Raid_player15 сент. 2023, 14:4415.09.2327.11.201Twins keys and Soul MerchantMore keys for twins pls and fking button to refresh soul merchant.
Angwil15 сент. 2023, 17:0715.09.2320.06.192181Is this something you're willing to quit over? We can only hope.
sumwise2216 сент. 2023, 00:5616.09.2314.08.2234i think we get a set of additional 6 keys for gems i think. but more would be nice. refresh of soul merchant will be over poweed, even at a high gem cost it will still be overpowered, that is my opion.
ClosedPoly16 сент. 2023, 01:1116.09.2303.05.201879@raid_player ..... What level of Twins are you farming?