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Leveling Event - Excruciator - Math Calculation - Confirmed

Leveling Event - Excruciator - Math Calculation - Confirmed

12 авг. 2019, 20:1612.08.19

Leveling Event - Excruciator - Math Calculation - Confirmed

Requirements: You will need to finish this event

  • The Ability to Farm Campaign 12-3 on Brutal
  • XP Boost for the entire 10 day event 
  • Player level 30-60

In order to finish this event with out spending, you need to Farm brutal + have enough gems saved on your account from previous events.

The odds of a person being able to do this below level 30 with out spending isn’t realistic.

If your below level 30, you will probably need to spend to complete this event.

This event isn’t meant for newer players (lvl 1-29)

This event is meant for intermediate - advanced players (30-60)

My Strategy for this Leveling Event in 3 easy steps:

  1. Level 1 Star heroes from lvl 1 to 10.
  2. Rank up the 1 Star heroes to Rank 2.
  3. Done!

Can’t get any easier then that my friends!

Super Easy!

The calculations I did will show you how doing the above actually works!

The calculations I did used an average energy amount (120).

120 Energy is the max capacity of a level 50 player.

People level 60 will have more energy cap.

People level 40 will have less energy cap.

(120) is a middle of the road amount.

Energy Break Down:

120 Energy will do

15 Campaign Run with 3 lvl 1 heroes inside

5 Batches will have Maxed level heroes inside

Does everyone understand how I’m reaching the above numbers?

8 Energy will do 1 Brutal Run.

  • 120 Energy will do 15 Brutal Runs. (15 runs x 8 Energy = 120 Energy)

3 Campaign Runs will max out 1 batch of 1 Star heroes (Three 1 Star heroes are in each batch)

  • 15 Campaign Runs will max out 5 batches of 1 Star heroes (Fifteen 1 Star heroes will be maxed)

A level 1 hero can level up to 10.

You start at level 1 - you gain 9 levels.

  • Every level 10 hero gives you 9 points.
  • Ranking up a 1 Star hero to Rank 2 gives you 5 points.

15 heroes x 9 points                    = 135 leveling points.

15 heroes ranked up x 5 points   = 75 rank up points.


                                                        210 points 

120 Energy is giving us 210 points doing the above strategy. Everyone agree?

If we buy 10 refills (Each giving 120 energy), we will have 2,100 points per day. Everyone agree?

The event last 10 days = 2,100 per day x 10 days = 21k Points

We have enough to complete the event.

The question you are probably thinking about is how on earth do you get 10 refills per day?

The game allows you the opportunity to get 6 Refills per day for free.

You are essentially going to need to make up the remaining 4 Refills.

1 Refill = 40 gems

4 Refills = 160 gems

160 gems x 10 days = 1,600 gems

The total amount of gems you need on your account right now is 1,600 gems.

Players with no XP Boost will need an additional 840 gems which is 2,440 gems.

Some, people might have saved the above amount of gems.

Some, people might have to buy the above amount of gems.

The event could be free.

The event could cost you money.

It all boils down to what you have done with your gems.

This event is the same as the Titan Event.

The numbers are exactly the same.

*Side Note* 

  • The gem totals I’m giving you don’t account for Daily 30-60-90 day Login rewards.

People could be at different days on there Logins so I couldn’t add it in (To much of Variable).

  • The gem totals I’m giving you don’t account for any Level Food you saved prior to the event.

People could have saved up Leveling Food so I couldn’t add it in (To much of Variable).

  • The gem totals I’m giving you don’t account for the Crystal Mines.

People could generate an extra 150 gems due to Crystals Mines or 

You might not even have Crystals Mines unlocked. Again (To much of Variable).

13 авг. 2019, 10:4813.08.19
Rewards really not worth the effort.
13 авг. 2019, 20:3413.08.19

Player J said:

The game allows you the opportunity to get 6 Refills per day for free.

How do you get 6 refills a day for free?  I see the one for the daily quest and the one for the play time.  Where do the other 4 come from?

14 авг. 2019, 10:0314.08.19

The amount you regenerate over the course of a day.

Xarq said:

Player J said:

The game allows you the opportunity to get 6 Refills per day for free.

How do you get 6 refills a day for free?  I see the one for the daily quest and the one for the play time.  Where do the other 4 come from?

14 авг. 2019, 15:3614.08.19
addmeister said:

The amount you regenerate over the course of a day.

Xarq said:

Player J said:

The game allows you the opportunity to get 6 Refills per day for free.

How do you get 6 refills a day for free?  I see the one for the daily quest and the one for the play time.  Where do the other 4 come from?

Ah, thanks. I was thinking of refill items.
14 авг. 2019, 20:1314.08.19

Xarq said:

Player J said:

The game allows you the opportunity to get 6 Refills per day for free.

How do you get 6 refills a day for free?  I see the one for the daily quest and the one for the play time.  Where do the other 4 come from?

The person named “AddMeister” answered your question.

I will just add in the math so you can see it.

