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Steel Bowyer

Steel Bowyer

8 авг. 2019, 15:3808.08.19

Steel Bowyer

Since Steel Bowyer has been nerfed to the point where this champ is completely useless, how about 1st you compensate players who invested everything into this champ and 2nd give this champ better A1 and A2 skills...literally no one cares about dec. ACC and the heal is nice, but can be made redundant in many ways, give her other debuffs or buffs, make her useful, because right now she's utter garbage, hot, searing garbage.

SB has become a 2 times worse version of Coldheart, without any other useful skills to compensate her for her now useless A3. 

This is no way to treat customers, this is no way to treat your playerbase. She needed 18 skill tomes which is insane anyway and now it's all for naught. Refund your customers, compensate SB's other abilities and her A3 - right now you created a rare food champ. 
8 авг. 2019, 15:4008.08.19
Legit appreciate the size of marius' balls telling people she'd still be viable! 
8 авг. 2019, 16:0208.08.19

Guys, it has been announced a month ago that she will be nerfed and not to invest into her.

8 авг. 2019, 16:3508.08.19

While I didn't invest in her, because I saw the post they said they were going to rebalance her, and decided not a safe pick. I do think they went overboard..

Both reducing the damage, and increasing the CD on SB's biggest strength kinda just ruined her.

People are also saying that instead of the single shot's damage going up, the damage they are seeing with her A3 is actually lower than one of the mult-hits it was before?

If your gonna nerf the S3 damage that much, why also increase the CD of the skill? 

If you didn't want a super hard hitting 3 tap ability on her, cool, okay. That's fine, but you should have reduced the CD, not increased it.
8 авг. 2019, 16:5708.08.19
vasyatka said:

Guys, it has been announced a month ago that she will be nerfed and not to invest into her.

There was no announcement ingame as far as I remember.
8 авг. 2019, 17:0208.08.19

vasyatka said:

Guys, it has been announced a month ago that she will be nerfed and not to invest into her.

I'm sorry, but I can't hear this excuse anymore. People have invested in her BEFORE the announcement and furthermore the so called announcement of her getting nerfed was only mentioned here and not in the game which most people use to get important information. The vast majority of people didn't even know about her nerfs and again even if, people already invested time, energy, skill tomes, champs, mastery farming and potions in her.

Also didn't some smart alec assure us (who were "fortunate enough" to read this post about the incoming nerf after we already spent everything) that the nerfs won't leave her useless and still viable? Are you telling me that SB is viable? Are you for real miss? 
8 авг. 2019, 19:2708.08.19
I started playing this game about two months ago. I discovered that Steel Bowyer had a pretty good attack skill so I put a lot of time and even $ into her. In fact, I levelled three of them up to 4*. My strategy was helping me to move forward in the game at a reasonable pace - I could finally get a prize or two from Clan Boss normal mode. Then today happened. Had I known that her triple hit was targeted for elimination, I would have chosen a different champ. I've opened two tickets with support. They basically said to go pound sand. My second ticket I asked for them to provide me with a champ that delivers similar damage as Steel's triple hit. Not holding my breath. So I'm at a crossroads. I can choose a different champ to focus on but how will I be confident that they won't target it next? Or, I can delete the game now. Gonna give it a day to see if anything is done.
8 авг. 2019, 20:4508.08.19
I want my invested books, pots and time back or i will quit this money grabbing game and file for a refund through my bank. They wssted the only good damage rare besides starters. Not enough that it is a game based on luck and legendaries are stupid op . Now they nerf rares to make sure that stupid ppl will spend more now hoping for s stupid op legendary.
8 авг. 2019, 21:1308.08.19
8 авг. 2019, 21:14(отредактировано)
Disturbia18 said:

This is no way to treat customers, this is no way to treat your playerbase.
Wohohoho if you think so, I have very bad news for you - plarium dont give a single shmuck about it.
10 авг. 2019, 03:0510.08.19

vasyatka said:

Guys, it has been announced a month ago that she will be nerfed and not to invest into her.

Vasyatka, do you really think that a double nerf was necessary to adjust SB? Why not just remove her from the game? The net result was the same. She is now useless. If that was the plan then it was successful. And the warning was NEVER in the game. It was only posted in Discord. Once. I only learned of it because someone mentioned it in the global chat. I then had to search for it on Discord. 

And frankly, your somewhat hostile attitude is uncalled for. How many new players have popped a SB shard since then and had no idea she was going to be adjusted? Do you expect them to search Discord and the forums for every mention of a champ before they use it? Seriously. How were new players supposed to know anything was going to happen to SB?

