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BEWARE the current fusion, it screwed me

BEWARE the current fusion, it screwed me

8 окт. 2023, 20:5008.10.23

BEWARE the current fusion, it screwed me

So I started fusing my rares today.  It seemed odd. if I tried to select an epic to fuse it showed I had all 4 available and ready to add to fuse the leggo, selecting one at a time.  But if I selaected two, I couldn't select a third, but I could select any combo of two.  So I went ahead and fused two of the epics.

then, it looked even stranger.  It didn't block out the ones I had fused, that is it allowed me to fuse the same epic. I knew I had fused the first two, so fused the third.  Then it blocked out the first and third and will no longer let me fuse them.  But it allows me to fuse two pans before blocking them out.


8 окт. 2023, 21:0508.10.23

Yeah it's a bit strange. I got one of the red epics from a shard, then fused one of the greens, and then a second red - and it locked out fusion of the reds. Which is fine, since I have two already, but I was under the impression the lockout happens only if you actually fuse two of them.

8 окт. 2023, 21:2208.10.23

That's odd that your Pann fuse locked out by summons Krama. Both of my Malkith are still available for fuse while I have 2 Panns and 2 Malkiths already (got 1 from the Summoning event and ended up summoning a 2nd Malkith).  I did 2 Pann fusions though which those are marked off for me. 

8 окт. 2023, 21:2708.10.23

I will not be able to complete it now even though I'm on track only needing training and enhancement.  But 4 rares can't get me the epics I need.

8 окт. 2023, 21:4708.10.23

Oh actually, I stand corrected - I got the red from summon rush, not from a shard. Maybe that's why it locked it out?

8 окт. 2023, 21:4708.10.23

I will not be able to complete it now even though I'm on track only needing training and enhancement.  But 4 rares can't get me the epics I need.

Might be worth opening a ticket for this. Still five days left in the event.

8 окт. 2023, 21:4808.10.23

Oh actually, I stand corrected - I got the red from summon rush, not from a shard. Maybe that's why it locked it out?

Summon rush gave green (Malkith) though not red (Pann). 

8 окт. 2023, 21:4908.10.23

Hmm. Okay ... then colour me confused :)

8 окт. 2023, 22:0108.10.23
Daehawk Gaming

Summon rush gave green (Malkith) though not red (Pann). 

Yep, and now I have two pan

8 окт. 2023, 22:0208.10.23

Might be worth opening a ticket for this. Still five days left in the event.

I'm working on the ticket now.  Lol never opened one before.

8 окт. 2023, 22:1208.10.23

Yep, and now I have two pan

Yeah you fused 2 Panns using the 1st slot and then it blocked out both. 

I did the same as well and had figured it was working as intended that it had a check and counter on it then each time you clicked a Fuse for a certain champion it adds +1 to it. Then it has a function that if Pann Fusion = 2 disable Fuse button. 

I know there were people (myself included) that hoped that with the Summon Rush getting Malkith that we could then fuse 3 Panns since would have the rares for it. 

8 окт. 2023, 22:1708.10.23

I'm working on the ticket now.  Lol never opened one before.

I wish you luck .. something like this shouldnt happen ... hope they fix your issue or simply compensate you with champs you are blocked out from getting due to a bug .. 

8 окт. 2023, 22:2308.10.23

I wish you luck .. something like this shouldnt happen ... hope they fix your issue or simply compensate you with champs you are blocked out from getting due to a bug .. 

Yeah if they just switch my second pan for one of the two I don't have in time I'm good.  I'll go ahead and finish getting the rares and fusing everything thing I can.  Even build out the second pan if time gets short, just to prove I did the work.

8 окт. 2023, 22:3708.10.23

Here are the screen shots, after the second pan, that I included in the ticket.

this shows i have two of the first, I have only one.  It showed I have the second and forth both ready to fuse, I have neither.  It shows pan correctly.  I have one ready to fuse and a useless dupe.

The first shot shows the lockouts, but prior to the snafu nothing was locked out even though I already had two of them.  






8 окт. 2023, 22:4208.10.23

Another weird thing, right now, as you can see from the SS above, it showing I have one of all 4 epics fully trained and eligible for completing the fusion.  I can select ANY TWO of the champs to fuse, even the two I do not have.  Then I can't select the others.

8 окт. 2023, 22:4808.10.23

WTF.  now it's all completely different or I just noticed.   Look at the first and third epics. 


8 окт. 2023, 22:5008.10.23
8 окт. 2023, 22:54(отредактировано)

Damn, it's the same in all the above screen shots.  It never ever had four epics to fuse! I got malic from summon, then fused the first and third slot. FML!

8 окт. 2023, 23:0508.10.23
8 окт. 2023, 23:07(отредактировано)

You have 2 Panns (First and Third slot) and 1 Malkith (Second and Fourth slot). You need to just fuse 1 more Malkith and then you can make the panda. 

"It showed I have the second and forth both ready to fuse, I have neither.  It shows pan correctly.  I have one ready to fuse and a useless dupe." 

There are only 2 different Champions you need a dupe of each...so no the 2nd Pann isn't a "useless dupe"...were you thinking all 4 champions were different? lol Like the last fusion aka Emics had 4 Epics but was all the same champion. This one just has 2 different epics is all. 

8 окт. 2023, 23:1108.10.23
Daehawk Gaming

You have 2 Panns (First and Third slot) and 1 Malkith (Second and Fourth slot). You need to just fuse 1 more Malkith and then you can make the panda. 

"It showed I have the second and forth both ready to fuse, I have neither.  It shows pan correctly.  I have one ready to fuse and a useless dupe." 

There are only 2 different Champions you need a dupe of each...so no the 2nd Pann isn't a "useless dupe"...were you thinking all 4 champions were different? lol Like the last fusion aka Emics had 4 Epics but was all the same champion. This one just has 2 different epics is all. 

Omg lmao I'm such an idiot.  I would delete this thread but it it serves to keep me humble!

8 окт. 2023, 23:2008.10.23
8 окт. 2023, 23:21(отредактировано)

You know, I was wondering about this when I DM'd you but couldn't write it out in full, lol.

Glad you're good to go, though.

9 окт. 2023, 00:5109.10.23

You know, I was wondering about this when I DM'd you but couldn't write it out in full, lol.

Glad you're good to go, though.

Lol, I feel like the dummy that failed to read the instructions.  It said this fusion would be different and I never saw that it was 2 each of 2 epics.  I just started collecting rares and thought it was a really easy easy classic fusion.