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Fenax - A1  Block revive

Fenax - A1 Block revive

13 сент. 2023, 15:5913.09.23

Fenax - A1 Block revive

I've been using Fenax in live arena for a bit of fun, usually I end up with Arbiter Kymar Serris and Fenax, sometimes duchess instead of arbiter, they are in stone skin so when I get a go serris usually strips with high accuracy, puts puts two debuffs on so then Fenax A1 can usually take out a 'nasty' with the extra hits for debuffs

However, occasionally and really annoyingly his A1 block revive does not kick in, he kills them but the revive blocked message does not appear and they can get revived

They have no buffs, if I get to them again it will work, is there a reason I'm missing, anyone else use Fenax and have this or is it a bug?   Thanks

13 сент. 2023, 16:1413.09.23

Warmaster and/or Phantom Touch doing the actual killing? Enemy team running Yumeko?

13 сент. 2023, 16:2213.09.23

Warmaster and/or Phantom Touch doing the actual killing? Enemy team running Yumeko?

Not Yumeko, it seems random, he does have phantom touch level 3 though - so if his A1 hasn't killed them and the PT kicks after the A1 attack  that won't use block revive - that's interesting and seems feasible - Thank you

13 сент. 2023, 16:2513.09.23

Would crushing rend be better?

13 сент. 2023, 16:3513.09.23

I mean he's a super niche champ to begin with, so I'd probably just go with whichever one gives him the most useful stats.

13 сент. 2023, 17:4813.09.23

I mean he's a super niche champ to begin with, so I'd probably just go with whichever one gives him the most useful stats.

Since he is super niche I'd pick the blessing for that niche and not PT :)

13 сент. 2023, 18:0313.09.23
13 сент. 2023, 18:04(отредактировано)

I was lucky enough to get a 6* for him and gave him Crushing Rend. He hits like a truck in high level PvE content, but in PvP, ignoring max 6% defense is not all that useful (especially on the limited hits unless you get a 6* blessing, and then it's at best 2.4% ignored defense anyway). Cruelty might be a better fit for PvP, especially if you intend to use him against tanky revive teams where he'll get a chance to build that defense decrease up and eventually get that revive block kill. The stat gain for both blessings is identical.

13 сент. 2023, 20:0913.09.23
13 сент. 2023, 20:20(отредактировано)

Fenax is really the cetnerpiece of my PvP team. Without him I wouldn't win many matches because I don't have the firepower to take down the revivers quick enough. I run Instinct on him and Divine Crit Rate. I have him fast but I want other people to go first to remove buffs and give him increased strength. So I haven't dumped a ton of speed on him. 

He hits like a truck but you have to get a debuf on the other team and of-course you are dealing with UDK a good chunk of the time, which steals that first hit. One thing that does catch people off-guard though is if you play it right you can get UDK's health low or someone with Helping Hands low and take them both out at the same time. I have him running helmsmasher and crushing rend. 

I already have retribution and deterance on him but you could also build him out with gear to try to get more counterattacks. The issue though is that you really should have 100% crit rate on him. 

Now that I have Wukong, I use him instead of Uugo but him with Uugo was devistating if they couldn't block debuffs. I could one-shot any champion if I had Uugo's decreased defense on the other team. 

13 сент. 2023, 20:4713.09.23

Sounds like some fun to be had with him.  Wish I had a Nehkret to give him a bit of extra protection though.

18 сент. 2023, 08:3218.09.23

I use Fenax a lot for his block revive in live arena, but it's SUPER frustrating when it doesn't land because warmaster or phantom touch procced.

I haven;t been able to get a straight answer about what order they're processed in either; WM, PT and A1. ideally it *should* be A1, then WM, then PT

Yesterday I had a fight go 28 minutes, Fenax got the kill on UDK 4 times with his a1 before his block revive finally took hold.

18 сент. 2023, 13:2618.09.23

I use Fenax a lot for his block revive in live arena, but it's SUPER frustrating when it doesn't land because warmaster or phantom touch procced.

I haven;t been able to get a straight answer about what order they're processed in either; WM, PT and A1. ideally it *should* be A1, then WM, then PT

Yesterday I had a fight go 28 minutes, Fenax got the kill on UDK 4 times with his a1 before his block revive finally took hold.

Do you use him much in areas other than arena? If noy I would really recamend switching those to Helmsmasher and Crushing Rend. I realize that a 1% crushing rend is pretty worthlessbut at least it isn't negatively impacting the key point of the skill.

Look at it this way, if there was blessing with the benefit of, "Blocks revive 100% of the time if you kill the opponent" and one that was, "May do some additional damage"... which one would you take? Of course you would take the block revive. So it is foolish to impact the proc of that ability. 