Plarium, it's not too late to fix this. Change the cd to 5. As it takes 21 tomes to max the skills, the odds of anyone taking the cd to 3 are long indeed. And if someone has the tomes to do it, then they deserve a 3 turn cd on her. Or make it 1 reduction with a 4 limit. Then she will be useful. Fix this and prove us wrong about your corporate ethics. Well, lack of them.

10 авг. 2019, 18:0810.08.19
Nestramutat said:

Plarium has got to be to most money hungry, immoral shits I have ever had the displeasure of interacting with. 

They deserve to crash and burn for all the unethical bullshit they pull with this game.

10 авг. 2019, 18:1910.08.19
BrantleyBoy said:

Things we can do in the short term:

1. File a complaint with Apple or Google Play and request a refund.

2. Notify your bank or credit card company and start a fraudulent charge process to recoup money

3. Notify the Better Business Bureau and file a complaint with your State Attorney General 

This is fraud and theft for people who invested time and money. Make no mistake about it 
Oh man, I sure hope people do this. Gacha gaming is what it is but there are numerous examples of great gacha games, run by companies that are not primarily predatory. Games like this belong in a casino where everyone knows the point is to prey on individuals' illness. Unfortunately Plarium is worse than a casino because you have no chance of winning anything. They just take and take. If you do write a review on google play or apple, make sure you start your review with all caps "DO NOT BE FOOLED BY Plarium's "NICE" reply to this review. It is all for show. They will only respond when there is a significant risk of it costing them money". 
10 авг. 2019, 18:4410.08.19
gejzer901 said:

Nestramutat said:

Plarium has got to be to most money hungry, immoral shits I have ever had the displeasure of interacting with. 

They deserve to crash and burn for all the unethical bullshit they pull with this game.

gejzer901...so you have abandoned the "captain obvious" responses for the day? 
11 авг. 2019, 00:2811.08.19

Just so all of you know, you're wasting your time.  When they put Pain Keeper into a shallow grave, all of us who invested into her felt the same way and reacted the same way.  They ignored us.  Correction, we got a placating "we will take your feedback into consideration and see how she performs in the future."  Which translates to "we'll lie to you now to get you off our backs while you have to find a new healer.  we hope you'll spend money doing so!"

The best you can do is dispute your charges through the app store, and if the app store is douches about it, dispute it with your bank.  Your bank will most certainly side with you, at least in the US, due to federal laws.  If you purchase a virtual item and the seller modifies that item, they are legally REQUIRED to allow you to choose whether you want to STILL keep it, or receive a refund back on it.  Plarium themselves will NEVER do it, they will just feed you lies, if they say anything at all.

11 авг. 2019, 08:0711.08.19

Ok first of all I find it amazing that Plarium at this poinjt has not addressed any and all feedback players have given them..and if we go by their standards of what should be considered "an important platform to get information aka feedback from", that would be that forum site, because the SB nerf announcement was just that, a forum post. So Plarium...where is the statement?

Also I wrote their support team that I wanna get refunded for the things I spent on SB, no answer yet. This forum can't even stay clean of spammers, isn't this considered to be an established game by now? How can idiots spam YOUR forums without getting deleted asap?

This is an absolute mess, right now I won't even consider spending more on this game. If this is how customers are being treated and your fan- and playerbase, I don't wanna financially support that.

The least you could have done is giving a public announcement and statement on all the feedback and unhappy players you left behind so far. Disgraceful for a game that wants to make a name for itself, disgraceful for a company who's not even trying to disguise how money driven they are by showing the same offers 50 times a day, making new offers that conveniently pop up once a new event started and the offer happens to just give you overpriced stuff that would advance your progress...where is the F2P chance of achieving something?  
11 авг. 2019, 08:5311.08.19
Instead of pissing all the player's off, there was a simple solution for SB upgrade her to EPIC coz the truth is CB was the only thing she was good for..
11 авг. 2019, 15:2111.08.19

What about those that had already made an investment of time, resources or even cash BEFORE your announcement or that never thought to scour the forums about it? Your excuses aren't getting anyone their skill tomes / energy / money back for a champion that is no longer what they had originally invested in.

I have worked for years in QC and QA for various titles and I don't buy for a second that the developers of a game that relies so heavily on lootbox mechanics for it's income unknowingly release a blue champion with the firepower of a purple or gold in an event where she is easily attainable. Someone QC tested this content, someone approved it and someone knew full well what was about to happen once players got their hands on it. It would be all to easy to blame the fallout on a group of faceless QC testers afterwards.

vasyatka said:

Guys, it has been announced a month ago that she will be nerfed and not to invest into her.