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Foli 2.0 Event is live !!

Foli 2.0 Event is live !!

12 авг. 2019, 08:0912.08.19

Foli 2.0 Event is live !!

Again a 20k Champion lvl Event.

And again a week with only run 12.3 for EXP farm, that is the real fun.

For me it is okay, i have the Raidpass, many 1 day EXP boosts and i farm 12.3 in 9 sec but for a free 2 Play player that event is way to much for one Epic hero!!!!

(how the get the extre EXP Boost as F2P player ? spend 140 dias ?? that is not a fair price)

And now my Question why you make after so much shitstorme about the Foli event the same event again but with lower rewards at the end that does note make sense to me.

I think noone have fun to do the same thing the whole week because 12.3 is boring press all 9 sec the replaybutton and them the star up system all champion  individually that need also much time for all 1 and 2 Star champions.

12 авг. 2019, 08:2012.08.19

i think it is not that dramatic

the champion is super boring to me. sure, it has the new ability, but a single target attack with 20% bonus and another single target attack with 35% bonus and that only if he has his buff on sounds not that great to me.

so it is an event you can participate if you want to but if you dont want to invest anything you dont really miss something. its just a casual event to me. no rip off like it was with foli.
12 авг. 2019, 08:3512.08.19

Just remeber:






12 авг. 2019, 08:3612.08.19

what here is reward, i can't find it in index?

20k pinstis prababobly out of my range... but i.m curius :)
12 авг. 2019, 08:3812.08.19
12 авг. 2019, 08:39(отредактировано)

WenSon said:

i think it is not that dramatic

the champion is super boring to me. sure, it has the new ability, but a single target attack with 20% bonus and another single target attack with 35% bonus and that only if he has his buff on sounds not that great to me.

so it is an event you can participate if you want to but if you dont want to invest anything you dont really miss something. its just a casual event to me. no rip off like it was with foli.

Yes that is true but it is always frustrating when you cant finish a big event.

Like i said for me it is no problem to finish that event i am not F2P i have endless Energy and EP Boosts but make that event as F2P player without spednind dias that is realy no fun. Maby it will work when you use always all energy but it is realy hard to manage that when you are not jobless.

12 авг. 2019, 09:2912.08.19
What is her skill ? is she strong ? 
12 авг. 2019, 09:5012.08.19

Elviraz said:

What is her skill ? is she strong ? 

I think she is not strong she have no debuffs but hard to say how strong the new buff is.
12 авг. 2019, 09:5012.08.19

why dont u optimaze event for new players so we can participate also? this is totaly not fair

12 авг. 2019, 09:5712.08.19
Dandza said:

why dont u optimaze event for new players so we can participate also? this is totaly not fair

Everyone can participate in event.
12 авг. 2019, 10:4912.08.19

TurboLv said:

Dandza said:

why dont u optimaze event for new players so we can participate also? this is totaly not fair

Everyone can participate in event.

but not for every one is possbile to finihs... i think that's wat Dandza havre on mind.

12 авг. 2019, 11:0112.08.19

sire1985 said:

TurboLv said:

Dandza said:

why dont u optimaze event for new players so we can participate also? this is totaly not fair

Everyone can participate in event.

but not for every one is possbile to finihs... i think that's wat Dandza havre on mind.

Not everyone also should be able to finish it.

Dandza said hes new player - he for sure shouldn't be able to finish it.

I'm old player(lv60) but even i won't finish it.
12 авг. 2019, 11:4512.08.19

don't you think is shouldbe "easier" to finish.

not even tell about need energy, but time what is need to spend... etc...

if there will be so hard, pple will boring soon... cuz no new content willbe avaible for them...

and we will also bored by hearing them complaind :)

12 авг. 2019, 12:5712.08.19

TurboLv said:

sire1985 said:

TurboLv said:

Dandza said:

why dont u optimaze event for new players so we can participate also? this is totaly not fair

Everyone can participate in event.

but not for every one is possbile to finihs... i think that's wat Dandza havre on mind.

Not everyone also should be able to finish it.

Dandza said hes new player - he for sure shouldn't be able to finish it.

I'm old player(lv60) but even i won't finish it.

It is okay when the make events for the player the spend money but them the should make a 2 events (always them, when you can get a hero)

2 events where you can choose one.

For example that event, 10k points for F2P player or player with less time and them the 20k point event like right now for the player with more

resources (endgameplayer) and for both events is the last reward the hero.

Because that event is only for endgamplayer and the do not need that epic hero the is only nice to have but no one in the endgame need that epic hero. But for new player is that hero nice to have maby bether than a legi book in that moment.

12 авг. 2019, 13:1112.08.19
12 авг. 2019, 13:19(отредактировано)

Wiuf said:

It is okay when the make events for the player the spend money but them the should make a 2 events (always them, when you can get a hero)

2 events where you can choose one.

For example that event, 10k points for F2P player or player with less time and them the 20k point event like right now for the player with more

resources (endgameplayer) and for both events is the last reward the hero.

Because that event is only for endgamplayer and the do not need that epic hero the is only nice to have but no one in the endgame need that epic hero. But for new player is that hero nice to have maby bether than a legi book in that moment.

No it's shouldn't be like that.