1 Energy = 3 mins to generate

10 Energy = 30 mins

20 Energy = 60 mins or 1 hour

120 Energy = 6 hours

480 Energy = 24 hours

I am considering (120 Energy) as 1 Refill. <——Explained this as middle of road amount in my Original Post.

480 Energy ————————————-—-> 4 Refill

Daily - Mission’s gives you ———————> 1 Refill

Daily - 60 min Login Bonus give you —-—-> 1 Refill


                                                                        6 Refills per Day for free

14 авг. 2019, 20:2514.08.19

Push yourself peeps!

You can do it!

Don’t fall behind!

Richard Simon Style - No Pain, No Gain Ladies

16 авг. 2019, 17:1516.08.19
The fact that you have proven that gems are required (a real money currency that is not a farmable resource) proves the event is not f2p. Even getting them via login or quests does not change the fact that it is a store bought game currency that is intended for people to pay for. A f2p event would not need diamonds to complete if they did the dailies, quests, etc
16 авг. 2019, 17:3116.08.19
16 авг. 2019, 17:39(отредактировано)

angelknight127 said:

The fact that you have proven that gems are required (a real money currency that is not a farmable resource) proves the event is not f2p. Even getting them via login or quests does not change the fact that it is a store bought game currency that is intended for people to pay for. A f2p event would not need diamonds to complete if they did the dailies, quests, etc

not really farmable but unlockable via the gem mine, if one was smart enough to unlock (& upgrade) it. Still agree with you on disliking the requirement of needing to spend gems just for a few rewards, which might not even be worth the amount of gems spent to get them. Time invested into the game isn't worth much to Plarium obviously, hence there's no way of completing events only through playing 24/7.

I am completely fine with not being able to complete all events, however its mostly the same with the recent events. Maybe I just have to stay on the bottom to mid tier rewards for another 6 months and work on a few more 6* champs so I can crank out faster farming, get rid of my energy faster so I have to spend less time on the game. Which in the end won't change much I guess in regards to event completion potential, apart from dungeon divers event maybe xD
18 авг. 2019, 22:2218.08.19
18 авг. 2019, 22:27(отредактировано)

angelknight127 said:

The fact that you have proven that gems are required (a real money currency that is not a farmable resource) proves the event is not f2p. Even getting them via login or quests does not change the fact that it is a store bought game currency that is intended for people to pay for. A f2p event would not need diamonds to complete if they did the dailies, quests, etc

I think you are trying to twist my Analysis to suit your F2P vs. P2W agenda.

I don’t know why you would do that on this thread, but you seem to be confused with my results.

Gems are not required to complete this event.

My research only proves “Energy” is what is required.

Gems are a currency in the game to help buy “Energy”.

You don’t need Gems to complete this event.

You need Energy to complete this event.

  • Free 2 Play players can Horde energy from Daily Logins + Quests + Missions prior to the start of the event.
  • Pay 2 Win players can Buy energy Deals in shop which only have Energy or Refills.

The above examples prove gems are not required.

The bear necessities which you need to complete this event is following:

  • Energy ———————> To Start the Runs
  • Leveling Fodder ———> To Level the Heroes or Rank up Heroes 
  • Time ————————> To Accomplish the above

You need a total amount of 12,000 energy —-———-—> 1,200 energy per day

You need a total amount of  3,000 green shards ———> 300 green shards per day

You need a total amount of 40 hours ————————> 4 hours per day ——-> This is using a 1 min C. Farmer.

18 авг. 2019, 22:5218.08.19
18 авг. 2019, 22:54(отредактировано)

It’s all Heart from this point out!

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort with out error or short coming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. - Theodore Roosevelt 

20 авг. 2019, 22:3220.08.19

I actually did not twist anything you said,  mathematically you showed that in no way can you complete this even without hoarding energy for weeks or saving gems for weeks. Assuming the mine is maxed out and you do dailies, you get 25 gems per day. Which does not amount to even 1 refill. Meaning you cannot complete the event just by simply participating. you need to spend or save. You proved that, it simply reinforced a very accurate hypothesis. I get you are trying to prove it is do able and yes it is. But it is NOT do able if you simply tried to do it from day 1 to day 10 of the event. In addition one wouldnt be able to participate in every event if they prepared. Maybe 1 out 4. It just is something I see is poorly designed and demands far more than an actual game on pc  or console and even other mobile games.

 I'm sorry I used your conclusion to my advantage but it does support it. 

Good luck on the home stretch though :) 

21 авг. 2019, 16:3021.08.19

This is actually very funny. This analysis is good and feasible if you have unlimited space and unlimited shard. Or somehow you leave in Disney Land and have a black hole as your inventory.

The are many holes and really simplistic 2years old type analysis in here.

Let's talk about the rank 1 strategy:

15 run of 12-3 brutal is the max for 120 energy.

it takes 3 runs to max out a rank1 hero; so we have 5x3 = 15 rank1 at LVL 10 ready for rank1 at the end of each 120 energy.

we only base this on the 10 energy refills per day strategy suggested.

