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Hydra HARD

Hydra HARD

5 окт. 2023, 02:4805.10.23

Hydra HARD

I havent found specific stats for hard hydra(found acc/res/speed but not HP/Def needed)

Im trying to build a more solid 1 team for all rotation team (if you think i could do that with brutal let me know but my aim i toward hard for now)

I usually use 2 block debuff(ukko,deliana,monkey,uugo,uugo)

2 Support/heal (dutches , pythion , cardial , riho , elva , elva)

2 dmg/hex (mithrala , gnut , gnut , husk , husk , artack , nemko , bunny , etc ...

I've tried many teams and with rng and luck some got up to 25m on hard but that isnt enough for me ...



Oustide Helicath , Skullcrusher , Fatman and anax .. everyone is mostly free (they have team spot for other stuff but better stats or speed wont break the team ...

5 окт. 2023, 05:0105.10.23

I could swear I already recommended teams for you, but w/e. I'll do it again.

  • Nekmo
  • Ukko
  • Mithrala
  • Artak
  • Crohnam
  • Warchief

Should be easy enough to get NM Hydra with this team. Just make sure they're all fast.

6 окт. 2023, 23:5306.10.23
6 окт. 2023, 23:54(отредактировано)

I could swear I already recommended teams for you, but w/e. I'll do it again.

  • Nekmo
  • Ukko
  • Mithrala
  • Artak
  • Crohnam
  • Warchief

Should be easy enough to get NM Hydra with this team. Just make sure they're all fast.

Yep you did .. works okay-ish .. 15-20m .. some of the teams i send do 15-25m .. i manual the team since you re-suggested it ..I want to do more ideally .. 

On hard , not enough healing(switched crohnam for dutchess but still not enough healing) 

Speeds seems fine .. tho warchief is bad affinity for decay .. i can regroup on bad rng 

What could i do to fix the healing issue ? 

7 окт. 2023, 01:1707.10.23

Healing shouldn't be an issue at all. Between Mithrala and Nekmo, how are you not at full health constantly? Everyone is running WM/GS right?

My Nightmare team runs pretty close to exactly the team I suggested for you - instead of Warchief I use Maulie, and for my damagers I run two Geomancers, and instead of Ukko I run Uugo, though I rarely ever use her A3 to heal - I pretty much only use it for debuff removal.

Do remember that this rotation has Torment, which means you need to actually plan your moves out. Don't use a cooldown move when you have True Fear on your champ - use their A1, and wait for Mithrala to remove the fear if necessary.

7 окт. 2023, 01:4107.10.23
7 окт. 2023, 01:45(отредактировано)

Healing shouldn't be an issue at all. Between Mithrala and Nekmo, how are you not at full health constantly? Everyone is running WM/GS right?

My Nightmare team runs pretty close to exactly the team I suggested for you - instead of Warchief I use Maulie, and for my damagers I run two Geomancers, and instead of Ukko I run Uugo, though I rarely ever use her A3 to heal - I pretty much only use it for debuff removal.

Do remember that this rotation has Torment, which means you need to actually plan your moves out. Don't use a cooldown move when you have True Fear on your champ - use their A1, and wait for Mithrala to remove the fear if necessary.

- yes WM/GS , nemko isnt booked which could be an issue ?

- i tried manual and auto (crohnam//dutchess few times each) with similar results (15-20-25m dmg at very best) so i could plan the provoke , eaten champs , fear , etc 

- Ukko seems to not regen enough hp (hes also my lead) hence the dutchess instead of crohnam but still wants enough heal(but also prevented fear)

- some attempts i lacked dmg to free a champ(ukko or warchief, which made the run end bad)

All speed are between 230-270 , acc when needed are at 300+ and some champs like mith,dutches,ukko have 250++ res , lowest hp is 40k roughly 

Edit: Fire-like hydra head usually the one that beats up champs close to death , then other head finish them off ..

7 окт. 2023, 01:5407.10.23

Nekmo not being fully booked is a *huge* factor, for so many reasons. Get him fully booked and you'll see things change entirely.

As for point #4 - that's why you have two DPS. If you swap Crohnam out, once they eat Artak, you have zero damage.

7 окт. 2023, 02:1807.10.23

Nekmo not being fully booked is a *huge* factor, for so many reasons. Get him fully booked and you'll see things change entirely.

As for point #4 - that's why you have two DPS. If you swap Crohnam out, once they eat Artak, you have zero damage.

ok will focus books on nemko and try again ^^ thank you kram

8 окт. 2023, 22:0308.10.23


What do you think i could do to improve this makeshift team for brutal ? It does 10-13m , which is the highest any of my attempts did but seem i could push more ... but have a dozen champs already used for normal and hard(tested your suggestion again on hard for 24m dmg)

This is the team .. the empty spot was Uugo but figured it could help to see which champs still available ...


Its a do dmg quickly team .. made from whatever i had left from the 2 other keys ..

8 окт. 2023, 22:2308.10.23

I mean that team will quite simply not work. You don't have anyone for provoke. Decay will shut you down hard. I guess if you put Warchief in there for now, that'll get you around Decay, but you're still in a lot of trouble vs Mischief, as you have no ACC down, no block buffs, and no dedicated Mischief tank who can just run high RES.

8 окт. 2023, 22:3108.10.23
8 окт. 2023, 22:58(отредактировано)

I mean that team will quite simply not work. You don't have anyone for provoke. Decay will shut you down hard. I guess if you put Warchief in there for now, that'll get you around Decay, but you're still in a lot of trouble vs Mischief, as you have no ACC down, no block buffs, and no dedicated Mischief tank who can just run high RES.

i mean it does work for a while enough to get me 1st or 2nd worst chest on brutal .. Best was with uugo for missing champ(heals and timed block buffs)

+ its all raw dmg .. not reliant on buffs or debuffs .. its a makeshift team but works good enough to land 10m+ on full manual .. the buff they steal or remove arent affecting the result more than the actual rng and lack of hex when mischief eats a champ!

Just go with me on this and offer random options .. not looking to make this work but if i can squeeze in a few million more dmg , ill be happy!

Edit: keep in mind this is the 3rd key where i throw whatever is left to get some chest or clash points ;)

8 окт. 2023, 23:0308.10.23

Well, I guess I'd probably go with Ukko then, in a Provoke set if possible.

9 окт. 2023, 01:0309.10.23

Well, I guess I'd probably go with Ukko then, in a Provoke set if possible.

ukko is locked on another team as per the screenshot shows ;) the empty spot is my best uugo out of 2 uugo . removed him so see which champs werent available

9 окт. 2023, 01:4809.10.23

Oh I see. Okay. Probably Ragash, then.