———-> 10 Refills + 600 gems + 10XP Boost + 600k Silver for 20$.

I feel as if the AscendedGod deal should contain 2 extra 1 Day XP Boost or 1 extra 3 Day XP Boost.

I feel the 2 extra Refills should be like a bonus for buying a bigger Purchase.

Almost like a perk for buying in bulk.

14 авг. 2019, 23:0114.08.19

This is the other deal I have.

I’m not very happy with it.

Take following information into consideration:

If I buy this Deal 2 times, I will have ——> 4 Refills + 300 Gems + 600 Energy + 300k Silver for 10$

My previous Deal is giving ——————> 4 Refills + 300 Gems + 6 XP Boost + 300k Silver for 10$

Everything is same except Energy vs. XP Boost: Here is comparison.

120 Energy is 1 Refill to me

600 Energy is 5 Refills to me 

  • 5 Refills ——————————-> 200 gems

1- 1 Day XP Boost is 140 gems

  • 6- 1 Day XP Boost ———-——> 840 gems


                                I am getting Rip Off 640 gems

What the game should do to make the 5$ deal better is have following:

3 Energy Refills + 150 Gems + 300 Energy + 2 extra 1 Day XP Boost + 150k Silver

If the game does the above change, We will have following comparison.

If I buy this Deal 2 times, I will have ——> 6 Refills + 300 Gems + 4 XP Boost + 300k Silver + 600 Energy for 10$

My previous Deal is giving ——————> 4 Refills + 300 Gems + 6 XP Boost + 300k Silver for 10$

Everything is same except 2 Refills + 600 Energy vs. 2 XP Boost: Here is comparison.

2 Refills will be 80 Gems

600 Energy will be 200 Gems

Total is 280 Gems


2 XP Boost will be 280 Gems

Total is 280 Gems

This would make the deal more evenly balanced.

15 авг. 2019, 07:2415.08.19

But here you are comparing 2 different packages

  1. Double XP Pack
  2. Special Progress Pack

Yes, for us players, progress requires both Energy & XP boosts, so for us the way you'd like Plarium to adjust the Special Progress Pack would make sense. But when has Plarium ever been nice to us when it comes to revenue driving matters?

Ok, the adjustment for the void shards recently was a small step in that direction...

15 авг. 2019, 12:0915.08.19

MadCo0kie said:

But here you are comparing 2 different packages

  1. Double XP Pack
  2. Special Progress Pack

Yes, for us players, progress requires both Energy & XP boosts, so for us the way you'd like Plarium to adjust the Special Progress Pack would make sense. But when has Plarium ever been nice to us when it comes to revenue driving matters?

Ok, the adjustment for the void shards recently was a small step in that direction...

Yes, that adjustment was long overdue.  But you are absolutely right, they shaft us every step of the way when it comes to revenue.  The prices on their packs are insane, and the only way to participate in ANY ongoing content (aka "events") is to pay.  No other game of this type does that which I am aware of, at least none that last.

I could tell some scam stories I have deal with as far as sales on the game, but I have to head to work.  Maybe another time...
16 авг. 2019, 00:4116.08.19

difference in packs come from 

different store's conversion rates/ different currencies

different pack contents

16 авг. 2019, 07:3916.08.19
16 авг. 2019, 07:44(отредактировано)
OpheliaA1 said:

difference in packs come from 

different store's conversion rates/ different currencies

different pack contents

This can not be true. I did never get an offer as shown above (see post from PlayerJ). AND: packs are getting more expensive the more you buy. There might be more content in them but if you were not too bad at primary school you do find out very easy that after buying a pack the following packs are not as good as the former packs.
16 авг. 2019, 07:4216.08.19
16 авг. 2019, 07:44(отредактировано)
Morana Aktal said:

OpheliaA1 said:

difference in packs come from 

different store's conversion rates/ different currencies

different pack contents

This can not be true. I did never get an offer as shown above (see post from PlayerJ). AND: packs are getting more expensive the more you buy. 
That's called upselling, a common concept that tries to convince players to spend more and move them from one spending bracket into a next higher one - however the way Plarium does this in Raid is not very attractive for players
17 авг. 2019, 02:0017.08.19
MadCo0kie said:

Morana Aktal said:

OpheliaA1 said:

difference in packs come from 

different store's conversion rates/ different currencies

different pack contents

This can not be true. I did never get an offer as shown above (see post from PlayerJ). AND: packs are getting more expensive the more you buy. 
That's called upselling, a common concept that tries to convince players to spend more and move them from one spending bracket into a next higher one - however the way Plarium does this in Raid is not very attractive for players
True story.  The reason for this is exactly like Morana said - they try to charge you more for bigger packs, but proportionately, the deals are worse for what you get.  You would think buying in bulk would be better.  Instead, in my experience, the price per item in the bigger packs are actually higher than the smaller ones. 
20 авг. 2019, 15:3920.08.19
20 авг. 2019, 15:43(отредактировано)

Just got this offer - seems ok to me, although I don't really like to spend over 20 Eur:

Normally it's 1 sacred shard plus a few gems for 32,99 on my account - so compared to that one this offer is way more appealing.

Edit: The 1w timer somehow makes me think another summoning event is coming up soon™...
20 авг. 2019, 17:2620.08.19

At the end of the day this game is not meant to be ftp for anyone, but it is possible to do so with planning, not every event admittedly,  have been ftp from start and never tried to compete with the big spenders but have got to gold 2 arena and i am fne with that, i do not do an event ii cannot finish unless decent mid rewards, i just save and wait, currently have 3 gold,40 blue and 7 void , but i dont hhave the resources to level them up and no event has been worth it, so why do it?

however on the subject of packs, i have been switching countries on my vpn and the 32.99 EURO deal is 28.99 pounds, so they have allowed for the dfference in currency value, hwoever when it comes to the usd price they have not as it s 28.99 USD basically if you are european you will never get a good deal unless the poundd becomes weak, bring on brexit!

hopefully first and last post :)