You may ask, "why not take cruelty". The issue with cruelty is that you are only going to get the bonus on the 2nd hit. With crushing rend you would get the ignore defense on both hits.  

Heavencast may be a better option but often times PVP matches come down to very small margins of error. I went with the option of maybe getting a kill when it wouldn't especially when I use his A1 way more than his A2 or A3. 

18 сент. 2023, 13:4418.09.23

Do you use him much in areas other than arena? If noy I would really recamend switching those to Helmsmasher and Crushing Rend. I realize that a 1% crushing rend is pretty worthlessbut at least it isn't negatively impacting the key point of the skill.

Look at it this way, if there was blessing with the benefit of, "Blocks revive 100% of the time if you kill the opponent" and one that was, "May do some additional damage"... which one would you take? Of course you would take the block revive. So it is foolish to impact the proc of that ability. 

You may ask, "why not take cruelty". The issue with cruelty is that you are only going to get the bonus on the 2nd hit. With crushing rend you would get the ignore defense on both hits.  

Heavencast may be a better option but often times PVP matches come down to very small margins of error. I went with the option of maybe getting a kill when it wouldn't especially when I use his A1 way more than his A2 or A3. 

Crushing Rend literally only works for the very first hit in the fight. Thereafter it does zero. It is 100% worthless unless you have it at 6*. Heavencast is also worthless for Fenax, as it only works on the A1, and Fenax A1 doesn't place debuffs.

If you don't want to take phantom touch because of the chance it messes up the block revive, you're probably best off with Hero's Soul for the 2% damage bonus.

18 сент. 2023, 14:2818.09.23
18 сент. 2023, 14:29(отредактировано)

Crushing Rend literally only works for the very first hit in the fight. Thereafter it does zero. It is 100% worthless unless you have it at 6*. Heavencast is also worthless for Fenax, as it only works on the A1, and Fenax A1 doesn't place debuffs.

If you don't want to take phantom touch because of the chance it messes up the block revive, you're probably best off with Hero's Soul for the 2% damage bonus.

Man my reading comprehension sucks. Thank you. The way that I read Hero's soul is that it only works on PvE bosses? If it works in PvP then I think you are right; if not,  then I think cruelty is your best option. 

18 сент. 2023, 14:2918.09.23

Nope you're right, I messed up on the Hero's Soul one. So, Cruelty it is :)

18 сент. 2023, 15:0518.09.23

Do you use him much in areas other than arena? If noy I would really recamend switching those to Helmsmasher and Crushing Rend. I realize that a 1% crushing rend is pretty worthlessbut at least it isn't negatively impacting the key point of the skill.

Look at it this way, if there was blessing with the benefit of, "Blocks revive 100% of the time if you kill the opponent" and one that was, "May do some additional damage"... which one would you take? Of course you would take the block revive. So it is foolish to impact the proc of that ability. 

You may ask, "why not take cruelty". The issue with cruelty is that you are only going to get the bonus on the 2nd hit. With crushing rend you would get the ignore defense on both hits.  

Heavencast may be a better option but often times PVP matches come down to very small margins of error. I went with the option of maybe getting a kill when it wouldn't especially when I use his A1 way more than his A2 or A3. 

But if Phantom touch kicks in (and for me that's the only 'extra' as mine has helmsmasher) won't that mean his A1 hasn't killed on the attack and then Phantom touch kicks in and completes the job?  So if it didn't the enemy would still be alive anyway?

18 сент. 2023, 15:4018.09.23

Correct. But, I suppose the logic is that leaving them alive with 2% hp or w/e, is better than killing them and then having them be revived with 50%+ HP? I could see an argument made either way.

18 сент. 2023, 18:0218.09.23

But if Phantom touch kicks in (and for me that's the only 'extra' as mine has helmsmasher) won't that mean his A1 hasn't killed on the attack and then Phantom touch kicks in and completes the job?  So if it didn't the enemy would still be alive anyway?

Makes sense. I wonder which one results in more damage delt? Probably phantom touch since it is based on str. Maybe I will give it a try sometime and see what I think. 

28 окт. 2023, 18:1528.10.23

is it just me, or is his block revive gone now? i am looking at his skills and the A1 only says "Attacks 1 enemy. Places an extra hit if the target has any debuffs." the " Enemies killed by this skill cannot be revived. " is now missing

28 окт. 2023, 20:1928.10.23

Looks fine.  Suspicion of bot intensifies.


29 окт. 2023, 08:3029.10.23

Bot, or really, really bad attempt at trolling