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Arena Teams

Arena Teams

1 авг. 2019, 20:3501.08.19

Arena Teams

It would be awesome if we could get an overview of different Arena Teams and their strengths and weaknesses.
1 авг. 2019, 20:4601.08.19

My Arena Atk . Team: Apothecary, Seeker, Athel, Skullcrown. 

I use Apothecary to boost my turnmeter and speed, seeker goes next, he is only there to give me the 50% atk. bonus, I use Athel to destroy enemy shields, skullcrown usually then 1hits the enemy team. 

Apothecary and seeker have speed boost items, my athel is build for the campaign (offense, lifesteal and crit rate) my skullcrown is all about crit Dmg and crit rate.

My team strength is about 65k im in the gold2 tier.

I struggle with Teams that are faster than me or if the enemy HP exceeds 60k.

If I go into a 3rd round I usually lose, also Reinbeast, Martyr and Gorgorab are no-gos 

1 авг. 2019, 22:0801.08.19
1 авг. 2019, 22:14(отредактировано)


my arena gold 4 team is 4 characters from my clanboss team. so not optimized for arena. (will do that in the future)

Lead: Seeker (atk 50% + turnmeter increase + 60% defence)  full speed gear ( 218 speed)

Heal/DD: Bad-el Kazar (aoe cleanse + aoe poisons + aoe dmg) 1x cruel and 2x offence gear (3.3k attack)

Tank: Skullcrusher (counter attack + ally protection) 2x defence 1x speed (52k health and 3.3k defence)

Debuff/DD: Rhazin Scarhide (aoe turnmeter decrease + 60% defence down and 25% weaken + buff removal) speed, defence and accuracy (4.1k defence)

its a team that can compete at gold 4 but i lose alot against fully optimized teams. to bad u can't see before hand what the stats are and if they are fully booked.

fully optimized speed team goes 2 times before my whole team exept seeker

fully optimized defence team is to tanky and has crazy dmg ( i usually go first aswell but still get destroyed)

fully optimized  Lord Shazar teams (if he goes before me and he crits my team dies exept skullcrusher)

i try it all exept the lord shazar because he is broken op with his bombs

usually the most OP looking teams end up being the weakest because they are not fully skilled or with masteries. just the op heroes to scare u off.

2 авг. 2019, 06:2102.08.19

Hey thank you for Posting,

You got quite lucky with your Bad-el Kazar. Im 4 months in and still waiting for my first legendary.

Skullcrusher is also one of those Champions il try and avoid. If he is faster than my skullcrown it means a certain loss.

It would be helpfull if you could see enemy stats but I dont Think that it would be a good ideal. Gold Arena would be much easier with much more people with bad teams avoiding stronger teams.

I also noticed scare tactics working in Arena def. I employ them myself. Ive got a reinbeast (lvl50, no books, far from optimal gear). I throw in my seeker and Apothecary and my skullcrown for the overall team strength. 

I dont even have a Plan of Action and I only get attacked 1-2 Times in 2 days. 

If you encounter my team you need to be able to survive at least the Initial skullcrown burst (about 49k crit dmg she will not die in the first round due to her passive), attack the Champion with the lowest HP first (Reinbeasts passives gives the attacked Champion a shield based on his HP), then go for the Supports. 

If only skullcrown and reinbeats are left standing and you got a heavy hitter with Multiple Attacks, a healer or an counterattack Buff you won

4 авг. 2019, 15:4604.08.19
4 авг. 2019, 15:47(отредактировано)


I have gone over several Arena teams in my beginner guide.

I try to add new ones each day.

In regard to your Arena Team, you should take out Apothecary & Athel.

Seeker is giving you 30% TM which is more than enough.

You don’t really need Apothecary extra 15%.

Seeker is giving you 50% Increase Attack.

You are also missing out on a lot of Seeker potential in my opinion.

Seeker should have the Evil Eye Mastery.

You should be able to Provoke or Reduce Meter the enemy lead.

  • You should replace Apothecary with a hero who does Decrease Defense, Remove Enemy Buffs, or Block Damage

Decrease Defense will help your hits do more damage 

Remove Enemy Buffs will help get past annoying buffs your opponent uses.

Block Damage can be used if your afraid the enemy will resist the above Debuffs so you can just use a Buff of your own.

  • You should replace Athel because she not properly built for Arena.

You can replace her for a Nuking hero who is built for Arena


You can add in a Single Target hero who ignores defense.

It can help deal with the likes of Reinbeast, Skullcrusher, and Tayrel.