You would need on a daily basis 5x3x10 =150 rank-1 heroes that you will be training.

For those 150 heroes, you would need 150 rank-1 also to rank them up to rank 2.

So on a daily basis, you need 300 Rank1 heroes!

300 summoning shards that all give you Rank1 heroes (that's already impossible, probability won't allow it)

Major flaws already:


where do you get that space?

where do you get those summoning shards?

Please Stop posting nonsense to make people feel like this is entirely doable with some nonsense thought strategy.

My point is not in agreement with people who are trying to express their eutopia about playing an entirely fair game that is not microtransaction heavy. The reality is that Plarium is a company trying to make money and they are just extremely greedy, which makes their less fortunate player base who cannot afford the ongoing scam to feel punished by the events.

If you want to play for free and independent of microtransaction, you need to face it and accept that you cannot win every battle, or achieve all events requirements. To be honest, some events do not give good rewards that are worth the time investment, nor the financial investment. To my free to play peers, I like to just tell them to pick their fights.

For everyone else paying humongous amounts of money on this game, I say keep being impelled by this scam so that we free to play can enjoy the casual experience and keep being pestered by in-game shop harassment (that's as far we can go).

I mean, a sacred shard for $30 really??? a 6% chance gamble to get a  legendary. lottery tickets are even cheaper.

Or a $50 for 5 chicken, that's even hilarious.

Not falling for this!

21 авг. 2019, 21:4721.08.19

shootingsaid said:

This is actually very funny. This analysis is good and feasible if you have unlimited space and unlimited shard. Or somehow you leave in Disney Land and have a black hole as your inventory.

The are many holes and really simplistic 2years old type analysis in here.

Let's talk about the rank 1 strategy:

15 run of 12-3 brutal is the max for 120 energy.

it takes 3 runs to max out a rank1 hero; so we have 5x3 = 15 rank1 at LVL 10 ready for rank1 at the end of each 120 energy.

we only base this on the 10 energy refills per day strategy suggested.

You would need on a daily basis 5x3x10 =150 rank-1 heroes that you will be training.

For those 150 heroes, you would need 150 rank-1 also to rank them up to rank 2.

So on a daily basis, you need 300 Rank1 heroes!

300 summoning shards that all give you Rank1 heroes (that's already impossible, probability won't allow it)

Major flaws already:

where do you get that space?

where do you get those summoning shards?

Please Stop posting nonsense to make people feel like this is entirely doable with some nonsense thought strategy.

My strategy helped me finish this event 2 times in a row!

Nothing I have said is nonsense.

Your statements to disprove my strategy simply shows how oblivious you really are.

1st- Question - Where do you get space?

You don’t need a lot of space.

You can do my entire strategy with 18 slots

You will level 1 Star heroes to level 10 ——> Rank Up to 2 stars.

The 2 stars you get are “Bonus Points”.

My math shows you how to each 2,000 points per day only using 1 Star heroes.

The 2 Star heroes you create in the process of leveling the 1 Star heroes are not factored into my math.

You can get addition points making use of them!

  • You could use the 2 stars to sacrifice into 1 stars to level more up 
  • You could sacrifice the 2 stars into each other to level up a 2 Star with out needing energy.

These are points you will acquire in addition to my strategy.

Doing the above methods make it so you can operate under a small slot pool.

For Example:

  • 1 Solo Campaign Farmer
  • 1 Star Feeder <———————— You will use this hero to ditch all the 2 stars you create.
  • 3 Food Hero’s Level 10
  • 3 Sacrifice heroes level 1

^^^ 8 Heroes Slots used with above set up

You will have 10 free slots left available so you can do 10 Green Shard Pull.

You will use a total of 18 Slot!  BOOM 💥 

I didn’t add all this extra information into my original post because I didn’t think I needed too.

I assumed players would have brain capacity to know what to do.

2nd- Question - Where do get those Summoning Shard?

You can buy them from the market.

You can even buy Common & Uncommon heroes from the market.

I buy them every day.

In addition, you will get tons of Green Shards Farming the Campaign which I didn’t factor into my math equation.

You have plenty of opportunities to get all the common heroes you need.

I really don’t see what the problem is.

21 авг. 2019, 22:0121.08.19
21 авг. 2019, 22:08(отредактировано)

Strategy Successful! 👍

Another mission accomplished!

  • I will show a close up image of Excruciator.

I have several pieces of Stalwart gear which I never use.

I was going to sell them for silver.

However, I put the gears on my Excruciator.

I will see how it does in the long run.

Excruciator has veil making her not be targeted.

The only problem is she can still get Damage by AOE hits.

I think Stalwart gear might be able to help.

22 авг. 2019, 01:1222.08.19

Congratulations for getting Excruciator. But veil seems not very useful. She only got advantage from attack bonus. 

I think veil should give another extra advantage such as damage reduction. Or maybe increases dodge chance. 
22 авг. 2019, 03:4522.08.19
I just got her and i really thought she was another garbage that would sit on the bench forever........