This isn't 1st game i play. Other games too have events.

Don't remember how it is in Raid, but in other games usually u need certain level to be able to participate in event. When i'm new in these games, i hope i can reach that level for event to be able to get at least some reward. Even if i have required level for event when event starts - i understand that i'm new player and i'm happy that i can get at least some rewards from event and that's normal and i know the more i play the easier it will be for me to complete events, get better rewards.


PLARIUM should allow to participate in events only at level 50, then there won't be that much topics from new players who think they should be able to get top rewards from events - while most old players even don't think they should be able to get top reward.

P.s I really can't remember game where they separate events for new and old players.

Previous game i was playing: Trials of heros. It was necessary to save resources for ~2 months to be able to finish events. If u didn't save resources for months, then it required ~500$ to finish event.

Here even so big one 20k point event we can finish with ~20$. But here problem is time.

12 авг. 2019, 13:1312.08.19
sire1985 said:

don't you think is shouldbe "easier" to finish.

not even tell about need energy, but time what is need to spend... etc...

if there will be so hard, pple will boring soon... cuz no new content willbe avaible for them...

and we will also bored by hearing them complaind :)

Ofcourse event should be easier to complete. But i'm really not bothering with this stupid event because i have also life, but seems like Plarium thinks that we should 24/7 play Raid.
12 авг. 2019, 13:1612.08.19
Ya this seems pretty much impossible as a f2p. Doing a rough math estimate it doesn't seem physically possible without buying some sort of help. I mean I'm like lvl 38 and getting even 10k feels like a stretch. Last I checked events were supposed to encourage play not say unless you are super high lvl or pay to win just look. And ya the rewards are just meh for lower tier people so why even bother?
12 авг. 2019, 13:2512.08.19

angelknight127 said:

Ya this seems pretty much impossible as a f2p. Doing a rough math estimate it doesn't seem physically possible without buying some sort of help. I mean I'm like lvl 38 and getting even 10k feels like a stretch. Last I checked events were supposed to encourage play not say unless you are super high lvl or pay to win just look. And ya the rewards are just meh for lower tier people so why even bother?

I'm level 60. I had a lot of food prepared. Made today 2x 6 star and i'm at 5000 points now. But anyway don't think i can get past 10k in this event. I just don't want to invest time it requires for this event.

Just do your daily stuffs and don't bother with this event.
12 авг. 2019, 14:0312.08.19

sire1985 said:

what here is reward, i can't find it in index?

20k pinstis prababobly out of my range... but i.m curius :)

20k out of range? Come on now, it's easy. That's only the equivalent of increasing TWENTY-SIX heroes from rank 5 to 6 and then gaining all 60 levels.

This event is ridiculous and multi-battle still doesn't work correctly. Thanks for ruining the game Plarium.
12 авг. 2019, 15:2312.08.19

TurboLv said:

Dandza said:

why dont u optimaze event for new players so we can participate also? this is totaly not fair

Everyone can participate in event.

I gotta agree, everyone can participate and everyone can get some nice rewards. You don't have to finish the event to get rewards, with a little leveling work anyone can grab a lot of the lower tier rewards from the event and profit.

Now let me go a step further, anyone can finish this event, even f2p if they prepared for it. In fact f2p can pretty much finish any event in the game, with one caveat, they can't finish every event. Players are given enough resources, mostly gems, to eventually finish any event they want, but they need to save those resources and carefully pick exactly which events they want to finish.

12 авг. 2019, 16:3612.08.19

Diet Soda said:

TurboLv said:

Dandza said:

why dont u optimaze event for new players so we can participate also? this is totaly not fair

Everyone can participate in event.

I gotta agree, everyone can participate and everyone can get some nice rewards. You don't have to finish the event to get rewards, with a little leveling work anyone can grab a lot of the lower tier rewards from the event and profit.

Now let me go a step further, anyone can finish this event, even f2p if they prepared for it. In fact f2p can pretty much finish any event in the game, with one caveat, they can't finish every event. Players are given enough resources, mostly gems, to eventually finish any event they want, but they need to save those resources and carefully pick exactly which events they want to finish.

You can't really prepare for things you do not know are going to come around the corner next. What you are suggesting basically means players should stop playing after dailies are done. Doesn't sound like a playing behaviour I would try to press my players into.

12 авг. 2019, 16:5812.08.19

MadCo0kie said:

You can't really prepare for things you do not know are going to come around the corner next. What you are suggesting basically means players should stop playing after dailies are done. Doesn't sound like a playing behaviour I would try to press my players into.

Currently there is 4 events going around:



Level up.


We all know that and it's easy to prepare.

Arena - we really can't prepare. But they are usually bs and rewards sucks. Don't remember when i was participated in it, just doing my daily 5 attacks that all.

Summon - just save shards and use them when there is event. I do that and have been doing for long time.

Level up - Every day we get free energy. Use that energy to level up/prepare food for event. Just get some 4* leveled to max. 3* leveled to max and put them in vault.

Artifact - try to save energy, use gems to buy refills.

The point is - we know what events we have and we can prepare.

If i can prepare and still enjoy game. Why u can't prepare? Or maybe u don't want?

After done with dailys? Level up food and prepare for event. Do some dungeons.