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Leaving the game

Leaving the game

21 июль 2019, 00:1821.07.19

Leaving the game

Spent 7 days grinding out this game. Sunk 100$ in armor and some shards.  Turns out the 3 legendary shards have all turned into epic heroes.  What a croc. I'm taking my time and money elsewhere.   Call me salty over RNG.  Who would have thought three shards would yield zero legendary heroes.  I want a refund.  This is wack 
21 июль 2019, 18:1321.07.19

earthworm said:

Spent 7 days grinding out this game. Sunk 100$ in armor and some shards.  Turns out the 3 legendary shards have all turned into epic heroes.  What a croc. I'm taking my time and money elsewhere.   Call me salty over RNG.  Who would have thought three shards would yield zero legendary heroes.  I want a refund.  This is wack 

1)  The drop rate for legendaries from the sacred shards are clearly in the game right there at the summoning portal.  If you click on the "i" with the circle around it, it shows clearly that even with sacred shards, there is only a 6% chance to get a legendary.  So yes, more often than not, you're going to end up with an epic.  

2)  You were dumb enough to waste $100 on an APP that isn't even worth $15, and then you're upset with the company because you are an idiot???  It's people like you who are dumb enough to waste hundreds on an APP that encourage them to charge the prices they do.

3)  Asking for your money back on their forums is just as dumb as you having spent the $100 in the first place.  The ONLY way you have any chance of getting your money back is to dispute it with the app store.  Your argument would be out of ignorance - you were too stupid to realize you were not going to get what you *thought* you were going to get from your purchase.  I can't guarantee the app store will refund you based on stupidity, but they might.  Considering how many complaints they have been getting about the company lately, they very well might.

4)  If you're going to go tossing $100 around on things that are useless, you should PM me.  I could use some of that money to support my family.  I'd definitely put it to better use than you are.  I'd even help you put together a more responsible budget in the process as well for future financial decisions.

21 июль 2019, 18:1821.07.19

A legit upset customer, not happy with a purchase they made.

A troll responding calling them stupid....  

Ah, the wonders of the internet.

I for one 100% agree with OP, maybe not specifically about 3 shards not giving a legendary drop... but just the general garbage this game and company have become.   The fact that the mobile industry still allows the insane greed and garbage games like this one is crazy.

I can't wait for the world governments to finally catch up and make this garbage illegal, or at least much more difficult to exploit consumers.
22 июль 2019, 15:2322.07.19

Yup, there are always going to be trolls and the cheerleaders here. 

I get the frustrations. 

I get that every summon isn’t going to give you what you want, but come on! The cash prices on these shards and other packages are plain ridiculous! $50 here and a $100 there...for absolutely NOTHING is just pure greed. Plarium is going to continue to do this as long as people pay.

I learned my lesson well when I worked my butt off to get that golden shard for the monthly. I got a 4 star. I would have been happy, but it was JUNK! Just a feeder?! Then to add insult to injury, my immediate next blue summon, I pull the same crap champion?!

AND they have gotten even greedier! Last week a pop up for 900 gems for $20. I was thinking that was no special deal as it’s always in the shop. I KNOW it was because I have purchased it before! I go to look and now it’s 730 for $20. WTF?! Yup, nerfed just so they can be greedy!

22 июль 2019, 22:1822.07.19

oitgg450 said:

A legit upset customer, not happy with a purchase they made.

A troll responding calling them stupid....  

Ah, the wonders of the internet.

I for one 100% agree with OP, maybe not specifically about 3 shards not giving a legendary drop... but just the general garbage this game and company have become.   The fact that the mobile industry still allows the insane greed and garbage games like this one is crazy.

I can't wait for the world governments to finally catch up and make this garbage illegal, or at least much more difficult to exploit consumers.

A Legit upset customers, not happy with a purchase they made.

A Troll responding calling them stupid

A Naive Dreamer responding with a notion of things becoming Illegal.

Ah, the wonders of the internet.

Games Companies have existed for hundreds of years.

Games were made by humans for Education, Problem Solving Skills, & Fun.

World Governments will never have the power to truly prevent humans from playing games.

The idea to make game’s illegal follow a modern notion that Loot Boxes or RNG type of functions are a type of Gambling.

They believe preventing Gaming Companies from having Gambling type of aspects will shut down a game.

Ha, It is hilarious gesture!

A World Government is going to catch up to them? 

A Gaming Company, which has been in business for hundreds of years, is going to shut down because of an Elected Official with a cheap suit. 

I think you should wake up from your fantasy world.

Gaming Companies have prospered long before Loot Boxes & RNG mechanics.

The Game Chess has documented games played from over 400 years ago.

Where are the Loot Boxes & RNG in the game Chess?

Gaming Companies designing Chess Boards & Chess Pieces make millions.

You can find mobile Chess Games.

People can hand make there own chess board + chess pieces.

Doesn’t stop Chess Companies from selling you a Mahogany chess board for a few hundred dollars.

People happily buy them right off the shelf.

The point I am making is.

Gaming Companies survived & prospered long before any of us on these thread were born.

Gaming Companies will survive & prosper long after we die.

You live your life bitter aspecting other things to change when what needs to change is your outlook on the situation.