When is Nightmare campaign coming?
Plarium has gradually been upping the power creep with Legendary Gear, pack adjustments with full gear sets instead of 4 , higher event requirements revolving around whatever pack they're trying to sell big( void shard pack last summon rush event).now they have added Dwarves faction and a new Clan Boss difficulty. They are introducing much more champions, and with all these newer sources of upping player total power, the campaign has remained untouched. Yet food is the starting point for every new champion. You want us to keep buying shards and gear for new champs? Incentivize us. Make Nightmare campaign difficulty that drops 4-6. It makes much more logical sense having it in the game now than NOT having it based on the recent trend of the game. It's still mostly common and uncommon grades , dungeons will still be where mid-game to end-game.champs get gear. Adding a new difficulty to campaign not only enhances game value, it pads their bottom line. Energy costs are higher, more energy packs are purchased. It's a win-win situation. Get it done.peace.
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